Clean eating...



  • Is trying to avoid processed foods.

    It wont help you lose weight - calories are calories.

    Basically - make your own tea with no ingredients from a jar.

    No, calories aren't all equal ("caloreis are calores") ~ clean calories actually assist the body with optimal functionality, processed (unlcean) calories don't have any benefit to the body (or the cells). There is a huge difference in many calories. Example: Eating an avocodo which is high in fat and calories as apposed to eathing a doughnut which is also high in fat and calories - which one do you think is doing the body good? The doughnut is hindering the cells, the digestiion and the the colon whereas the avocodo is benefiting all.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    This expression BUGS THE HELL OUT OF ME!!!!!!!

  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Is trying to avoid processed foods.

    It wont help you lose weight - calories are calories.

    Basically - make your own tea with no ingredients from a jar.

    No, calories aren't all equal ("caloreis are calores") ~ clean calories actually assist the body with optimal functionality, processed (unlcean) calories don't have any benefit to the body (or the cells). There is a huge difference in many calories. Example: Eating an avocodo which is high in fat and calories as apposed to eathing a doughnut which is also high in fat and calories - which one do you think is doing the body good? The doughnut is hindering the cells, the digestiion and the the colon whereas the avocodo is benefiting all.

    You seem to have endowed almost magical "good" and "evil" properties to foods.

    There are many reasons I would prefer and avocado to a doughnut...but I'm pretty sure the idea of a doughnut "hindering the cells," isn't supportable in science.
  • I personally don't like the term clean food. It seems to mean something different to everyone you ask. Not all processing is bad in my opinion. I mean do clean eaters press their own olive oil and grind their own flour? Even some basic foods need some processing.
  • Is trying to avoid processed foods.

    It wont help you lose weight - calories are calories.

    Basically - make your own tea with no ingredients from a jar.

    No, calories aren't all equal ("caloreis are calores") ~ clean calories actually assist the body with optimal functionality, processed (unlcean) calories don't have any benefit to the body (or the cells). There is a huge difference in many calories. Example: Eating an avocodo which is high in fat and calories as apposed to eathing a doughnut which is also high in fat and calories - which one do you think is doing the body good? The doughnut is hindering the cells, the digestiion and the the colon whereas the avocodo is benefiting all.

    You seem to have endowed almost magical "good" and "evil" properties to foods.

    There are many reasons I would prefer and avocado to a doughnut...but I'm pretty sure the idea of a doughnut "hindering the cells," isn't supportable in science.

    I'm "pretty sure" it is definitely supported in science. If you have ever taken any nutritional courses, there is mounds of "scientific" support standing behind the "scientific" results on the cells of the body from eating a doughnut as apposed to an avocodo, you just have to want to find it.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Is trying to avoid processed foods.

    It wont help you lose weight - calories are calories.

    Basically - make your own tea with no ingredients from a jar.

    No, calories aren't all equal ("caloreis are calores") ~ clean calories actually assist the body with optimal functionality, processed (unlcean) calories don't have any benefit to the body (or the cells). There is a huge difference in many calories. Example: Eating an avocodo which is high in fat and calories as apposed to eathing a doughnut which is also high in fat and calories - which one do you think is doing the body good? The doughnut is hindering the cells, the digestiion and the the colon whereas the avocodo is benefiting all.

    You seem to have endowed almost magical "good" and "evil" properties to foods.

    There are many reasons I would prefer and avocado to a doughnut...but I'm pretty sure the idea of a doughnut "hindering the cells," isn't supportable in science.

    I'm "pretty sure" it is definitely supported in science. If you have ever taken any nutritional courses, there is mounds of "scientific" support standing behind the "scientific" results on the cells of the body from eating a doughnut as apposed to an avocodo, you just have to want to find it.
    I'd love to see some. Please, cite a few peer-reviewed studies, that I may be enlightened.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Is trying to avoid processed foods.

    It wont help you lose weight - calories are calories.

    Basically - make your own tea with no ingredients from a jar.

    Actually clean eating (avoiding processed foods and using wholesome ingredients to cook meals whenever possible) is most definately helps in weight loss as well as general health because most processed out of a box foods are laden with tons of sodium, sugar in about 50 different forms and trans fats. Although the ingredients used in them may have resembled whole food at one point, they are so overprocessed that most nutrients have been lost during processing.

    Calories are NOT calories in how the food that the calories come from benefits your body.

    Everything you put in your mouth either makes you more healthy or less healthy overall in small doses.

    Again people, you seriously have a problem if you think eating 600 calories of doritos has the same effect that eating the same amount of calories of a good steak and some fruits and veggies does. Clean food doesnt have to be tasteless. You have to learn about spices and how to flavour things with good ingredients and fats. After a while of eating clean, McDonalds cheeseburgers taste like nothing but salty grease and fruits actually start to taste sweet again instead of tasting like cardboard in comparison with that snickers bar.

    And Im not saying to never eat doritoes. I like them. but I limit them. because they are nothing but processed junk food with little nutritional value. If you were to be lost on a desert island with nothing but doritos you'd eventually be suffering from every nutrient deficiency known.
  • kcallas88
    kcallas88 Posts: 192
    You eat all your meals in the bathtub.

    Wouldn't that be dirty?

    Uh, no. I clean my bathtub beforehand, and I use Sensa instead of Comet so it maximizes my results.


    Ha made my day!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Is trying to avoid processed foods.

    It wont help you lose weight - calories are calories.

    Basically - make your own tea with no ingredients from a jar.

    No, calories aren't all equal ("caloreis are calores") ~ clean calories actually assist the body with optimal functionality, processed (unlcean) calories don't have any benefit to the body (or the cells). There is a huge difference in many calories. Example: Eating an avocodo which is high in fat and calories as apposed to eathing a doughnut which is also high in fat and calories - which one do you think is doing the body good? The doughnut is hindering the cells, the digestiion and the the colon whereas the avocodo is benefiting all.

    You seem to have endowed almost magical "good" and "evil" properties to foods.

    There are many reasons I would prefer and avocado to a doughnut...but I'm pretty sure the idea of a doughnut "hindering the cells," isn't supportable in science.

    I'm "pretty sure" it is definitely supported in science. If you have ever taken any nutritional courses, there is mounds of "scientific" support standing behind the "scientific" results on the cells of the body from eating a doughnut as apposed to an avocodo, you just have to want to find it.

    The same question comes up here all of the time.
    The same response..."Show me science based evidence."
    The same counter...basically, it's out there, go find it.

    Be a hero to all clean eating proponents on this site. Be the first one to support the notion of doughnuts "hindering the cells," through science. I've looked and failed.
  • stacysabaka
    stacysabaka Posts: 10 Member
    You eat all your meals in the bathtub.

    Funny! Too Funny!
  • LadyRoff
    LadyRoff Posts: 56 Member
    This expression BUGS THE HELL OUT OF ME!!!!!!!


  • LadyRoff
    LadyRoff Posts: 56 Member
    You put certain foods on a naughty list, and you have to feel bad about yourself if you eat them.

    Thanks all!

    I think the above is how it would make me feel, i already have a really bad relationship with food that i am trying to sort out, so for now im going to carry on eating what i want, but alot less of it.
