Roasted vegetables - weigh before or after?

In checking the database for logging my foods I've noticed a difference in raw, steamed and roasted etc. So do you weight these vegetables before you cook them (what ever the method) or after?? Also the same for different kinds of meat - do you weigh before you cook or after?


  • Weighing before will negate any discrepency created by the lose of water weight depending on temp, time, and method of cooking.
  • NaurielR
    NaurielR Posts: 426 Member
    Weight before you cook. When you cook a food, you lose weight due to water loss. This water loss varies because people cook their foods to a different doneness, or have an oven the cooks differently, or cook it for a different amount of time (things like that). It's far more accurate to weigh raw items
  • Weighing the raw pre-cooked ingredients and then adding in any extra calories contributed to the cooking of said ingredients will give you the most accurate values.