Are you hungrier bfore/during/after your TOM?



  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Thanks for the info guys! I appreciate it! Ill try to stay away when TOM comes along to wreak your life. I want to beat TOM with a very large stick.

    Try treating your roomie like a princess when TOM comes around. It certainly helps us feel better when we're miserable and being catered to :)

    If you can think of the absolute worse gas cramp you've ever had very close to your nether regions, and times it by 10, you'll have an inkling of what a menstrual cramp is like for us. If that doesn't make you want to baby your roomie, nothing will, lol

    Oh, and carry that pain non stop for at least 3 days, and you'll understand why we go into an uncontrollable rage.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I've also heard that women burn more/need more calories during their TOM. Anyone have a link to any articles about this? I'd like to get to the bottom of it and find out if it's a myth, or if it's really true? :huh:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    My roomate will get no special treatment. She treats me like crap more often than not. I dont even know exactly when her TOM is. Or even if she still has one. She is on that once every year or something like that arm insert. She is just all around B**** Don't know what her problem is. Im trying to justify it by saying its TOM but I doubt it. Do the arm insert things really do weird things to you?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I've never even heard of an arm insert. I've heard of shots and BC patches, but I don't know of any other thing that would go on or in arm.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Birth control? I may be mistaken. Oh thats right its a shot. Ok yeah.
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Birth control? I may be mistaken. Oh thats right its a shot. Ok yeah.

    They still use the 5 year arm inserts....but that is different then a Depo shot....both can make you crazy though...I took Depo a long time ago...yikes is all I can say about that!!:indifferent:

    You need new roomate.....that's terrible.
  • nursestewart
    nursestewart Posts: 229 Member
    Sounds like your roommate has Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. (PMDD) Can be a serious problem for some women.

    Literally tell her to take a chill pill and have to 2 chocolate chip cookie. LOL!

    I want to eat everything 2 weeks before TOM during the ovulation time and then I could go without eating until the day before TOM and I could eat anything and everything that was not nailed down, then I am fine.....LOL!
  • jdurham87
    jdurham87 Posts: 62
    I think I'm a little late on this topic but I wanted to put my two cents in. hehe! Anyways...I have the arm instert thingy (implanon) and the first 6 months I didn't have a period (which isn't what happenes for most women). It didn't do anything weird for me like make me more moody or emotional but I did want to eat eat eat! And I gained 80 pounds in a year and a half. I was told before getting this instered that I will probably gain weight and I said "nah! i have enough will power!" Yeah...guess I was wrong. But finally my over-eating splurge has ended and I'm finally on the right track.
  • jdurham87
    jdurham87 Posts: 62
    I know how to spell insert..idk why I put an extra t in