People that judge us...

taliar93 Posts: 111 Member
So, I was in the checkout line an hour ago at a shopping centre, a man walked right behind me with his wife and kid, he looked at a tank top I was holding, turns to his wife, does a condescending snort, and says "There's no way SHE'S a size 16" ...

It stung for a moment, I won't lie, It's the first time someone has been so outwardly rude about my weight since school. I turned around gave him the absolute meanest look I could muster, about to call him every name under the sun, but before I could, he grabbed his wife by the back of the neck roughly, and pulls him towards her like he was gonna knock her teeth out. I froze, after seeing that, and that he's a good 3 inches shorter than me, and 20lb at least bigger, I remembered what I used to say to myself through high school, that obviously his life must be pretty awful to feel like he can only validate himself by hurting somebody else, Me and his wife included in that, but then I realized he's just an insecure piece of S**t.

So to the "Man" that's 40+ years old, and has a terrible case of A-Hole syndrome and like's to abuse his wife in public, in front of your child that's too young to talk, Joke's on you, the top did fit me thanks very muchly :)

I just figured I'd post this so anybody that's experienced something similar as of late could vent. :heart:


  • JessikaBlayne
    Ugh it makes me sick when people do that :l. And lately whenever i read something like this it almost always is a man. I dont understand people now adays. its just sickening and makes me worry what the next generation will turn out to be
  • taliar93
    taliar93 Posts: 111 Member
    Couldn't agree with you more Jess, I think men are more inclined to be jerks to women because 99% of the time a woman won't turn react, I just wish my 6"1' Hubby was there xD would have been a bit different then :drinker:
  • rockangel8907
    rockangel8907 Posts: 429 Member
    Wow what an asswipe. I feel horrible for his wife, and anything you said or did she would have paid for when they got home.
  • taliar93
    taliar93 Posts: 111 Member
    So true Angel! people like that are honestly a waste of space in my opinion.
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    Full grown bully needs a full blown *kitten* whoopin'. He keeps that up in public and he will get it. Not from you, cause you're a lady!
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    Stab them with something!

    You know, in the hood.. people have been killed for a whole lot less than that...

  • Rockytop_relic
    Rockytop_relic Posts: 208 Member
    I'd never do that but if I did my wife would kill me. He'll get his someday, trust me.
  • taliar93
    taliar93 Posts: 111 Member
    Full grown bully needs a full blown *kitten* whoopin'. He keeps that up in public and he will get it. Not from you, cause you're a lady!

    Hehe love it! one day he will seriously say it to the wrong woman, her huge male friend/husband/brother/whatever will come up and he'll get the hiding of his life ;) especially in this city.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Really shocked to read this. I'd ask whether you made an attempt to call the police, but truth is, they wouldn't have made it there in time to do anything, and even if they had, the wife would have been humiliated and angry at you and would have blamed you or accused you of lying. I too wish you husband had been there. I know mine would have wanted to intervene, and probably would have.

    THAT guy is a bully. A real one who harms people with his words and his hands.

    I'm very sorry you had to be subjected to that and had to witness that.
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    Bet he was jealous you had more to offer than his woman.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    So sorry this happened to you. I think you handled it very well. Rude people are everywhere. Hugs.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I am so sorry that you experienced that. I know where you have been. I know how truly wrong it can be. I hope you don't mind, but I would like to share my blog with you. The woman that I wrote about knew the pain of what you have described all too well. The looks, the snide under-the-breath remarks, the vicious attacks. I would tell you her story here but it is quite long so I am posting the link. Thank you.
  • taliar93
    taliar93 Posts: 111 Member
    Loving the input from the men! Nice to know that there are actually some decent guys out there,

    I would have called but he booked it out of the mall before they would have even got there, and nothing would have been done anyway.

    *Hugs* to everyone who's read this :flowerforyou:
  • taliar93
    taliar93 Posts: 111 Member
    I am so sorry that you experienced that. I know where you have been. I know how truly wrong it can be. I hope you don't mind, but I would like to share my blog with you. The woman that I wrote about knew the pain of what you have described all too well. The looks, the snide under-the-breath remarks, the vicious attacks. I would tell you her story here but it is quite long so I am posting the link. Thank you.

    Thanks heaps for the link I'm reading as I type (well not really but it's in the next tab)

    I think everyone who's been either overweight/underweight or really just existed has experienced some type of bully,
    It's so refreshing though not to sit here and automatically want to go to that beautiful temptress comfort food :heart:
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    What in the everloving fuch???? I don't know what I would have said or done, but I would have been PISSED. I'm sorry this happened to you. Congrats on handling it with dignity, I might be calling someone to post bail right now if I were you.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I am so sorry that you experienced that. I know where you have been. I know how truly wrong it can be. I hope you don't mind, but I would like to share my blog with you. The woman that I wrote about knew the pain of what you have described all too well. The looks, the snide under-the-breath remarks, the vicious attacks. I would tell you her story here but it is quite long so I am posting the link. Thank you.

    Thanks heaps for the link I'm reading as I type (well not really but it's in the next tab)

    I think everyone who's been either overweight/underweight or really just existed has experienced some type of bully,
    It's so refreshing though not to sit here and automatically want to go to that beautiful temptress comfort food :heart:

    That's the best part about this site. It's a virtual support group full of people that can totally relate. My friends help me so much, not just with diet and fitness, but with personal matters of the heart too. I love them and this site so much!
  • taliar93
    taliar93 Posts: 111 Member
    I am so sorry that you experienced that. I know where you have been. I know how truly wrong it can be. I hope you don't mind, but I would like to share my blog with you. The woman that I wrote about knew the pain of what you have described all too well. The looks, the snide under-the-breath remarks, the vicious attacks. I would tell you her story here but it is quite long so I am posting the link. Thank you.

    Thanks heaps for the link I'm reading as I type (well not really but it's in the next tab)

    I think everyone who's been either overweight/underweight or really just existed has experienced some type of bully,
    It's so refreshing though not to sit here and automatically want to go to that beautiful temptress comfort food :heart:

    That's the best part about this site. It's a virtual support group full of people that can totally relate. My friends help me so much, not just with diet and fitness, but with personal matters of the heart too. I love them and this site so much!

    That's exactly what got me onto this site, a huge support network of people that when they say "I know how you feel" actually mean it, because they've all been through the same crap, I read your blog, it was beautiful :heart:
  • mtfr810
    mtfr810 Posts: 136 Member
    That kind of an a-hole is really not worth your time. I know that's easier said than done, but he's a POS and his thoughts are not work anything to you. Be proud of yourself and leave it at that!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I am so sorry that you experienced that. I know where you have been. I know how truly wrong it can be. I hope you don't mind, but I would like to share my blog with you. The woman that I wrote about knew the pain of what you have described all too well. The looks, the snide under-the-breath remarks, the vicious attacks. I would tell you her story here but it is quite long so I am posting the link. Thank you.

    Thanks heaps for the link I'm reading as I type (well not really but it's in the next tab)

    I think everyone who's been either overweight/underweight or really just existed has experienced some type of bully,
    It's so refreshing though not to sit here and automatically want to go to that beautiful temptress comfort food :heart:

    That's the best part about this site. It's a virtual support group full of people that can totally relate. My friends help me so much, not just with diet and fitness, but with personal matters of the heart too. I love them and this site so much!

    That's exactly what got me onto this site, a huge support network of people that when they say "I know how you feel" actually mean it, because they've all been through the same crap, I read your blog, it was beautiful :heart:

    Thank you.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Ugh, what a wanker!