lost motivation...help!



  • es358
    es358 Posts: 1
    Don't eat just salads!! I let myself eat what I want, but I have to be conscious of how many calories I'm having and do my best to keep under that goal. Today I had a burger and fries, but I also was careful at breakfast and tried to be good at dinner so as to not gain, but at least maintain by keeping close to my daily goal.

    In my opinion, the key to losing weight isn't about cutting out everything but salad or super healthy things. It's about moderation, or learning how to limit certain things in certain occasions. When I cut out something, I want to run back to it on hard/stressful days.

    I hope my rambling is at least making some sense and helps in some little way. Either way, best wishes to you!
  • shonovo
    shonovo Posts: 104
    Congratulations on losing 55 lbs, you look great!!! Keep going, and every time you see a donut, and mac and cheese, just think that's what got me fat in the first place. If that doesn't help, try this other site, it's a food & exercise Planner, it helps you see what you are eating and how many calories you are putting in your body. It also helps you keep track of your exercise. Say for instance, you didn't have time to put in that 55 minute workout video, but you walked with your dog, or children, you can log in walking for 2 mph. and it will tell you how many calories you've burned just for walking and it will probably give you incentive to do more walks next time. Let me know how it works for you. WebMD, then look for living healthy, look to your right, click on WebMD Food & Exercise planner and register, its absolutely FREE.

    thanks sooo much!! i will definitely check it out :)
  • shonovo
    shonovo Posts: 104
    I went through that loss of motivation as well and ended up gaining 10 pounds back binging when I was only 22 pounds from my goal. What helped me was to find someone I could be accountable to for a while who could push me when I was having trouble pushing myself. And also turning to exercise and warm tea every time I started craving food helped as well.

    You can do it. You've come this far. Hold on and I'm certain you'll find your motivation again.

    thanks! wow u really were in same boat as me! ive gained 4 lbs back so far and i dont wanna gain anymore... i have my nutritionist... but ive had her all along maybe somoene new to be accountable to might help... thanks :)
  • By the way, I lost 10lbs and the month hasn't ended yet. Try this, you'll love it.
  • I started this WebMD, on Jan. 4th.
  • You have so much support here!

    Sometimes you need to give into a craving, or modify your craving so you don't feel like you completely went downhill. Allow yourself some room for error. Just keep on going once you get that urge out of the way.

    I like to mix up frozen bananas and cinnamon and eat it with dark chocolate :D
  • sumjoy
    sumjoy Posts: 84 Member
    That happened to me, too. I found pictures in my daughter's online photo album from 4 and 5 years ago. When I saw them then, they didn't seem so bad, but now that I've lost as much as I have there is no way I ever want to look like that again. Now I can look at the food and calories and remind myself what happens when I eat more than I should.

    I had another motivational surge over the weekend while watching YouTube videos of dancing. I want my legs to look nice and toned so I can wear shorts and dresses that show them off. They are not there now. It was enough to send me to the gym on a day I didn't feel like going.

    My progress bar is not accurate because I didn't start my weight loss with mfp. I've lost about 40 pounds since 2008. The fat picture in my profile is from 2010 after I had lost 25 pounds.

  • jelr
    jelr Posts: 98 Member
    I think find a way to fit it in yur calories for the day, or hell if you don't screw it and eat what you are craving anyway. Don't Binge but treat yourself. You have worked hard and it is a lifestyle change not a diet. So find ways to give yourself those little things when they pop into your head. Everything in moderation and you are fine, the goal isn't to forever kiss those things goodbye but learn how to incorporate them into your new lifestyle that doesn't make you feel like all is lost. You got this now go have your treat and if it screws up today's food goals oh well tomorrow is another day and most likely by the end of the week as long as you take it in moderation it will balance out.

    my problem is moderation though.... i am a food addict and i have a very strong tendency to binge... it is most definitely best when i stay away from these trigger foods bc once i let one in my mouth barriers are down and thats it...i need to find starches that arent trigger foods... for me that is popcorn and vitatops... but somtimes i want more and thats when things go down....

    How about you make a small batch of something like macaroni and cheese from scratch. Find a recipe figure out how many servings it makes and modify the recipe so all you make is the one serving to satisfy the craving. You get your treat without any extras to tease yourself with. If you buy candy, cookies, or something of that nature and pre-portion it as soon as you get it home. I find if I have a box or bag full of something it is harder to stop myself. If I make my own portioned snack bags I tend to grab my one bag walk away from the area and go sit down and enjoy my treat without really being drawn to over doing it. I also log things before I eat them, that way I account for just that and don't want to sneak additional bites of anything.
  • Think about why you are feeling this need now. Many of us eat emotionally, and for you, something triggered the change in motivation. Broken heart? Trouble at work? Feeling unappreciated? Get to the bottom of it. Be sure to get moving and work out. Getting the blood pumping is empowering. Good luck.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Think about why you are feeling this need now. Many of us eat emotionally, and for you, something triggered the change in motivation. Broken heart? Trouble at work? Feeling unappreciated? Get to the bottom of it. Be sure to get moving and work out. Getting the blood pumping is empowering. Good luck.

    ^^ This ^^

    Do some soul searching to try to get to the cause of your desire to comfort yourself with food. Willpower will only get you so far, if you can eliminate the reasons why you feel the need to use food as a distraction, you can pretty much guarantee long-term & permanent success.
  • shonovo
    shonovo Posts: 104
    thanks so much everyone! i know exactly what it is... my co workers dont appreciate me... i just graduated college and started my first job... i feel i can never do enough at work... i did recently end a serious relationship and that might have triggered things but those things arent really changing so how can i change how i deal with them??
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    thanks so much everyone! i know exactly what it is... my co workers dont appreciate me... i just graduated college and started my first job... i feel i can never do enough at work... i did recently end a serious relationship and that might have triggered things but those things arent really changing so how can i change how i deal with them??

    ...ACCEPTANCE. Once you learn to accept things as they ARE, without mentally adding a bunch of "poor me" dialog, your suffering will cease. It's not easy, it takes practice and more practice. But practice strengthens your ability to accept life as it comes and determine if you need to change yourself and/or your thinking for the better. Your thoughts are the only things you have the power to change--that is all that is required.
  • MrFrodo
    MrFrodo Posts: 6 Member
    I am in the same place you are and I am freaked out I will gain back weight. I hit my goal weight last September (after losing 50 lbs) and was maintaining, exercising and eating properly. I survived the holidays still on track, and then I lost my workout partner, things became extremely crazy at work (and still are) and to make things worse I literally cannot get into my gym because it's packed with folks that sign up as a new year resolution. It will slow down again the end of Feb - just not sure what kind of shape I will be by that time! Anyway, I have gained 5 lbs back and don't feel the same motivation to eat right. If I were working out it might not be as bad...Determined that I would not let Feb go down like January did, I left work early yesterday to get to gym early before the 'after work' crowd gets there but even at 4pm it was same thing again - people standing around waiting for weights and treadmills and bikes - so again, I left angry and even more de-motivated. I am learning working out is a large part of my mental motivation. Without it I am kind of lost. I can't recreate what I do at the gym elsewhere - I am a runner and I live in MI (its snowing outside) and I don't have any weights at home heavier than 5 lbs...

    My advice is to be patient and know that your coworkers will come to appreciate you in time, maybe even extend the olive branch by doing little things so they know how much you appreciate them. It will be worth it when they come around and begin treating you with more respect. If you can bump up your exercise progream or change it up it may help. :smile:
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    No one can motivate you but you. You have to sit down and have a talk with yourself. Either you're in or you're out. Fitness isn't something you just do for x amount of time then buckle when you have a craving for something. It's a lifestyle and until you're willing to adopt that lifestyle you will always relapse back into old habits.

    One thing that's always helped me when working out is looking out the window at everyone driving or walking around. I say to myself "this is what separates me from them". If it were easy, then everyone would be doing it.

    You have to learn to be strong. Sure you can come here and maybe get a small piece of motivation, but what about next month when you have another craving? Are you going to use others as a crutch and be dependent on others coddling you to keep you going? This game is all about discipline and determination to be the best you can inside and out. It's a skill just like anything else that you hone throughout time. Good luck.