really need some support!! PLEASE HELP



  • Okay thanks! What foods can I eat that will make me stay full longer and are tasty as well (so I don't crave sugar/sweets after)?
  • kazmurphblin
    kazmurphblin Posts: 114 Member
    Again, thanks everyone. I really appreciate your help/support. I know that I'm not obese, but I don't feel comfortable in my body and that is really my goal here. I've been doing yoga around 3 times a week but I'm not seeing significant results. I guess my question here is if any strategy to control cravings or overeating have particularly helped and what foods I should be eating. I eat fairly healthily - lots of fruits, veggies, and nuts. It's always at night that I crave sweets - I seem to always want cookies/brownies/chocolate....

    Try something more cardio/strength training. Lights weight will add tone and a little muscle, this will 'Eat' yoga is great but not particularly good for loosing weight. Too see significant results you need to excersise 5 times a week so you can still do your yoga on your days in between do something else, can I suggest the 30 days shred? I had good results from that. Good luck please dont eat less than 1200 just do more.
  • kazmurphblin
    kazmurphblin Posts: 114 Member
    Okay thanks! What foods can I eat that will make me stay full longer and are tasty as well (so I don't crave sugar/sweets after)?

    Meat and veg!! sounds obvious but yes what ever you eat it needs to be grown or to have been running around at some point, if you go for carbs make it 'good' carbs wholemeal variety. Google healthy receipes and find something to your taste. good luck! x
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    I will plan on eating 1,200 calories per day! However, WHAT foods should I be eating? I always try to eat healthy, but I crave sugary things. I just don't know how to control my hunger. After I eat an apple, I am still starving and look for fattening foods to fill me up. Then, after one cookie, I decide that I've failed and might as well eat a dozen more... I'm really trying to change this habit, but it is really difficult to stop.

    As for protein, I don't eat much meat, but I will occasionally eat lean protein like chicken or salmon. Is it OK for me to eat some sweets and fattening foods once in a while so I don't crave them so much? I actually do pretty well in the drinks department. I don't really drink anything other than water and unsweetened tea.

    The foods that I just really can't resist are sweets and desserts.

    I have such a sweet tooth and I make sure to work in some sort of sweets daily. I'd suggest doing the same for you. You're on the right track if you can eat chicken and fish.....great protein....add it daily, if possible. Save a couple hundred calories for your sweets. There are tons of low cal sweets if you check out the recipes message boards. Something I've found that I love for a snack: Fiber One Cereal Squares!! I have the chocolate kind right now! It's 80 calories for 3/4 cups! Love it!
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    For protein you could make several hard boiled eggs and keep them in the fridge. String cheese, natural peanut butter, or almond butter would be good, too. Try to have one of those things with a piece of fruit. You could also make a protein shake. You can get protein powder at the grocery store (usually in the health food section) or from a vitamin/supplement shop. Mix up a scoop of that with a banana and some frozen berries and water.
    You could also easily cook up a batch of turkey burgers and that way you'll have enough for three or four days. Heat one up in the microwave and wrap it with lettuce.
    Another good snack is hummus and veggies. A sandwich that I really is 2 tbsp of hummus and a pile of shredded carrots and zucchini on Sara Lee 12 Grain Hearty & Delicious bread. It's only 300 cal.

    I hope this helps!