What is your problem?!

That's all I want to scream at myself. Even after writing x amount of times, putting it on my profile, it didn't click till just now. at my heaviest (before prego) I was at 230. been in the 200's since I was 12. I bought Beachbody Debbie Seibbers Slim in 6 from the infomercial. I had no idea what a calorie was. carbs, anything. just stayed away from fast food, junk food, sod obvious things. I even took 19 diet pills cause I didn't know better at the time. (know better now) The dvd set came, I think there was 6, but I only ever did the first disc start it up. did it for 6 months, lost 24 lbs, 40 inches. went from a 32 to a 14.

That. I keep saying that, keep writing that, and I forget that this is a slow progress. I was thrilled, dancing on a toilet seat happy with that. And now, here I am, feeling down about my weight. Been sick for a few weeks and even gained back some weight I lost when I first joined.

Then, I see all these success stories about people weighing 200 to 300 pounds more than me when they started, had some medical problems. and they reached their goals. All I want to do is punch myself in the back of the head and yell,

"what's wrong with you? Other than an pneumonia, you're fine! get you *kitten* up! you did it before, do it now! it took 6 months to lose that weight, but for 6 months you did it! put your big girl panties on and do it again!"

So, I need to shake myself outta this funk. anyone wanna give a cyber slap and yell at me to get up too? i'd appreciate it.

And to you, you frickin awesome success story writers, i'm sorry for being such a total douche bag by thinking all this pity me BS. Thank you for being awesome.:drinker:


  • desness
    desness Posts: 13 Member
    I feel your pain, I've been stuck here for over a year now, and I cannot seem to get past this plateau (if anything I've gained back some of what l just worked so hard to lose.) I have just about put on allthe lbs i lost since i joined, including the inch on my waist, andi feel ashamed and devistated.

    I actually use the same program as you (still just use start it up, sometimes i try to use the others, but i stick to what i can handle ) I cant seem to eat enough calories or the RIGHT ones, and then theres days i over eat and dont exercise.

    To be honest sometimes i hate getting on here, seeing everyones progress or workout sessions and wonder why i cant push myself or restrain myself daily. But you need to remember it takes small steps to makebig changes, and everyones different.

    Maybe sit back and take an overall look at your situation and plan something realistic, little things like no food after 8pm, and at least walk around the block once a day... these things add up over time.

    Good luck love, hopefully we can get through this hurdle.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I am so with you on the pity party. I have been on MFP for almost a year and have only lost 27 lbs. I see people on here who have lost twice that in half the time, and I just want to curl up and cry.

    But there is also the fact that a lot of that is on me (ok, all of it is on me), I could be working out more, I could be eating less. But I am trying to do this in a way that I will be able to maintain and stick with, and if I go to extremes I know I will not stick with it. So it has been slow and steady wins the race.

    I feel 100 times better than I did when I started, and I am starting to see myself as thinner (which I think is the hardest part, looking in my mirror and seeing what I actually look like, not how my brain still sees my body, exactly the same as before I lost the weight).
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I still use start it up, and I just got a new program, and was so stoked to use it until I got sick. now, i'm kind of scared to even look at it. I do feel a bit down when I see the 100 lbs in 5 months, but then I think, back to the topic what's your problem? get your *kitten* up! I don't have any excuse why I shouldn't be like that. I don't have a job so hours aren't the issue, I have a gym membership and work out dvds. so, i'm done with all this pity party BS. i'm gonna be that success story. it may be 5 months, It may be over a year, but dammit i'm gonna be one!
  • bubpuff
    bubpuff Posts: 16 Member
    :O I have Debbie's video too! I tried it multiple times but couldn't stick with it. I probably could now after going on MFP but I have a gym pass at my school. I think I'll "Start it Up" again in the summer though. Heh. :P Hope you feel better, and good for you for getting re-motivated :)
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    i'm gonna try to do that along with my gym. if I can get through it, and the new 90 work out set I got, i'm gonna get the brazilin butt lift set. gook luck to you as well :)
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    I'm on here all the time, Mer, so if you ever need to talk/motivation, let me know! I know what rough days feel like. I'm super type A and will go Evander Holyfield on myself for even taking time off for a cold, so I feel you there! It's like, if I'm not working TOWARDS my goal, I'm walking away from it. It's hard to remind myself that I'm doing this so I feel BETTER and HEALTHIER, and not waiting until I'm well enough to exercise is basically the exact opposite of taking care of myself. But its true! My uncle told me the other day, "It's a marathon, not a sprint" and man that sucks to hear. But it's also true. Know that you did this once before, and every time you have to do it over, it seems like it's twice as hard, but it is also twice as rewarding because YOU got back on that pony, YOU are continuing to bust your *kitten* and nothing/no one can take that away from you but you. So don't. You are awesome, and you got this!
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I'm on here all the time, Mer, so if you ever need to talk/motivation, let me know! I know what rough days feel like. I'm super type A and will go Evander Holyfield on myself for even taking time off for a cold, so I feel you there! It's like, if I'm not working TOWARDS my goal, I'm walking away from it. It's hard to remind myself that I'm doing this so I feel BETTER and HEALTHIER, and not waiting until I'm well enough to exercise is basically the exact opposite of taking care of myself. But its true! My uncle told me the other day, "It's a marathon, not a sprint" and man that sucks to hear. But it's also true. Know that you did this once before, and every time you have to do it over, it seems like it's twice as hard, but it is also twice as rewarding because YOU got back on that pony, YOU are continuing to bust your *kitten* and nothing/no one can take that away from you but you. So don't. You are awesome, and you got this!
    I almost cried that speech was so good. I like that. it's a marathon, not a sprint. And yup, got back on the pony. think i'm gonna head out now and bust my *kitten*. thanks :)
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    Anytime! I'm an ENFP personality type, aka "The Cheerleader". It's what we're good at! lol
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Never go down without a fight.
  • Well, I don't think you need another slap to the face since you sound very motivated now - just keep it up! Don't worry about the pneumonia - it will pass and it is important to take it easy so you can get healthy. Once you get healthy, you get right back up and start again. When it gets tough, good, it's supposed to be tough, but let that motivate you further. Sometimes when I fall into a funk where I don't practice healthy eating habits, I just remember that unhappiness, or guilt I felt and it is usually enough to remind me to eat good food and exercise. The feeling of accomplishment and being healthy is the most motivating feeling I could ever ask for. : ) Good luck - you can do it if you keep the right attitude! :flowerforyou:

    Also, your profile picture is my favorite on MFP so far.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member

    Also, your profile picture is my favorite on MFP so far.
    lol cant go wrong with zombies :laugh: and thanks. you're right. just need to keep this attitude