Please read this if you take Seroquel XR--I need help!



  • cottonta1l
    cottonta1l Posts: 33 Member
    Seroquel as a sleeping aid...? It's an anti psychotic. Granted it does knock you out, but nobody should be prescribing you it for that reason. See your doctor about changing to something else asap. Both me and one of my friends with bipolar have been prescribed that in the past, both absolutely hated it, both felt like zombies, both gained a lot of weight. In my experience it's impossible to control your eating when you're on it. Horrible drug.
  • eggomylegos
    eggomylegos Posts: 146 Member
    There is some frightening advice being offered here. Seroquel is absolutely a medication effectively used to treat insomnia. Drug companies cannot advertise its use for this purpose but doctors are allowed to prescribe it to patients who have not responded well to less severe alternatives or have additional symptoms which may receive benefit from the drug. You don't have to be psychotic to take Seroquel. I wasn't. I took it for 2 years for insomnia. It was the only medication that worked for me. I was miserable and unable to function until my doctor prescribed it.

    Yes Seroquel is known to cause weight gain in many (but not all) patients. It causes serious carb cravings within an hour or two of being taken. That side effect faded for me after a few months. I gainfd around 15 lbs and slowly lost that weight after getting accustomed to the weird hunger pangs.

    The best advice I can give, OP, is to take your concerns back to your doctor (or find a new one if yours is not responsive to your concerns) You may be able to explore additional options together. Seroquel is not the only medication out there which effectively treats insomnia. If it does not work for you, don't be afraid to keep looking until you find something better!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Actually, Seroquel is an anti-psychotic. Why on earth would your doctor prescribe something like that for sleep when there are other options out there without all the potential side effects?