Help... need to get back on diet

I started last year and lost nearly 30 pounds then everyone started noticing and it made me feel so self aware and embarrassed. I have been a yo yo dieter in the past and so my nerves got to me and I started eating later at night. I'm horrible. I am a stress eater. I avoided the scale till today and sadly put on 15 pounds. I knew that I had gained but didn't realize so much... stretchy clothes I guess. Anyhow, trying to get over the feelings of failure and start again. Any advice? Also has anyone else had the reaction of being embarrassed by the weight loss. It seemed to put so much pressure on me when people began to notice.


  • Hi Janglecat, I have never experienced the problem of being embarrassed of weight loss. The only feeling I've had during my weigh loss is happy that I can fit into nice clothes and the feeling of progress. I guess I've never felt peer pressure. This is your body, your health, and your journey. I think the attention you had received was positive attention. If they were friends and not hatters, it sounds like they were happy for you. That 30 lbs obviously made a difference 'cause they noticed it.

    I post something motivational for myself to remind myself this is my journey and my struggle. Today's message or quote was " strive for progress, not perfection. " Your still here so your amongst pals. The only way I was able to slow the swinging of my yo-yo was the constant logging. Even if I had bad logging, I never quit my journey.

    I think the attention was great. It showed your sacrifice & struggle to make a better you.
    Finish the journey.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    I've had a similar experience...

    I actually LOVED THE WAY I LOOK but HATED the attention. So gained like 8lbs back and realized I hated the way I look and rather deal with the comments. Its hard but how you feel is a bigger deal than what people say
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I started last year and lost nearly 30 pounds then everyone started noticing and it made me feel so self aware and embarrassed. I have been a yo yo dieter in the past and so my nerves got to me and I started eating later at night. I'm horrible. I am a stress eater. I avoided the scale till today and sadly put on 15 pounds. I knew that I had gained but didn't realize so much... stretchy clothes I guess. Anyhow, trying to get over the feelings of failure and start again. Any advice? Also has anyone else had the reaction of being embarrassed by the weight loss. It seemed to put so much pressure on me when people began to notice.

    Your weight gain does not make you a horrible person. Keep calm, and carry on. You're working to become healthier, dont feel pressured, just go at your own pace. x