Looking for friends!

Hey I'm Bethany:) I'm looking for some friends to help keep me on track! I've been dieting for a few months now and starting to get a little sick of it! Hopefully we can get to know one another and help give each other some motivation to lose weight/ get fitter!:)


  • lettybob
    lettybob Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Bethany,

    I'll be your pal - just did a similar post and am in a similar position so please add me if you like :wink:

    Am trying to up the ante insted of quit!

    Latoya :)
  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    You can add me Bethany. I've found a great group of friends on MFP-all very motivating people. Good luck!
  • JesterJoe
    Feel free to add me if you like. I've been doing this for about 2.5 months so far.