Challenges you face from others as you try to lose weight

Hi everyone,

I started my fitness journey back in November and have lost 22 lbs to date. At first started with just about 1 hour a day 5x week. I have since up my workouts to about 40 -60 minutes of cardio depending on the intensity. Currently i'm doing the Insanity 60 day program which is about 40 minutes. Throughout the day I try to keep moving though. So that means walking everywhere. I put on my earphone and walk to and from work and to any errands I need to run so approximately about 1.5 hours of brisk walking (and its even a bit harder because there is a lot of snow on the ground.) I don't usually take days of from exercising. I always want to keep moving so even on the recovery day for insanity which is mainly stretching I stll continue to walk. My roomates have complemented me on my dedication to lose weight but the also think i'm doing too much. I'm 5ft 6in and started off at 220 lbs. I don't feel like i'm overdoing it. I believe that it takes work and went from not exercising at all to now being very active. I at times feel lke they try to sabotage my progress. They are always baking (i mean every other day there will either make brownies, chocolate chip cookies, muffins, macaroons, you name it). And they would tell me i'm being to rigid and need to cheat once in a while. well i've been cheating for the longest while. That's how I got to where I am now. They don't need to lose as much weight as I do if any at all. Don't get me wrong, I love my roommates as sisters but they can be quite discouraging.

What challenges do you face?


  • patnj
    patnj Posts: 19 Member
    You are doing great!

    and I totally get it. My husband does all the cooking and he does a fabulous job. He has said that he is cooking light for years - but really not so much. Now he really is cooking light and it's much easier for me. Having said that - in the end - my weight was not because of his cooking style - it is because of what I put in my mouth and how little I moved to get rid of it. Once I lose this weight my big challenge will be to not over indulge every time there is something good in the house.
  • De7lu
    De7lu Posts: 7 Member
    One thing i have learned is to not receive negativity. Your health is involved and if only if I knew years ago what I know now. I am 53 years young and I love life but I am now faced with making better decisions about my eating and what I should and should not do. I have a bad knee and it is hard to excecise but I do. You are an inspiration and we are here for you. Keep moving, put your goal where it is visible at all times and do not be discouraged. Once you get to your desired weight those that are putting stumbling blocks in your way will want you to help them and you should. Be encouraged my weight loss friend. 22lbs - heck yes!! that is call for celebration!!
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    I can totally understand. It is especially hard at work since that is where the temptations creep in. My department has a Nutrition Table (and there is never anything healthy on this table) and they wanted to put this right by my cube. I said no to that, but the other location I have to walk by every day. So far, I have resisted everything they have thrown on there, including the Girl Scout cookies. Also, yesterday there were tons of treats around for someone's anniversary with the company and I didn't even get up and walk over there. I would have had to grab "just a bite", but I know I can't do that, only because I wouldn't stop at "just a bite".

    I know it is difficult, but you can do this! Chew gum or suck on mints and that will help you resist those temptations. Hang in there! You're doing a fantastic job so far!