Teenage girls!

I'm here for some support if theres anyone out there in a situation like mine. Im 5'5 and i weight 147, which isn't too bad. I recently gained 25 pounds in two months, I believe my metabolism finally slowed, so I'm determined to lose most of it. I struggle with compulsive eating, I think it's because I get bored too easy haha. I don't think of myself as fat, I have alot of muscle for my age because I play sports and kickbox sometimes, but I want to get rid of some fat.
Any other teenagers, or even adults, who are addicted to food? How can I beat this?


  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    stop being bored :)
    also, always have something snackable to eat when you ARE bored. strawberries, carrots, celery w. peanut butter, brussel sprouts, anything low-cal that can keep you busy without costing too many calories.
  • ♥dawnwestbury♥
    how old are you?

    i'm an adult but i eat compulsively! it sucks, i can be good all day/week but nights and weekends....i binge and binge!!! (well not since 3/1, i've only have a couple nights like that) its hard not to do, but for me i know if i stay up late i'm going to eat because i'll start watcing tv and then bam, i NEED food! try doing something else than what you usually do if you can!!

    good luck to you and i'm glad you dont think of yourself FAT!! you arent all but if you want to lose a few, nothing wrong with that!
  • ♥dawnwestbury♥
    zara11 is right BUT if you are like me and you BINGE on crap...try something like 100cal packs of the things you like. i could really eat a whole box of twinkes :-( yeah i know! so to from that to just eating carrots when that craving hits isnt going to work for me. so i just eat the 100 cal pack and i'm ok. eventually i WILL be able to have carrots or something instead of that but for now that is whats keeping me in line!!
  • ♥dawnwestbury♥
    zara11 is right BUT if you are like me and you BINGE on crap...try something like 100cal packs of the things you like. i could really eat a whole box of twinkes :-( yeah i know! so to from that to just eating carrots when that craving hits isnt going to work for me. so i just eat the 100 cal pack and i'm ok. eventually i WILL be able to have carrots or something instead of that but for now that is whats keeping me in line!!
  • ♥dawnwestbury♥
    or just look at zara pic, that will make anyone eat carrots and healthy snacks!!!!! :-)
  • chelsinicole
    Im only 15
    and i feel the same way! Im not even hungry but all I want is food! and I could eat a whole box of twinkies too unfortunately haha. But thanks for the idea of 100cal packs, because i have those. and i like fruits such as bananas and pears or grapes, so I will be strict on what I snack on from now on.
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    Its especially hard when you don't have control over what food is around you. I'm in my 20's but live on my own and eat very healthy. I went to visit my fiance and stayed 2 days with his family--I quickly realized how he got to be 40+lbs overweight. If there are junky, unhealthy, sugary or salty foods lying around, it's especially hard to fight the compulsion to eat them. After all, they're right there! Any everyone else in the house is eating them! There's nothing else, really.

    My advice is to go grocery shopping for yourself: buy chicken, brown rice, salad stuff, fruit, and healthy snacks (yogurt, plain popcorn, fruit sorbet). Stock yourself for a few days at a time and only eat YOUR food. If you keep doing this (think 6-8 weeks, minimum), you'll notice that you don't want to eat junk food when you see it.

    I used to love pizza. Pizza places deliver until midnight or later in NYC. I used to get a medium Hawaiian pizza all to myself, and eat the last slice or two for breakfast. I tried a piece of pizza last month and actually spit it out in my napkin. Your taste buds WILL change with time. You'll crave better foods. Don't give up and slide off the path. On my vacation I had to eat out several times (fast food, yuck!) and I now find myself craving potato chips and candy all over again. It's just not worth it.

    It's hard to practice self control, but it's ultimately worth it. In order to fuel your body, you need to know what's in your food. Preparing your own meals and logging them here are key steps to gaining that knowledge. All I can say is: give it a shot.