Is my Diary too low?

Hi All,

Wondered if someone could give me an opinion on my diary, a no holds barred opinion.

I am 30, I am a Nurse so on my feet 80%of the time and a mother to a 4 year old. I use a HRM when I work out at the gym.
I do c25k 2-3 times a week and two aerobics based classes on a Thursday.

My home scales say Im 14st 5lb, the gym scales say 14st exactly. I know I don't eat enough fruit and veg.
But I wonder now that I am working out if I am not eating enough? I have started wearing a fitbit and am surprised at my totals.
I worry if I eat back my exercise cals or even extra that it will just make me gain.

The weight I have lost so far, I think a lot of that is the fact I am more aware of what I am eating, incorporated exercise, coupled with more water intake and lady times if you know what I mean ;)

Tell me what to do folks.....