to avoid eating over my calorie amount

I am trying to stick under my calorie count for the day, including the exercise calories, but find myself failing daily because I am starving by the evening. This leads to me pigging out right before I go to bed. I do great all day long, but then by dinner I am so hungry my mind wont stop, even when my body is fed. Any suggestions on how to avoid the aching, burning, hungry, starving sensations and blow my calories to binging?


  • pamwhite712
    pamwhite712 Posts: 193 Member
    What is your daily calorie goal? Are you eating back the calories you expend during exercise?
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    You shouldn't be starving yourself to lose weight - what calorie goal are you aiming for, and how did you determine what goal to select?
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Save more of your calories for night time if that's when you're hungry. I only eat dinner because that's when I'm hungry. WHAT are you eating. Protein and fiber will keep you full much longer and for fewer calories than simple carbs. For example, lean chicken and steamed veggies will keep you full longer than a baked potatoes and cup of grapes.
  • juliesmithdiet
    I am eating when I am hungry now and find late evening is when I am most hungry so keep a nice portion of my daily allowance for then.
  • jbruced
    jbruced Posts: 210 Member
    I my experience two things seem to trigger the starving feeling you describe. One is there may be too large of a calorie deficit.
    Secondly, I think the quality of the calories you are taking in makes a difference. By that I mean the micro nutirents in the
    Foods you eat. Vitamins, minerals, isoflavones and other phytochemicals. In my opinion, if these things are missing from
    Your dietary intake your body will try to get them by signaling that it is hungry.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I feel like if you are actually hungry, you should eat something. You just have to make better choices. Maybe a big salad or a couple of scrambled eggs in the evening?
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I find that I have "hungry days", days that no matter what I eat or do I just feel hungry like an hour after I eat. This past Tuesday was one of those days for me. I had to use pure willpower (my hubby was eating Taco Bell right in front of me too!) I had 1/2c frozen yogurt, ate it SLOWLY and then went upstairs and did a Ab and Arms DVD. I also allow myself to go to bed hungry if I've already completed my food and exercise goal for the day. There's nothing wrong with just going to bed. Night time hunger is really caused more from boredom than actual hunger in my opinion. Next time, if you feel like you just HAVE to have something, drink a glass of ice water with Mio (those little squirt flavor things) or some pure lemon or try a handful of raw baby carrots, then go to bed!
  • Firestar98
    Firestar98 Posts: 30 Member
    What time are you going to bed? If you are hungry by 9-10PM perhaps you should go to bed rather than eat? This has worked for me in the past, and even worked fine for me last night.

    What also has helped me is I only drink water, so in the evening I'll down 16-24oz of water while watching TV. If all you are doing is creating an indentation in a cushion watching reality TV move to the bedroom and sleep the night away instead!
  • missjeevious
    missjeevious Posts: 83 Member
    if you haven't already, consider cutting out low-cal (i.e. high sugar, processed) foods- replace with real food that has fat in it. Since i've stopped eating low-fat foods i'm not having much problem- i eat peanut butter, cheese etc.. every day and it does keep me full.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    1) could be that you set your calorie level too low. According to the ticker on your profile, you don't have much to lose so a weekly weight loss goal of 1/2 pound is most healthy and realistic. Resetting to this lower goal will give you more daily calories to work with.

    2) quality of food. I'm a big fan of IIFYM (if it fits your macros) but I also know that if I try to eat a bunch of carbs and not enough lean protein and healthy fats, I'll be really hungry and have low energy. Pay attention to how you react to your food choices and try out different combinations to see what works best for you.

    3) size/timing of meals. I'll probably get flack for this but I think there really is something behind spreading your meals throughout the day. When I try to eat a sandwich and fruit for lunch I end up wanting to eat something else an hour or so later. So instead of eating them together, I have my sandwich then I eat my fruit when I start feeling hungry later. I'm a big time grazer because it works best for me. If you know you're going to want snacks at night, plan for that. Keep it light during the day and have healthy low cal snacks available.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Your ticker indicates you only have about 10lbs to lose. You should set your weight loss goal at half a pound a week. You should also be eating your exercise calories back if you aren't including them in your activity level. You may be under eating (and your body is telling you this) if you are more aggressive in your goals. When I was under eating I found myself much more likely to eat out of "boredom" and to binge on weekends and at night. Once I increased my calories, I didn't have that problem anymore.

    For more information:
  • kristinaleep
    kristinaleep Posts: 2 Member
    It is all about training your mind and your body. Save some calories for a late snack. I normally do a low sugar protein shake with almond milk. It makes me think I am getting dessert and satisfies me. Say you crave something at 10:00 every night., drink the shake or eat a snack but the following night move up the time by 15 mins and keep doing that until you train your mind and body that you don't need it.
  • FrauBleucher
    FrauBleucher Posts: 4 Member
    Sugar free jello I make the large box and keep it in the fridge. On nights when I just can't go to bed hungry, I start eating it and don't stop til I'm full. It's only ten calories per serving so you'd have to eat a boatload to hurt your goals. A little lite cool whip and I feel like I'm having a decadent dessert. Uh oh, time to boil some water, prolly gonna want some tonight
  • maggies902
    maggies902 Posts: 2 Member
    I have a big cup of herbal/detox tea after dinner/before bed. There are some yummy flavors out there with no caffeine. I add a stevia packet and it's just the right amount of sweetness. And I have to sip it because it's hot so it takes a long time to drink.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I try to eat a lower calorie lunch so that I can eat more for supper. I might have fish for lunch or hamburger and cabbage soup or zucchini soup or something like that and tide myself over by drinking more up till supper time instead of snacking. Then I will have a more filling meal at supper time. Cuz I am kinda the same way, get the most hungry at about supper time.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Before anyone can offer any constructive advice -

    What is your daily calorie goal?
    And are you eating back your exercise calories?

    It would also help if you could make your food diary public.
  • charliesgold
    charliesgold Posts: 235 Member
    For me a lot of how I feel at night depends on how I spend my calories in a day and what I eat. For example oatmeal is a lower cal breakfast but tides me over to lunch without using morning snacks. I also find that eating snacks that are food-like (I love Kahiki veggie egg rolls 90 cals with sauce) keeps me fuller than a bag of Chex mix or an apple. I always have a big meal at dinner which includes protein, carbs and veggies as well as something sweet - I have a crazy sweet tooth - and if I do it well I can have a cup of grapes before bed and be full - I mean FULL not still craving or thinking about food.

    A huge part of this journey is finding what works for you and your body. I am a carb and sugar craver so diets that work for some people may not make me feel as satisfied and for me being full AND satisfied with my food choices are both important. I don't believe in deprivation and I don't aim to be all lean muscle so my goals will differ from someone who does. I hope that helps!
  • nemelkb
    Thanks everyone for the posts.

    I have a 1200 calorie setting, plus some calories based on what I exercise and earn back. I exercise about 5 days a week.
    I eat really well. I have digestive problems, so only eat wholesome foods and avoid processed foods.

    For breakfast I eat two eggs sunny side up with some steamed vegetables or vegetable soup.
    For a morning snack I usually have one fruit, like an apple or something.
    For lunch I eat another protein like fish and have it accompanied with lots of steamed vegetables.
    For snack I will have a carb like cooked butternut squash, pumpkin, sweet potato and more vegetables.
    At this point I am starting to get really hungry and will have some nuts.
    At dinner, its the same as lunch.
    Then after dinner I try just to drink tea, but....I am usually hungry and end up eating like 400 calories of nuts or going for some bad carb like a homemade muffin or something. About once or twice a month I will eat some crap someone else has in the house like some icecream or some chocolate covered almonds. Those are the worst! Calories, ching ching.

    I have tried it all. Eating dinner, brushing teeth, getting ready for bed, making a delicious tea....but if I am starving and its 10 pm and I am trying to go to bed, I will literally get out of bed and go downstairs and eat. I cant stop do I?!?! Will power? :)
  • nemelkb
    I like the tea....and stevia. Yes, I do the same. Right now in fact....white pear tea in my big thermos. Delicious...but I really want to go back to the kitchen and nibble.
  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    Just wondering what's your BMR at? The 1200 calories is set by MFP or a doctor? If you are still hungry, it means 1200 calories is too less for you. You want to eat -20% of your TDEE.