How do I increase calorie burn?



  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    I'm curious about where you are getting the calorie figures from? If you are getting them from your machines, did they allow you to input your weight/ht/sex. It certainly makes a big difference how much energy you put into the workout.

    For me, the only time I burn over 1000 calories in a day is when I do some activity for long hours, like stacking or cutting wood, gardening for 4-8 hours.

    I burn about 800 calories on my stationary bike pedaling at a moderate effort (13-15 mph) for 90 minutes, according to MFP's figures for my weight. I've checked that out on a few other sites and it seems to be close.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ditch the cardio and hit the weights..

    create a calorie deficit of about 25-30% of your daily maintenance...

    adjust your macors accordingly...

    wait about four to six weeks and see how it goes...

    Do this and you will be good to go...:)
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Get up to 230 pounds and then start throwing around very heavy weights. At least that's how I do it.
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    The most I've seen burned in a day is close to 2k and that is by a male marathon runner. 1k burns are often seen with males and they usually have a considerable amount to lose still or they are runner or bodybuilders and spend about 1-2hrs working out.

    My female friends can often burn 600-800 on a really good day, but the average is around 300-500. Females do not burn as much in teh same workout duration and burns have a lot to do with duration, intensity AND amount of fat you have to lose! The closer you are to goal weight the harder it is to get a big burn!
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    I set my profiles to Sedintary and wear a Fitbit. This tracks all of my movement and counts all the "extra" walking I do through-out a day. I then plan extra walking (i.e. going from the third floor to the first floor to get water, use the restroom, use the Photocopier on the other side of the building, park at the back of the parking lot ect). I also lift 5 days a week (I only count the movement calories as I walk from area to area, not the lifting calories), I do the eliptical for 35 minutes and hit between 450 and 500 calories and I do Sparta H.I.I.T. twice a week. I also walk about 3 miles a day monday - friday. Oh and I do all this while carring around a decent amount of weight (not as much as I was carrying, but still enough).

    So the secret is to just not look at calories burned while "exercising" you need to look at calories burned while living and find ways to increase your movements outside the gym. That is how you get higher calorie burns.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I'm in the same situation. I gym it an hour each day, excluding weekends and burn fat at least an hour a day but am at point 5 pounds a week. I want more!
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    As others have mentioned I would think that you would do well to add strength training and HIIT to your routine. I can burn 550-600 calories in an hour doing intervals of both speed and incline on the treadmill.

    I do 3 days of heavy lifting, 2 days of HIIT, 1 long run day (I am training for a half marathon), and 1 day of very easy cardio/rest.

    I wear a Body Media armband and burn a total of 2400-2800 calories per day (including sleeping and walking around, etc.). I definitely think that the weight training helps my burn around the clock because although I have maintained my goal weight for 3 months, my body fat keeps going down and my muscle mass keeps going up. The HIIT also has the "afterburn effect", which helps me continue to burn even after I finish.

    Whatever you do and enjoy is what will work for you though. Good luck!
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I don't do it every day, but my normal bike ride I often burn over 1500 calories, I try to swim twice a week generally swim between an hour to an hour and a half. Often burn 2000 or more. Wish I could do that everyday, but I can't.