People suck. Friends, family, coworkers.



  • step132
    I'm willing to bet that they are not seeing YOU or thinking of you when you talk about wanting to get healthy, but that they are thinking of themselves. If some or all of these folks are not taking care of themselves the way they should (and maybe know that and feel bad about it), then it's a lot easier to bash someone else than it is to take a look at how they can learn from what you're doing. Just a thought.

    Either way, this is YOUR journey and your body, and good for you for taking care of it! :)
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    First of all MPF is a great way to get support from others! Everyone is very supportive and encouraging. I guess personally I wouldn't post anything on facebook regarding weight ect because you will most likely get rude comments from someone. Its just bound to happen unfortunately. Screw the ones that dont think you should lose weight or that aren't supportive of you. I guess I wouldn't even mention weight loss around them. Maybe they are jelous you have the motivation to be healthy and they dont.? All that matters is that you feel you need to lose weight. You dont feel comfortable in your body, and that is not fair to you. Even if you were a little obsessive about losing weight......what is wrong with that?? The only way there would be a problem is if you were belemic or anorexic. Otherwise, I dont see a problem in it. Try to forget the ones that are not supportive, hold your head high. You are on a great mission and it will be worth it in the long run. Good luck!!! We are here for your!!! :)
  • tinassofit
    Considering you're on MFP, you're no way alone... We're all trying to achieve something that has to do with our body... and to support each other. family and friends and others around are always going to talk... dont let that affect you... you're way stronger and determined than that...

    i've just sent you a friend req...:D
    I am having the hardest time with my coworkers and close friends and family.

    I am trying to lose weight and all they can tell me is I look fine and that I don't need too. I DO need too! I am 5'4" and 154 lbs. This is not healthy.
    They also question some of the methods that I use to keep myself motivated. I once posted on a facebook status that I was craving something sweet and I didn't need it. I jokingly put "Im fat, I'm fat, I'm fat" just to remind myself, that if I keep eating junk I will not lose the weight that I need to lose.
    My coworkers made some snide comments about it, like I was doing it for attention! :(

    I have also had someone tell me that I am letting my weight take over my life and that I obsess over weight loss.

    Then to top it off my mother done the opposite of everyone. As I attempted to do Insanity, she made the comment that when she starts doing something, she actually finishes it. Basically saying she didn't expect me to finish it... keep in mind she has never done Insanity nor has she experienced the brutality of it... lol... meaning she had no idea of why 20 minutes of it was killing me.

    These comments REALLY hurt. I just want support. I am not a healthy weight. I am TRYING to do it the right way, but people in my life are really really bringing me down!
    What can I do to get the point across to them that I need to lose weight, that I am not happy with myself, and also that just because I am choosing to live a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean that I am obsessed with my own body weight?

    I have NO ONE (even though I know a few that should) that shares the desire to lose weight and be healthy, with me. Its so hard!
  • SarahJayRigdon
    SarahJayRigdon Posts: 113 Member
    I agree with the other posters. Use MFP as your means of weight loss support. And I ESPECIALLY agree with the prove them wrong attitude. I watched my husband lose over 100lbs. He met with all sorts of oppisition. And a lot of it is not intentional. "Come on... One more beer dude?" It's just fried chicken... once won't hurt." But after seeing his progress and his amazing transformation, they changed their tune to "how can I do that too?" real quick. I think some people don't intentional try to sabatouge your success but they do out of a fear of change; if you are healthy and worked hard to loose weight, what does that say about them? Keep it up and don't let them get you down!
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    well if you make comments like "i'm fat, i'm fat, i'm fat" nobody you love is going to say "i know! ugh you are so fat!" nobody wants you to feel bad about yourself. and honestly, you really shouldn't. you have to accept yourself at whatever weight you're at, even if you understand you should lose some.

    if i were you, and all the comments were really starting to get to me, i would start becoming quieter about my weight loss around friends/coworkers and flat out ignore any snide comments made by mom or whoever. just ignore them, go about your business, and work hard until you're at your goal. then watch as they say they're so proud of you for losing the weight they pretended you didn't need to lose.

    some people in my life say "no, no! you don't need to lose anymore weight, just maintain!" but i know i have a ton of weight left to use. i just kind of smile and say "we'll see" and then continue doing what i do. just ignore them, don't let them bring you down, and stick around here with us - we'll support you!!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Facebook is not the place for those types of posts. Use MFP instead, that's what this community is here for. I'm feeling a negativity in your post that doesn't just seem to come from the people around you. Learn to love yourself! 154 pounds is hardly huge. Set your goals and be happy and excited about working towards those goals. Don't worry about what the people around you think!!
  • keshiabug1
    well if you make comments like "i'm fat, i'm fat, i'm fat" nobody you love is going to say "i know! ugh you are so fat!" nobody wants you to feel bad about yourself. and honestly, you really shouldn't. you have to accept yourself at whatever weight you're at, even if you understand you should lose some.

    if i were you, and all the comments were really starting to get to me, i would start becoming quieter about my weight loss around friends/coworkers and flat out ignore any snide comments made by mom or whoever. just ignore them, go about your business, and work hard until you're at your goal. then watch as they say they're so proud of you for losing the weight they pretended you didn't need to lose.

    some people in my life say "no, no! you don't need to lose anymore weight, just maintain!" but i know i have a ton of weight left to use. i just kind of smile and say "we'll see" and then continue doing what i do. just ignore them, don't let them bring you down, and stick around here with us - we'll support you!!

    Just for the record, the 'I'm fat, I'm fat!' thing was all jokingly, however it does help me to remember I have a goal I want to reach! :) lol. But thank you for your support! I def need all that I can get!
  • keshiabug1
    Facebook is not the place for those types of posts. Use MFP instead, that's what this community is here for. I'm feeling a negativity in your post that doesn't just seem to come from the people around you. Learn to love yourself! 154 pounds is hardly huge. Set your goals and be happy and excited about working towards those goals. Don't worry about what the people around you think!!

    My negativity... I do accept that there is some... comes mainly from the fact that I was expecting support from the ones I love. I can honestly say I am a little bitter that strangers accept me and support me with what I am doing more than the people that love me and know me best!

    I know, bitterness is not healthy. I am working on that! :) lol

    by the way, I am VERY THANKFUL for everyones support! :)
  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
    I keep my weight loss goals to myself. I know what I have to do and don't need other peoples opinions/comments.

    Same here. I am very careful who I discuss my weight loss and fitness goals with...only a few very trusted friends and family members. I don't even discuss with those I work immediately with even though others have commented that they have noticed the weight loss. I very rarely post anything on FB...anything to do with weight loss goals, fitness, progress, etc. is posted on the MFP community. Email/electronic media, etc. is a hard medium to communicate it. If your coworkers feel that your online posting of "I'm fat" was a call for attention be aware of that and restrict that to MFP where you can express that this is how you are feeling because of frustrations of _______. Those on this site can relate and understand - those not on this journey probably will not understand in the same way or not at all.
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    Everyone has their own struggles, issues, and perspectives to deal with in life. While your supports should be more understanding in some areas, I think that you have to realize it can be very upsetting for people who care about you to see things like "I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat" put out there in public.
  • MoonGypsyQ67
    MoonGypsyQ67 Posts: 121 Member
    I can see that you already have some great advice from others on MFP. I will add my 2 cents for what it is worth. I don’t put my weight loss status on my FB page. I save all my exercise, food comments and motivational quotes for MFP. People within this community understand what you are going through so use this for your support and motivation. Also, do not look to others for all of your motivation and support because you will not always get it from them. If you do, that is a bonus and a blessing. Remind yourself that you are doing this for YOU because you are WORTH IT! your health is worth it! Sometimes it is hard to shrug off the comments, but it is something you are going to have to do for yourself. Use this community to your advantage. You are welcome to add me as a friend.
  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    I keep it to myself. When people finally fell comfortable asking ....hey have you lost some weight? I say yes, I've lost almost 30 pounds. They ask how...I say move more eat less. If they still ask questions I will go into more specifics but most people smile and say good for you. I'm not at the point where anyone would say- you don't need to lose. Except for an ex that has a thing for big girls.