Energy booster? Any supplements?

bcurrey Posts: 7
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
To give some background...Over the last 6 months, I've drastically changed my eating habits - for the better! I lost about 10 lbs even though my focus was more on eating healthier than losing weight. Now I've hit a wall where I can't lose anymore weight. It seems like I can eat horrible or great and either way I weigh 210 on Monday morning (my weigh in day). I was excercising 3-5 times a day from Nov thru Feb. Work has been insane lately so I've not had time to excercise lately, but want to get back to it when things settle. I'm now taking multi-vitamins each day, drinking water, eating healthier, but I still don't feel like I have a ton of energy. Even when i was exercising I felt the same. Perhaps its because we have 2 kids I'm always chasing and work has been stressful lately, I'm not sure. Are there any supplements or anything that are good to give an energy boost? I'd like to avoid the afternoon sleepy stage, and feel energized when I get home from work. I'm usually getting 7-8 hours of sleep, so I don't think it's that. Any suggestions would be much apprecitated!!!


  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    B vitamins
  • dragonflyjill
    dragonflyjill Posts: 94 Member
    You mentioned having a late afternoon slump, so maybe something to raise the blood sugar on the way home from work, such as a piece of fruit? Small meals more frequently, instead of a big lunch, can really help even things out as well. Also, I would talk to your doctor to rule out something like an iron deficiency or thyroid issue.
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    I take One A Day Women's Active Metabolism multivitamin / multi-mineral supplements. They are GREAT!!!! I take them in the morning, and I have lots of energy for the day. Once I took them with my dinner, and I couldn't get to sleep until very late.
  • bcurrey
    bcurrey Posts: 7
    Thanks for your responses! Very helpful. I may end up making an appt with the doc to see what he says.

    Stylistichick mentioned B vitamins - which one? I figured B3 or B12, but wasn't sure.
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    The One a Day vitamins have B 12 in them. The bottle also says that it contains about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. I asked my doctor about them and she said they were fine.
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    You can get B12 oral suspensions pretty much anywhere, even Target or the local grocery store. Some people claim they really make a difference. I haven't ever noticed a change when I take B12. The suspensions are taken sublingually (under your tongue) and are supposed to work faster than the pills, but most contain a bit of sugar for flavoring so that may not be the right option for you. Many energy boosters contain caffeine, which you could also get from a cup of tea or from something as simple as a Vivran, which is most likely significantly cheaper than the same product remarketed as an energy booster. However, since you're trying to eat really healthy, and aren't focused on losing weight, I would re-evaluate your diet to be sure you're getting the proper balance of carbs and protein and make sure that you're not going over on added sugar or that your calories don't need to be adjusted. I think the idea that you hasn't been exercising, and that you have been very stressed out may have more to do with your energy problem. Perhaps adding something like yoga would benefit you as it will adress your stress and your exercise.

    Best of luck to you. :)
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    You can get B12 oral suspensions pretty much anywhere, even Target or the local grocery store. Some people claim they really make a difference. I haven't ever noticed a change when I take B12. The suspensions are taken sublingually (under your tongue) and are supposed to work faster than the pills, but most contain a bit of sugar for flavoring so that may not be the right option for you. Many energy boosters contain caffeine, which you could also get from a cup of tea or from something as simple as a Vivran, which is most likely significantly cheaper than the same product remarketed as an energy booster. However, since you're trying to eat really healthy, and aren't focused on losing weight, I would re-evaluate your diet to be sure you're getting the proper balance of carbs and protein and make sure that you're not going over on added sugar or that your calories don't need to be adjusted. I think the idea that you hasn't been exercising, and that you have been very stressed out may have more to do with your energy problem. Perhaps adding something like yoga would benefit you as it will adress your stress and your exercise.

    Best of luck to you. :)

    Don't know why, but MFP isn't currently giving me the option to edit the grammatical error in the message above. Anyways, should read, "... the idea that you haven't been exercising..." instead of hasn't. It's been bugging me! LOL
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