Should I stop drinking soda all together?



  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    My doctor said there is a study that's going on right now that is showing fake sugar/sugar free substitutes result in the same amount of weight gain as regular sugar. I'm not sure how that would be possible if you went by the calorie count, but who's to argue with a doctor???
  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    I don't drink soda everyday I have cut back. But if I do drink soda it's only 1 in a day and usually diet coke or coke zero.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    My doctor said there is a study that's going on right now that is showing fake sugar/sugar free substitutes result in the same amount of weight gain as regular sugar. I'm not sure how that would be possible if you went by the calorie count, but who's to argue with a doctor???

    The basic idea (as I've heard/understand it) is that it can mess with your endocrine system--this includes your metabolism. So, even if the soda isn't adding calories itself, it can change the way your body handles other calories.
  • jessicajoy87
    yes. :drinker:
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Alright, you've convinced me. I'm going to finish what I have in the house to wean myself off and then stop drinking diet soda all together. Already gave up caffeine, so why not this... :wink:

    @kaitlinj - Thanks for the info on diet soda and metabolic syndrome - I have it and am struggling to bring things under control.
  • amarti24
    amarti24 Posts: 19 Member
    I am pretty much a person who is against anything that contains fake sweeteners. It is the lesser of the two evils. If I had a choice between a regular soda and a diet one I would never take diet. Your body is not meant to have this chemically produced sugar and there for doesn't quite know how to break it down.

    My roommate is a medical scientist and tells me all the time of the negatives of having diet soda. As was stated earlier it can be a cause of diabetes because you are fooling your body.

    As a rule of thumb Soda is bad for you and should be limited in consumption. I was lucky enough to never have it in my house as a child so therefor I was never trained to buy it as an adult. It was always a special treat and still is.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I quit drinking it entirely when I had a UTI that turned into a kidney infection/almost kidney failure. I haven't had soda in almost two months and since then I have lost ten pounds- don't know if it's the lack of carbonated beverages doing it, but hey, I'll take it!
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    i'm sorry.....but i disagree, disagree, disagree. i drink diet coke constantly and i am losing weight at a great rate. it has had no effect on my weight loss.
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    GTO girl - you probably would have lost those 10 pounds with or without diet coke....that's a normal amount of weight to lose in two months.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    i'm sorry.....but i disagree, disagree, disagree. i drink diet coke constantly and i am losing weight at a great rate. it has had no effect on my weight loss.

    Just to play Devil's Advocate, you also have a lot more to lose than the original poster. She only has the last 10 lbs to lose which, according to several personal trainers I've spoken with, are "a totally different animal". Most bodies will be far more willing to let go of weight when someone is at an unhealthy weight because it is easier for the body to exist at a healthy weight. However, once you only have a few pounds to lose, it isn't as much about health, but a bit more of the "vanity" weight--wanting to drop the body fat down and get a very lean look (I don't mean that as a bad thing, I'm in the same place myself). At that point, from what I understand, most of our bodies absolutely do NOT want to lose those last few pounds of fat are a protection mechanism against famine. At that point, everything I've heard says that eating very cleanly really does make a difference. This is, of course, just my take on the issue (and the trainers I know) but, suffice it to say, I will definitely NOT be drinking any diet soda.
  • sendmoretigers
    i'm sorry.....but i disagree, disagree, disagree. i drink diet coke constantly and i am losing weight at a great rate. it has had no effect on my weight loss.

    if you are happy with your rate of weight loss now, you should cut out the (imitation)sugar water and see what kind of losses you can have
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    i'm sorry.....but i disagree, disagree, disagree. i drink diet coke constantly and i am losing weight at a great rate. it has had no effect on my weight loss.

    if you are happy with your rate of weight loss now, you should cut out the (imitation)sugar water and see what kind of losses you can have

    The point of the article is that people think that if they drink diet soda, that it means they have a free ticket to eat other, unhealthy foods... not that the diet soda actually increases their weight gain (or, conversely, contributes to weight loss negatively or positively), "while diet soda doesn't cause obesity, people who are starting to put on weight think choosing diet soda alone will stop the process. But, the experts say, this is false logic, because it ignores the true cause of weight gain - overeating and poor eating."
  • acakeforawife
    For me, I've made the decision to keep having diet soda, because the amount I consume is minimal (2 cans a week, TOPS), and because I think the benefits outweigh the negative (for ME! YMMV.)

    As well all know, losing weight is at least 75% mental, and for me, there are just times when I feel like my meal needs 'something more'. In the old days, that would have meant a couple glasses of wine, or a dessert, or a huge hunk of bread with butter (or any combination of those three!). Now I can pour a can of Fresca into a wine glass and I get that mental 'satisfaction' that I had been wanting. each his own! :smile:
  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    Try this. Instead of diet soda try crystal light. You avoid calories and the carbonation. Breaking my ties to soda was my first step to seeing results quick. Although my goal is farther than yours. Do what seems right for your routine. Good luck :)
  • 30by30girl
    Man, just reading this is making me crave a diet coke! But I think i won't, I want fast results, dang it!