I want to be a trophy wife

I constantly start and stop this program, and I'd really like to stick with it. My name is Brandy, and its great to meet all of you.

In 2011 I got married to an amazing man, who taught me a lot about myself. But I also married a man who is happy with the way I am and doesn't seem to understand my struggle to want to lose weight. 2 days after I got home from my honeymoon I unexpectedly lost my job with a financial institution. I loved my career and when I lost my job, I lost who I was, my identity. With that came depression and self-loathing, eating and weight gain. I had no motivation to look for a job, let alone care about myself.

I am currently employed again with the State of Pennsylvania and I'd love to just get healthy again. I have a far journey ahead of me with over 100 pounds to lose. But my husband and I want children and I want to be a healthy mother.

I'm looking for friends who will motivate me, keep me going! Positive influence only :)


  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    This discussion title cracks me up. "Real Housewives of Pennsylvania." :laugh:

    Do this for yourself. I mean if your goal is to be arm candy for your husband that's perfectly fine but you need to make sure this is your goal or it's not going to work. External motivation isn't there 100% of the time. You need to totally own this and want it all of the time. No you won't feel like always doing it but you'll still want it because it depends on nothing but you and that makes all the difference.
  • ^^^ lmao
    Feel free to add me! I know exactly what you mean and this journey will completely transform you if you have the right people with you...
  • This discussion title cracks me up. "Real Housewives of Pennsylvania." :laugh:

    Do this for yourself. I mean if your goal is to be arm candy for your husband that's perfectly fine but you need to make sure this is your goal or it's not going to work. External motivation isn't there 100% of the time. You need to totally own this and want it all of the time. No you won't feel like always doing it but you'll still want it because it depends on nothing but you and that makes all the difference.

    Oh I am doing this for myself, trust me. My husband is a chubby chaser. He loves me just as I am, but I don't feel sexy for him, It's just my motivation to be this woman for my husband.
  • MNCPRGuy
    MNCPRGuy Posts: 51 Member
    You're welcome to add me. I spend way to much time on here! MFP is my substitute for junk food!
  • I am excited for my new friendships! I usually log on via mobile, this is the first time I've logged on the computer and I'm loving it.
  • stacysabaka
    stacysabaka Posts: 10 Member
    : )
  • swade444
    swade444 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Brandy! I've been on this myfitnesspal for 370 days (literally) and have never failed to log in. I've failed to meet my calorie goal each day but I never gave up. I say this to say that this is the first time I've ever really checked out the message boards and your post was the first one that caught my eye. I'm a few pounds away from my goal and I just wanted to tell you that YOU CAN DO THIS! One day at a time, one log in at a time, just don't give up. Please feel free to add me to your support group. I can totally relate to wanting to look good for your husband. That was part of my motivation but in the process of losing almost 50 lbs I found MYSELF and I found out that I was really doing this for ME.

    The biggest thing that works for me is to NOT FOCUS ON THE SCALE but to focus on reaching your calorie goal each day. It was slow & steady but I kept reaching that goal the number on the scale took care of itself. For the first time instead of my goal being to lose 50 lbs, my goal was to log in each day for an entire year and reach my calorie goal. The number on the scale was really out of my control but the number of calories I put into my mouth totally is in my control. Another promise and goal I made for myself was to be true and honest with myself about portion size and calorie counts. It's easy to fudge the numbers but it feels GOOD to be true.

  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    Hi Brandy! I've been on this myfitnesspal for 370 days (literally) and have never failed to log in. I've failed to meet my calorie goal each day but I never gave up. I say this to say that this is the first time I've ever really checked out the message boards and your post was the first one that caught my eye. I'm a few pounds away from my goal and I just wanted to tell you that YOU CAN DO THIS! One day at a time, one log in at a time, just don't give up. Please feel free to add me to your support group. I can totally relate to wanting to look good for your husband. That was part of my motivation but in the process of losing almost 50 lbs I found MYSELF and I found out that I was really doing this for ME.

    The biggest thing that works for me is to NOT FOCUS ON THE SCALE but to focus on reaching your calorie goal each day. It was slow & steady but I kept reaching that goal the number on the scale took care of itself. For the first time instead of my goal being to lose 50 lbs, my goal was to log in each day for an entire year and reach my calorie goal. The number on the scale was really out of my control but the number of calories I put into my mouth totally is in my control. Another promise and goal I made for myself was to be true and honest with myself about portion size and calorie counts. It's easy to fudge the numbers but it feels GOOD to be true.


    Exactly what she said. You can do this!
  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
    You're welcome to add me. I spend way to much time on here! MFP is my substitute for junk food!

    Love this!!!
  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
    I feel you!! I am the same way, I look in the mirror and say to myself, "What the hell is he doing with me?" Its nice to have a husband who loves you for you, but I also need a kick in the *kitten* to get motivated. I started feeling so bad about myself I didn't even want to have sex anymore, well I have been on here a month, lost 15 pounds and feel a little better. Now I have plateaued and am ready to pull my hair out!! But I just keep chugging along, I think I am going to through my stupid scale away. I just keep telling myself I'm worth it.
  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    I want a trophy HUSBAND! I'm working to feel good about myself. I hope it rubs off on my husband and he'll join in. The snoring is killing me!! MFP is a great support. Add me if you'd like. Good luck!
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    I'm in PA too. Can I be your co-star when I reach goal? LOL. We've got this!!

    Anyone can feel free to add me. I'm not giving up!
  • I feel you!! I am the same way, I look in the mirror and say to myself, "What the hell is he doing with me?" Its nice to have a husband who loves you for you, but I also need a kick in the *kitten* to get motivated. I started feeling so bad about myself I didn't even want to have sex anymore, well I have been on here a month, lost 15 pounds and feel a little better. Now I have plateaued and am ready to pull my hair out!! But I just keep chugging along, I think I am going to through my stupid scale away. I just keep telling myself I'm worth it.

    Keep at it, you can do it :smile:
    We can motivate eachother
  • Hi Brandy! I've been on this myfitnesspal for 370 days (literally) and have never failed to log in. I've failed to meet my calorie goal each day but I never gave up. I say this to say that this is the first time I've ever really checked out the message boards and your post was the first one that caught my eye. I'm a few pounds away from my goal and I just wanted to tell you that YOU CAN DO THIS! One day at a time, one log in at a time, just don't give up. Please feel free to add me to your support group. I can totally relate to wanting to look good for your husband. That was part of my motivation but in the process of losing almost 50 lbs I found MYSELF and I found out that I was really doing this for ME.

    The biggest thing that works for me is to NOT FOCUS ON THE SCALE but to focus on reaching your calorie goal each day. It was slow & steady but I kept reaching that goal the number on the scale took care of itself. For the first time instead of my goal being to lose 50 lbs, my goal was to log in each day for an entire year and reach my calorie goal. The number on the scale was really out of my control but the number of calories I put into my mouth totally is in my control. Another promise and goal I made for myself was to be true and honest with myself about portion size and calorie counts. It's easy to fudge the numbers but it feels GOOD to be true.


    Thank you so much!!!!
    Its true it's so easy to just lie to yourself and to MFP to fool yourself into thinking you are doing what you are suppose to be doing, but that's not helping you at all.

    I think I'm going to take your advice and hit small goals, one at a time instead of looking at the larger picture of how much I need to lose.
  • I'm in PA too. Can I be your co-star when I reach goal? LOL. We've got this!!

    Anyone can feel free to add me. I'm not giving up!

    We can be friends and celebrate each achivement together
  • I want to be that trophy wife aswell. My husband is in the Canadian military, and now there seems to be a lot of competition at this new base! I've struggled with my wieght ever since having kids, but after my 3rd, I became REALLY jiggly lol. It all comes down with diet and exercise. I tried this program before ( right after my 3rd child was born) and managed to lose 58lbs, but stopped......I still need to lose 30lbs to get me back to 145. I'm 5'6" ? I found that running has helped. Although I've only lost 2 lbs in 2.5 wks, it's because I'm gaining more muscle. You can do it, it is easy if u think about it!!!, Good luck pretty lady
  • I want to be that trophy wife aswell. My husband is in the Canadian military, and now there seems to be a lot of competition at this new base! I've struggled with my wieght ever since having kids, but after my 3rd, I became REALLY jiggly lol. It all comes down with diet and exercise. I tried this program before ( right after my 3rd child was born) and managed to lose 58lbs, but stopped......I still need to lose 30lbs to get me back to 145. I'm 5'6" ? I found that running has helped. Although I've only lost 2 lbs in 2.5 wks, it's because I'm gaining more muscle. You can do it, it is easy if u think about it!!!, Good luck pretty lady

    I'm always in aww, of those who can run, I'm to out of shape to do that, just yet. But I'm inspired by my sister-n-law who has 3 children and a little over a year ago she started training daily for marathons, she now runs any where between 16-20 miles a day, NO LIE, she's crazy lol! But I'm always so proud of her after she posts her stats from her running tracker on facebook.

    You can do it too!!! Being a mother is a wonderful gift :smile: if being a little "jiggly" comes with it, its a small price for such a huge gift!!!
  • I want a trophy HUSBAND! I'm working to feel good about myself. I hope it rubs off on my husband and he'll join in. The snoring is killing me!! MFP is a great support. Add me if you'd like. Good luck!

    I guess my husband feels your pain, he says I snore, so now he wears earplugs to bed lol. :laugh:
  • kelfer80
    kelfer80 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your job loss. I can only imagine how difficult that must be. I too have a long journey ahead. About 50 more lbs to reach my goal. I log on daily and am really motivated (for now, lol). I would be more than happy to help you along this journey. It has made a world of difference for me since I requested more friends! WE GOT THIS GURL!! Cheers to being trophy wives!:wink:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Oh I am doing this for myself, trust me. My husband is a chubby chaser. He loves me just as I am, but I don't feel sexy for him, It's just my motivation to be this woman for my husband.

    Your husband is a lucky man. Feel free to add me! I'll be MORE than happy to be supportive of any sistergirl wanting to better herself and her marriage!