Calories: To Eat Or Not To Eat

I have a theory on caloric intake which has worked for me over the years and which I'd like to share.

I look at calories as if they were dollars in a bank account.

I have a starting balance at the beginning of every day and I take out what is needed to do business each day based on specific needs or desires which change on a daily basis.

Some days, I may decide to splurge and spend all my money/calories. Other days I may not feel the need to spend all my calories because of fluctuations in appetite.

I do not follow any set rules for what I spend my calories on as this tends to get old and the diet/lifestyle change falls by the wayside.

I have learned through documenting my expenditures here on MFP to look for better choices for some of my favorite foods as in lower calorie, less fat, less sugar, less sodium etc.

For all intents and purposes I have not really changed what I eat, rather, I have modified what I eat is made from and the quantity consumed.

The only rule I set for myself each day is to not go into the "Overdraft" for any reason.

I rarely find myself hungry at the end of the day and if I am I push the withdrawl to the limit for the day.

Finally, my take on exercise calories is they're interest on my deposit!
