What are your goals other than the "goal weight"?

Reading an article recently and one of the motivation tips was setting small goals other than a number on the scale. What are some of your goals that you set for yourself to keep you motivated??


  • Fernella13
    Fernella13 Posts: 68 Member
    I want to look great in a wedding dress for my big day in August and in a bikini for the honeymoon.:happy:
  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member
    I want to feel healthier, succesfully eat cleaner, have to buy new clothes :)
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    Though I weigh myself here and there, most of my goals are fitness-related:
    --to become a proficient swimmer because I live on an island and have not gone swimming or even to the beach in about four years.
    --to be able to perform unassisted pullups/chinups (not even close on this one)
    --to be able to perform at least ONE curl w a 30lb dumbbell (working myself up to the 20s currently)
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    I don't weigh myself. I have a favorite bikini and I try it on once a week to see how my appearance in it has changed. If I look good in it then I'm happy. :)
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Be a good healthy rolemodel for my daughter, I also want to inspire others to live a healthier lifestyle by them seeing how it has changed me. I also want to wear a bikini and short shorts without feeling utterly embarassed by my body :)

    The scale number I chose is what I weighed before having my daughter and when I felt my best, I hope I can get there or close and look fitter and stronger.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Right now I am trying to comfortably fit into the next size down for jeans... it's been 20-25 lbs so far.. still not happening lmao.
  • wigglypeaches
    wigglypeaches Posts: 146 Member
    - Do a set of 10 unassisted pull-ups.

    - Join the apprentice-instructor program at my gym during the next cycle.

    - Squat my body-weight

    - Run a 7 minute mile

    - Finish the GoRuck challenge

    - Drop a jean size
  • I want to look great in a wedding dress for my big day in August and in a bikini for the honeymoon.:happy:

    That's incredible! Congratulations!
  • Run up and down my stairs without hurting

    Be able to do active things with my friends, and not make jokes about how unfit I am

    I want my waist to be 8 inches smaller than my bust

    I want to be as confident as I pretend I am

    I want to feel sexy
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Work up to an hour of barre 3, and last thru an entire adult ballet class!
  • Though I weigh myself here and there, most of my goals are fitness-related:
    --to become a proficient swimmer because I live on an island and have not gone swimming or even to the beach in about four years.
    --to be able to perform unassisted pullups/chinups (not even close on this one)
    --to be able to perform at least ONE curl w a 30lb dumbbell (working myself up to the 20s currently)

    I feel ya on the push ups, for the first 10 days of the 30 day shred I was useless in the first circuit. And I could barely do a half push up at my trainer assessment! That is one of my goals too!
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    30 minute 5K.
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    Lose inches around tummy and arms

    Become stronger

    Do real pushups

    Strong Core

    Run for 30 min w/o stopping

    Tighter glutes:happy:
  • Tdacks
    Tdacks Posts: 136 Member
    My short term goals are things like completing all the runs in this week's C25K set. Once I am running all of them, I focus on improving my pace a little bit, etc.

    One of my medium term goals was to be able to sit down wearing jeans without the waist digging painfully into my gut, ugh. Achieved.

    Long-term... to not have a noticeable belly bulge when sitting down.

    Honestly, I feel like I look great minus clothes, but then when I wear even the best fitting clothes they feel so restrictive and uncomfortable, with bulges and awkward points. Curvy curvy curvy in a non-curvy clothing world. Ugh.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    Other than losing weight my goals are:

    Blood pressure back into the 100/70 range
    Total Cholesterol back under 140
  • Right now I am trying to comfortably fit into the next size down for jeans... it's been 20-25 lbs so far.. still not happening lmao.

    You'll get there!! AMAZING work so far though :)
  • Be a good healthy rolemodel for my daughter, I also want to inspire others to live a healthier lifestyle by them seeing how it has changed me. I also want to wear a bikini and short shorts without feeling utterly embarassed by my body :)

    The scale number I chose is what I weighed before having my daughter and when I felt my best, I hope I can get there or close and look fitter and stronger.

    Sounds like you're already a great role-model. Very inspiring indeed. :)

    I'm with ya on the bikini and short-shorts. Believe it or not, I even feel the same about the above-the-knee shorts. I always feel self conscious about my thighs and knees looking chubs. Time to be done with that!
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    Squatting/deadlifting bodyweight
    30 minute 5k
    20% body fat
  • AceOfSpada
    AceOfSpada Posts: 47 Member
    I want to feel healthy and strong. I want the beauty within to show on the outside as well. Not that he isnt now but I want my boyfriend to be proud that Im his girlfriend. I want to wear sleeveless tops and shorts and high heels. I want to be able to buy clothes anywhere rather than the plus size stores I have to shop in now. I hope to one day marry my boyfriend and look beautiful on my wedding day and finally I want to have a family...a healthy family.
  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
    I want to look in the mirror and be able to say "Damn I'm hot!"