zumba weightloss

I am very busy and love zumba. Although, u have gotten it got.the Wii. It us a great workout. The only thing is I know nothing of how to manage it with good and losing weight. Is there any one using zumba for weight loss?


  • deltayork
    deltayork Posts: 71 Member
    I've lost almost 10 lbs with it thus far and have gained muscle as well. The most helpful thing for me was to get a heart rate monitor. This helps me know exactly how hard i'm exercising and burning calories. According to my HRM i'm consistantly burning 800 calories per 1 hour session. I go 3 nights a week and on Sundays. I've never used a WII for Zumba, but if you take a class they can vary in "intensity". I have found several instructors I like and work in variety by alterating who's class I attend. If I'm not in a full-out sweat by the end it's not worth my time to loose weight.

    Amazon has the MIO Drive Petite for about $40. I uses a timer and you check your pulse in-between songs which only takes about 4 seconds to read. There are others that continuously read, but most require a strap around the chest which I did not want.

    Hope this helps!

  • tjfrisque
    tjfrisque Posts: 267 Member
    I also do Zumba but not on the wii. I take a class and usually burn about 500 calories in 45 min. I use a hrm (Polar ft4) and love it. I would recomend getting one since everyone burns different amounts of calories. Good Luck
  • Running_Tanya
    Running_Tanya Posts: 14 Member
    Personally I could not continue my weight loss by just doing Zumba. I plateaued after five months and wasn’t losing any more weight. I still do Zumba three days a week (Sunday, Monday and Friday) but with different instructors. Each instructor has their own style and uses different muscles. The Sunday instructor mixes hip-hop and Latin. The Monday instructor uses Old school music and Latin and the Friday Zumba instructor is straight Latin.

    Tuesday and Thursday I go to BodyPump and Wednesday and Saturday I go to boot camp type classes. So far this and MFP is what works for me.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Zumba is cardio, just like running or biking. Its primary function is to burn calories (I burn 550 or so in an hour). It will help you create a calorie deficit and therefore help you lose weight. However, to lose fat and retain muscle, you need to do some form of resistance training as well (weights, body exercises like pushups and squats, etc). Eventually you'll probably need to incorporate more challenging workouts, but Zumba's a good start.

    Since everyone's brought them up, if you get an HRM, you need one with a chest strap. The HRMs that get your pulse from your wrist tend to not be very accurate.
  • harderpa
    harderpa Posts: 153 Member
    Thank you all very much. I will look into one and try more. I just get down when there is no results. I need to learn to just wait but Im impatient.