Not losing weight??



  • wisconsinboogie
    wisconsinboogie Posts: 127 Member
    Im 5'2 eating 1200 or less which is completely normal for me when Im eating healthy, my scale hasnt budged in over 2 wks and I work out 60min/6d a week, from past experience, it will come off, be persistant, remeber, the wt didnt come on in a few weeks, Thats what I have to keep reminding myself when the scale is uncooperative!
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    When I first started, with 73 pounds to lose, I lose 6 pounds the first week,

    2 pounds the second week,

    (ok I can live with 2 pounds a week, after all, I can't expect 6 pounds EVERY week),

    then week 3 came and I lost NOTHING.

    (OMG! I can't believe I have stopped losing already! This happens every time I diet. Diets don't work for me, my body is screwed up, why do I even bother?)

    I went on the forums looking for women around my age who had succeeded in losing a lot of weight, and found a host of supportive women who had gone thru the exact things that I had. I learned that all this was normal, and to just be patient. Weight doesn't come off at a steady rate every week. You can have a big loss one week and no loss the next. I can also go for 2 weeks without any weight loss, just to find that I had lost 2 inches. I had to calm down and realize that this was a life time commitment I was making to better health. If I only lost 1 pound a week, then I would be at goal weight in 73 weeks. My other choice would be to not try, and in 73 weeks be just as heavy, or heavier.
    I focus now on making healthy food choices and getting in a moderate amount of exercise. When I had more to lose, I lost around 2 pounds a week, now that I am lighter, it has slowed to around 1 to 1.5 a week, and that is fine. I feel better. I look better. and I know that if I just continue doing what I am doing, that I will eventually reach my goal.

    Consistency and patience are the secrets to success!
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Thanks everyone! Ok, what is the 40,30,30 thing?

    A lot of people here (me included) set the Macros to 40% Carbs, 30% Fat, and 30% Protein instead of the numbers MFP auto-sets. You can change the setting by going to My Home > Goals > Change Goals > Custom
  • victoriamarie9
    I have to agree! I'm stuck in the same boat! I'm lifting three times a week plus intense cardio/abs two days a week. I'm doing Chalean Extreme and I can't seem to loose weight. I am hungrier than usually too even meeting my cal limits. My beachbody coach told me to increase my calories because I'm buring more with the workouts I'm doing. So in other words you are probably gaining muscle?! I just have to keep telling myself to keep going and it will all eventually come off. Keep it up!
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    Everything takes time. I've been doing this for 3 months and just now began seeing a loss of weight. The reason, I am exercising (was at 3xs a week, just up'ed that to 5xs) and building muscle. Muscle weighs more. My clothes fit better (actually down 1-1/2 sizes) and finally beginning to see a loss of pounds. Do not starve your body. When you track your food track your workout and add those calories you burned back into your day. We can all do this.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    I know that the whole "a calorie is a calorie" crowd would jump all over me, but looking at your diary, it does not seem that you are eating very nutritiously. You hardly eat any fruits or veggies. And your calories are usually very low. Based on no scientific knowledge at all on my part, I will just throw out there that maybe your body isn't functioning very efficiently due to not getting the nutrients it needs. Personally I have a very hard time getting into the habit of eating fruits and veggies, but whenever I can, I see a marked increase in weight loss, and I just feel better.

    So my advice, fwiw, would be to add veggies, some fruit, and eat ALL of your calories. Worth a try!
  • tryn2b_slim
    Do you mind explaining what you did? I've been stuck in a plateau myself.
  • hthrhrpr
    hthrhrpr Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks! I'll add more fruits and veggies in and get my calories up with those, thanks!
  • tryn2b_slim
    I applaud you all for working out everyday! I am so sore the day after my workouts I can't imagine working out again. Now, I do do some stretches and upper and lower ab work on those days, but you all are AWESOME!

    Do you mind explaining what you did? I've been stuck in a plateau myself for the past week and a half.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I applaud you all for working out everyday! I am so sore the day after my workouts I can't imagine working out again. Now, I do do some stretches and upper and lower ab work on those days, but you all are AWESOME!

    Do you mind explaining what you did? I've been stuck in a plateau myself for the past week and a half.

    A week and a half isn't a plateau. That is just the normal ebb and flow of weight loss. Keep weighing and measuring everything, logging everything, and moving as much as you can. And be patient.
    OH, and take your measurements once a month. When you have gone a week or two without a loss, quite often you have lost some inches, and seeing that progress will keep you going.

    I would also suggest filling out your profile, putting up a pic and sending some friend requests to people around your age with a similar weight loss goal. The daily interaction with friends on here is extremely helpful.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    up your cals (eat 300-500 below your tdee), switch up your exercise. 1200 doesn't work for everyone
  • evdenapoli
    evdenapoli Posts: 164 Member
    The minimum a woman needs to eat is 1200 if not your BMR. You are not eating enough.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    I applaud you all for working out everyday! I am so sore the day after my workouts I can't imagine working out again. Now, I do do some stretches and upper and lower ab work on those days, but you all are AWESOME!

    Do you mind explaining what you did? I've been stuck in a plateau myself for the past week and a half.

    A week and a half isn't a plateau. That is just the normal ebb and flow of weight loss. Keep weighing and measuring everything, logging everything, and moving as much as you can. And be patient.
    OH, and take your measurements once a month. When you have gone a week or two without a loss, quite often you have lost some inches, and seeing that progress will keep you going.

    I would also suggest filling out your profile, putting up a pic and sending some friend requests to people around your age with a similar weight loss goal. The daily interaction with friends on here is extremely helpful.

    agreed, i considered mine a plateu when i was stuck at the same weight for 6 weeks
  • swtjenny90
    swtjenny90 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm wondering if anyone can answer this for me... do you havr to eat back the calories you've burned off? I thought if you don't it just means that's more calories you're down and closer to losing weight
  • hthrhrpr
    hthrhrpr Posts: 29 Member
    Ok, so is a calorie a calorie, or do I need to be clean eating?
  • skydiveD30571
    skydiveD30571 Posts: 281 Member
    Ok, so is a calorie a calorie, or do I need to be clean eating?

    Depends on your goals really. If you just simply want the scale to show a lower number then yes, a calorie is a calorie. Give your body a deficit and you will lose weight.

    Or is your goal to be healthier, retain muscle while losing fat (still losing weight), feel better, have more energy, etc? Then yes it does matter where your calories come from. Like mentioned earlier, adjust your goals for carb/protein/fat and try to stick to them. An added benefit of eating cleaner is that you almost can always eat MORE....many "dirty" foods like fast food are very high calorie so you can't have much if you want to be under your limit. Good luck!
  • suzannebradshaw71
    I can only speak for myself. Keep in mind I am not a nutritionist I just know my body and what works for me. I am 5'4 and am trying to loose 30 lbs of body fat at least by summer. I eat 1200 calories a day mostly clean whole foods. When I work out hard and really aggresive I eat back some calories if my body is hungry. Somedays I feel great at 1200 and dont eat my calories back but if I am feeling like I need more I will eat yogurt or something for a snack. I do eat every three hours to feed my body. If I dont work out I loose scale weight. I know when I work out I gain weight at first or stay the same but I loose inches. I know from my experiences I build muscle pretty easy. Everyone's body is so different. I am going to take weekly pictures in a bikini and do weekly measurements. I feel the scale will mentally mess me up. I know I had a goal weight of 125......well, I really dont care what I weigh as long as my body fat creeps down and my body gets stronger. More muscle the faster your metabolism. I will gladly trade in fat for lean mass and yes muscle weighs more. I suggest get the tape measure out! Good luck!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Ok, so is a calorie a calorie, or do I need to be clean eating?

    You do not need to eat clean. It truly is all about calories. Eating clean will just help you keep full easier. There are several members with abs that eat ice cream and unhealthy snack.The issue comes down is fueling your body. If you are not, then your body will fight the weight loss. And with being active, 1200 calories isn't enough. I would definitely up your calories another 300-500 calories and you should see your weight drop. The average women I know that works out is eating 1700-2100 calories daily. Below is a good thread on clean eating.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    Eat back your exercise calories if at all possible. Sometimes I find it hard.

    I have to work out more than 3x a week. I aim for 7x a week, but sometimes hit 10x.