Any gastric bypass patients on here



  • JECole2013
    JECole2013 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Everyone; I had Gastric By-Pass on 4/20/2009 and lost 100 pounds and never felt better. I lost the bulk of my weight in 9-10 months and pretty much maintained for over a year. I am now up 16 pounds over the last 2 years; I am a stress eater and I have had a lot of stress these last 2 years. I am determined to lose these 16 pounds plus the last 10 pounds I wanted to lose. I know I can do these and look forward to looking at this site for inspiration and keeping me motivated. Good luck to everyone.

    You can do it!!! I have found that it is a lifelong process, but made so much more realistic with the surgery. You just have to follow a few more steps, but you can do it.
  • melissacyr27
    I had the Gastric Bypass one year ago 1/25/13, and I could not be happier!! I was 295 and now I am 140. I am nervous about regain, but I try to keep my diet in check. It is a struggle everyday because sometimes I feel like slider foods sit better with me then healthy food. I go to the gym, but I love running outside. Winter is kicking my butt because I have not been running as much as I would like!! Looking for some friends to add one here. I need some accountability!!
  • arrichardson76
    I had gastric 2 yrs ago. Best thing I have done. I had a rough recovery and adjustment but it changed my life. I do fight everyday not to eat what I know I shouldn't and not always do I make the best choice to food. I never give up but some days are harder then others. I kinda didn't get all the post op knowledge I should of. I got pregnant 6 months out which was not expected and not accepted by clinic. Their response was come back when u are finished with pregnancy. Havent returned. I am still down a little over 100 lbs. I had already hit my goal weight at the 6 month point. I gained with pregnancy and have lost all but like 12lbs of it. I found this site and hope it can help me stay on track by logging all food. Already have felt guilty when I had to chart no no foods. :) Welcome to add me to friend list if anyone wants to share progress and support.
  • Creole13
    Creole13 Posts: 1 Member
    I am so glad to find this board. I had Gastric Bypass November 6, 2013, 11 weeks ago. Have lost 46 pounds!! I use myfitnesspal to track all my eating and exercising!
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    I had a RNY in March of 2005... I weighed in at 253 the day of my surgery. I had little to no struggles afterward. Except for maybe that one chicken nugget about 2 months after my surgery... BIG MISTAKE! I seriously still think I was almost about to die from it. But I survived. I lost about 100lbs... I think at my lowest I got down to 152lbs... but like any good thing; I didn't stick to the rules. And I managed to switch out food for alcohol and even though I had read that a lot patents have this problem... I ignored the signs. I eventually gained back up to about 162lbs in 2008. And from there I managed to drink and eat more. I got all the way back up to 195lbs in the summer of 2012. My eating habits had to change drastically. I had an OPEN RNY surgery... the old school kind. I have a pretty awesome "bride of frankenstein" scar on my stomach and when I got back up to 195lbs... I finally decided to buckle down...

    that's when I joined mfp... I haven't looked back since then! RNY is just a tool... it is to help you learn how to take better care of yourself; but just like everything else in life... you can abuse it and it will fail if you don't use it properly...

    I wouldn't change a thing ...except that I would have really changed my lifestyle before reaching over 250+lbs...

    It's all about lifestyle. I love the gym now... and I couldn't imagine my life without going to the gym.

    I really hope if you're considering RNY you really want to make a life change; because the weight will come back and you will struggle again...if you do not learn how to properly take care of yourself.

    Good Luck to all that choose it! :)
  • nebthet
    nebthet Posts: 3 Member
    I haven't had the surgery yet. I began the process in Sept 2013 in Kingston, On, Canada. It takes about a year before you have the surgery. I am so greatful for this thread and others on here as it is giving me an idea of what to expect and what to watch out for.
    For me, it took a long time to realize it wasn't always what I ate, it was how much and when. Breakfast "food" was non-existent, Lunch was hit or miss, but when I did eat it was stuff like two grilled cheese sandwiches and Supper was also a big heavy meal and usually was Pasta and typically 3-4 servings (not plate fulls) with lots of cheese. I had tried diets in the past and the worst one for me was the high fibre diet with having to eat whole wheat anything.
    So after starting the bariatrics program, I had time to sit back and think about things. In Dec 2013 I put myself on a diet. I wanted to reset my stomach to try to determine "what is full?" because I could never tell. I had no concept of what full was other than a being so stuffed with food my stomach began hurting. I started with two weeks liquid diet only. The lowest calorie one I could get in my city was Boost so I went with that 4x's per day. After two week I replaced one Boost with a cabbage and chicken home made soup. I could only eat 2.5-3cups total.
    I have completely cut out Any Wheat products, so no bread, no pasta (only occasionally during really bad cravings), very little rice or other grains. I have increased protein intake, lots of salads, I love cabbage and can't get enough of that. My vice is pop-corn right now but I still can't properly digest the stuff. I have now replaced the morning Boost with Premier Protein since it is 30g Protein and only 5g carb, as apposed to Boosted 16g and 16g for the same. It suits me better in the morning for now. I am eating two meals per day and take one boost for a snack at night.
    I bought myself scales to weigh my good, new measuring cups and spoons, and portion control kiddie plates so I am less likely to over eat.
    The first month was the hardest. I had cravings for sugary stuff and pasta and McDumpie's burgers and fries.. I would actually indulge and get the burgers but removed the buns and condiments and just ate the paddies. Now, I don't even crave them any more. My cravings for bread are gone, or other sugary items. I am finding I am struggling with the idea that I want something more than actually wanting it.
    I am working on my diet pepsi addiction and have found that I am wanting to drink more actual water and less diet pop. I am actually down to 1 can per day as opposed to 4 six months ago.
    With all this though, I was only hitting between 1000-1200 calories per day and I wasn't feeling hungry at all. But I need to be taking in 1200-1500 per day (as per my dietician) and I am having a hard time with that right now, so I am going to need to do it slowly. I am also very deficient in Vitamin D. level 43 when I should be twice that, so I am now taking 4000ui of VitD3 daily (and getting acne outbreaks because of it)
    On the good side I have lost 20lbs in the last two months. Yeah... but I have lots and lots of work ahead of me. Next step is getting off my *kitten* more and walking and down the road strength training. But, one step and one day at a time.

    So, please feel free to send me a friend request.
  • jmpeairs
    jmpeairs Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, I am 4 years out and have gained back 30 lbs - and I can't seem to stop eating the wrong things!
  • Lissa1001
    I didn't have the bypass, but I had the gastric sleeve. Which is basically just makes my stomach smaller. With the surgery and working out, I lost 117 lbs. Unfortunately, I gained back 74 lbs. I'm considering going back for the bypass. Part of my problem was keeping up with after surgery appointments.
  • thesgtmjr
    I had gastric bypass 25 September 2013 and at the moment have lost 87 lbs. I hit the gym a few times weekly, exercise at home when it is just too cold to go out, and eat about 70 grams of protein. Plenty of veggies but no fruit until the one year mark. The only problem I seem to be facing is my hair, but I have started to take biotin to circumvent that issue.
  • thesgtmjr
    I will tell you now to stop the diet sodas since the carbonation will make your stomach hurt, and caffeine will dehydrate you. Strive for 2 liters of water daily. Herbal teas are fine such as peppermint or chamomile. Cut your food into baby size pieces and chew until it feels smooth. I have the smaller plates which is great. I had my surgery three months after I contacted the doctor and I underwent plenty of tests. Yo
  • coachchic
    coachchic Posts: 1 Member
    I had gastric bypass on Sept. 16, 2013. I strive to stick to the program everyday. Take all my vitamins, gt all my water in & eat the right foods. I understood that this is a lifestyle change. I would love to find some new ideas on foods. I do the Greek yogurt with mio & a pack of Splenda. There are also support groups online. Facebook has a few. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • firepxy
    firepxy Posts: 13
    My mother had it, and I was her support buddy for all the stuff at the beginning. I know enough about it.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    The first words out of my surgeons mouth were" Weight Loss Surgery does not cure food addiction. It only gives you a window of opportunity for you to cure it. Anyone can out eat WLS". Over and over in the 6 month process when i met with past surgery patients they reiterated that if you thought you could hold on to your Kryptonite foods and be successful long term-you would be WRONG. The reality is that no human gets to indulge in rich carby food with no heavy duty exercise-and lets face it if we were Michael Phelps we could all eat 1000's of calories a day. The simple reality is that most of us only burn about 1500-1800 calories a day. I have resigned myself that like all of my athletic family members i will have to watch the food I eat. Sure they enjoy beer and pizza once in a while-but not a whole pizza 3 days a week. Their regular diet is quite ordinary and unprocessed. I look outside of food for pleasure now. i go to more movies and activities, i shop for clothes more-tho i buy little (my new rule is if it doesn't look fabulous and is a great bargain i put it back) i am constantly trying a new meat based recipe since i don't eat foods made with ground grain anymore. These were my Kryptonite foods. i know that if i kept them i would just be eating them more and more as the years past. My family has been very kind and supportive-none of them were big carb eaters anyway. which of course is likely why they are all slim! Good luck to everybody
  • susieqq62
    Yes I had Gastric Bypass surgery in 2007 and i have lost 235 lbs..I am struggling to get the rest of my weight off so I can reach my goal.. I would like to make some more friends who are using the Fitness Pal.. My name is Susie SMith and I live in PA and i am married and 51 yrs kids,,but we have several cats we love.. I used to weigh almost 450 lbs and it was a very sad life i had--i am so gald that i had the surgery and now i am helathier--but unfortuantely I am left wiith all the diabetic complications for the rest of my lie as the damage has been done..
  • shyrii2
    Hello guys I'm having mine on feb 4th 2014 I've never been cut or put under im scared out my mind.. Any advise
  • SPiemontesi
    Hi Shyril2 - I was scared before my surgery too. But it turned out fine and I started losing weight right away. Now I am 6 months out and I need the support I'm looking for here. Like someone said, this surgery is not a cure for food addiction but is a tool. Learn all you can about your surgery and follow the advice the medical team gave you. What type of surgery are you doing? The Bypass or the Sleeve? I had the by pass and my daughter had the sleeve and we're both doing fine. I am sure you will do fine. You can friend me if you like and I'll follow along with you. We can encourage each other.
  • gadkins2014
    Hi I am new to Fitness Pal and I also just recently had the Gastric Bypass RNY Surgery on 01/16/2014. I would appreciate any feedback, suggestions on how everyone's journey has been with the surgery. Please add me as friend. Thanks

  • gadkins2014
    I am 2 weeks post opt and have had no issues
  • rockthegoddess
    Well glad I'm not the only one!

    I had my bypass done five days after my eighteenth birthday- as doon as If was legal enough to sign the papers. Best thing I ever did for myself. I weighed 557 lbs the day I had it. In almost two years, I got down to 185- and found the life I had akways dreamed about. This was almost 9 years ago. I had two children ten months apart in 2007/2008, plus went through a pretty terrible marriage. I got up to 275, then through diet (low carb/high protein- pretty much the same way I ate post op) I dropped down to 215. Of course, I'm 39 weeks pregnant with number three, and have gestational diabetes. I'm up to 290. Docs aren't that concerned because they know I'll lose it again, but boy is it a constant struggle. Anyone have funny post op memories? Mine was washing my mouth out with soda- I wanted it sooo bad! I actually went back to drinking soda, and I think that did me in. Anywho, I use MFP to meticulously track carb intake (less than 50 a day, 30 g of fiber) and to motivate me after I have baby number three. Gastric bypass isn't a magic bullet- but it saved my life, and made it possible for me to control my weight even to this day.