Who runs with their dog?



  • easfahl
    easfahl Posts: 567 Member
    I've been running with my boys for ~3-4 years (they're 5.5 years old). I've tried to teach them that they are different kinds of leashed and unleashed outings. Leashed outings on which both dogs are on the same side as me are for running only, no sniffing. Leashed outings on which my right-side-trained dog is his side and my left-side-trained dog is on his side are designated "stroll-and-sniffs" where we lolligag and they're allowed to stop at just about whatever they want to sniff a bit. I try to make sure I get in a least 1 stroll-n-sniff every 2 days to make sure they get some good sniff time in.

    We also learned "leave it" which works pretty well for this. It's also nice to know that command when there's another dog walking the other direction, I spot a birdie or other small critter noshing in our path, or heavens forbid there's a dead run we go by. Yes, "leave it" is a must-learn command.

    Other than that, I trained my boys to run/walk right beside me, not pulling on the leash in front of me and lot dragging behind me. I wanted to instill in them that they have to watch my feet and body language for cues.

    One last thing... PRACTICE... REPETITION... Start using a command or routine for no-sniff outings and PRACTICE OFTEN and try to always use the same routine.

    My boys absolutely love of run outings and our stroll-n-sniff outings. I think they love the reinforcing gesture of fun as a pack. Good luck.
  • I bike and run with my boxer. She loves biking and I have a springer attachment so we are both safe. The only time she is naughty and starts pulling is when we are approaching another dog. She just wants to meet and greet.

    When running, I find that if I maintain a quick pace and stay on a paved path, she isn't interested in sniffing.

    If you teach your dog "no sniff" it keeps their head up off the ground so not to be so tempting to stop and smell.

    hope this helps!
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Maybe with the Gentle Leader no pull harness will work - it goes around their nose so you have control over where there head goes... http://www.petedge.com/catalog/product_popup.jsp?entityId=45354&entityType=product&templateType=1

    Want you want to strive for is, (with the help of the gentle leader or not) to have 2 different kinds of 'walks' - one where he gets to decide how fast you are going (I usually use the phrase 'go ahead' or somethin like that to let them know). And then another one where you are in charge, usually with a very short hold on the leash (and you have a "lets go" or "lets walk" or "lets run" or whatever you want as the command that you are now switching what kind of 'walk' you are on). It can also help if you have a specific areas for each of these different kinds of walks/runs.
  • cls_333
    cls_333 Posts: 206 Member
    I have four, 2 beagles, 1 vizsla & 1 vizsla/lab mix. I run with all of them. Get a "gentle leader" if they pull, it's amazing. It goes over the nose & hooks on their upper skull, then the leash attaches under their chin, so they can't pull without pulling their own nose down.

    I think it takes time and patience with any dog, but mine all learned (trust me, at first I wondered if they ever would). My tri-colored beagle is now actually my perfect running partner, even on the roads. I just kept them close at first, very short lease, and constantly told them "over" if they left my left side. Eventually they just get it. I found training them on the roads actually helped because they want to stay on the left to avoid cars.

    It really is worth taking the time to train them, cause they're great to have along. Honestly now, if I'm going in the woods, I only have to put the red/white beagle on a leash & the other 3 run free & stay with us. I have found the vizslas to be the best dogs I've ever seen for staying with you, they will not leave you. Just be prepared for a wicked high energy dog that needs to run.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I power walk with my dog. We have a specific route for exercise only, no sniffing breaks allowed. If he stops to sniff, he gets a sharp tug because I don't stop! It took him 5 or 6 walks with some serious yanks, but he figured it out eventually. I keep his leash very short when we exercise, this way he can't even reach the ground to sniff.

    This too it has to be consistent you let them know that the direction is foward. Not zig zag as dogs love to go. Eyes foward and no stopping. Short leash and a tug for slowing down or moving in some odd direction. They always go on my right side too. This seems to work it is contants discipline though. Thats why I perfer off leash if possible. Oh a gentle leader words great too. It looks like a muzzle but works more like a harness.
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    I used to. Then my 85 lb pit jumped between me and a big scary truck (trying to save me from it of course) and I tripped and sprained my ankle. I took some time off (obviously) and during my down time, my non-running husband would put him on a leash and jump on his skateboard and let the dog pull him around the neighborhood as fast as he was willing to go. Now when I start to jog with him he takes off like he's pulling my husband! I've almost face planted a few times.
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    I used to. Then my 85 lb pit jumped between me and a big scary truck (trying to save me from it of course) and I tripped and sprained my ankle. I took some time off (obviously) and during my down time, my non-running husband would put him on a leash and jump on his skateboard and let the dog pull him around the neighborhood as fast as he was willing to go. Now when I start to jog with him he takes off like he's pulling my husband! I've almost face planted a few times.

    HAHAHAHAHA Sorry you lost your running pal, but the image of a pit pulling a grown man on a skateboard is too good. My neighbor used to do this with his German shepherd and razor scooter.