18 in 4

kateyb Posts: 138 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone ever heard of or tried this diet?

I'm not stupid enough to think that it's possible, healthy or safe to lose that amount of weight in 4 days, but I've been plateaued for almost a month and thought it could be a way to kick start things. I'd be happy if I just lost a lb on it and unlike a lot of these 'wonder diets' it doesn't involve fasting or living on shakes or juice for days on end. It is 3 meals a day with stuff like eggs, meat, lots of veg, butternut squash etc

I've tried changing my calorie totals to shock the system, I increased my cals to match my RMR, I've stepped it up on the exercise and am doing at least an hour 4 times a week with a mixture of cardio and strength training.

For the long term I'm doing this the healthy way, but my 30th birthday is less than 2 weeks away and I am in that horrible mid clothing size range where all my clothes are way too big and baggy but the smaller size is still a little too tight.

I would love a quick fix, even if temporary.

What do you guys think???


  • well i guess it depends on what exactly you are eating. i tried the SB diet and the first 2 wks lost 15 pounds...now because i was cutting out carbs as in bread etc, it was water weight not actually fat. i think you would try it and see how you feel, knowing that your loss will probably be mostly water but if seeing the scale go down motivates you then thats ok. sounds like from what you said the foods are healthy.
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