Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred-Need inspiration and advise!

Hello All!

This will be my second time doing the 30 Day Shred-the first time I started the 30 days, I only lasted 4 days before getting off the wagon and giving up. This time around i am DETERMINED! I took my measurements and my starting weight (though I am scared to post them..yet) and am currently on Day 8 of level 1. I have had to take a few days off here and there due to working open-close shifts and just cant bring my self to do it when I get home late at night but this time I am going to stick with it.

I feel a lot better on day 8 and can tell that my endurance has really improved. I am getting a little discouraged however because my clothes seem to be fitting the same and I am not seeing much of a difference...yet, of course.

I had a few questions though for those of you who are doing the 30 day shred or have completed it, and these questions may be silly but I am curious :)
I do the video in my room which has carpet floors, is it ok to do the video bare foot? or is it better with tennis shoes on?
How many calories should I be eating a day? I have been eating very healthy but have seen a decrease in my appitite and am not sure if I am eating enough calories?
Also, what does it mean to eat your work out calories back?
Lastly, after the video I have felt that my calves are feeling very tight, not sore, but tight. Its almost painful. Has this happened to anyone else?

And finally, if anyone could post their before and after pictures/results that would be amazing! and definitely would help to stay motivated!


  • tamikia87
    tamikia87 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm only on day 3 but I do a few extra stretches after I finish! Stretch your calf muscles afterwards, I stand on a step and lower one heel over the edge to do mine, I also hold my stretches longer, I find she doesn't hold them long enough for my likings! Don't give up, it's only been 8 days you will see results, I've seen other pposts on here that on level 2 is when you start noticing results, I can't wait to see some results! I also took my weight measurements, but I won't be posting any photos as I'm not comfortable at my size doing so..... Good Luck and keep up the great work! Only 22 days left to go!!
  • queens2014
    queens2014 Posts: 19 Member
    Great job starting! I'm only on day 16 and I can tell it's worth it...I do it in bare feet and I haven't had any problems but I"m by no means an expert, I was actually kind of wondering about that too?
    As for the calves, I noticed that too and mine were really sore in the mornings. It's because she doesn't really do any stretches for your calves...I just starting doing some of my own stretching afterwards, she doesn't really do enough...if you stand up straight with your legs together and bend over to touch your toes and hold for a couple seconds it gives you a great stretch up the back of your whole leg. I started doing that and didn't notice any calf problems anymore. Hope that helps!
  • bassettmama
    bassettmama Posts: 13 Member
    I do it on carpet and most definitely wear shoes. There is no way I could have proper form with jumping jacks, lunges, etc. barefoot.

    Stick with it. Even if you don't notice a huge difference, you will see it in your before and after pictures.
  • I also just completed day 8 of 30ds. You will thank yourself later if you stick with it and do it every single day! That's where you are going to see maximum results. Do wear tennis shoes while working out. You don't want to injure yourself. I personally eat between 1700 and 2000 cals a day depending on my mood, the amount I work out, etc. my numbers are NOT based on mfp's calculations, but made by calculating my bmr and tdee. If you are using mfp's calculations , then you eat back your calories from exercise by eating back some of the calories that it says you've gained through exercise. Ex: your goal is 1500 cals, you gain 300 cals from exercise. Eat an additional 200 or so more.

    Please feel free to add me! I'll send you a request. Especially since we are on the same day and level, I can help encourage you and keep you on track!
  • tamikia87
    tamikia87 Posts: 66 Member
    I forgot to mention, the first day I never wore anything on my feet but since I've worn my sneakers, I've been told it's not good to work out without shoes on unless I'm doing yoga/pilates or something similar.
  • Your calves are sore probably from not wearing shoes while doing hi impact moves....
  • I'm new to this app but an excited to see that real people are having success with the 30 day shred. I am going to try it...no...do it!!! Thanks for the inspiration everyone!!!
  • Unique_ways
    Unique_ways Posts: 26 Member
    I just finished my 30 day shred and have posted pics on my site of my stomach...
    Stick with it you will def see the results at the end !!!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I was going to start today - totally forgot. Haven't done measurements & don't want to do it now seeing as I've eaten/drank etc etc.

    I might need to start tomorrow. Good luck with it. I've only ever lasted about 8 days too. I want to get back into it though because my fitness isn't as good as it was & I'd like my body shape to change even if the scales don't reflect it.
  • like_milk
    like_milk Posts: 79 Member
    Please do wear shoes when doing high impact exercises like these, no matter how soft your carpet is. I got shin-splints from doing something similar and it's no fun.

    But if you're new to it you'll also feel some muscle pain for the first few days anyway.
  • Caligirlk22
    Caligirlk22 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone! Sa far this is all wonderful advise and great inspiration. I dont use this site as often as I should to update my daily food/exersise but would definitely like to add anyone as friends to stay encouraged and stick together to see the results we are all looking for! :)
  • Jday71
    Jday71 Posts: 39
    I just finished day 24!!!!!!! I am so excited I have almost completed it. Wear tennis shoes for the exercises that have impact. The results have been amazing!!! Keep up the good work:)
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    I'm on day 3 of level 3 this time around. I've completed it once before and dropped a clothing size (although only 3 lbs! Don't put too much stock in the scale while you're doing it). It's absolutely effective!

    I've done it barefoot, and would have continued to do so if it weren't for the peeling skin on the bottom of my toes. Ow. It's easier with shoes on!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I have been doing her all her DVDs for two years on carpeted floors, bare foot.

    Knock on wood, but I haven't had any problems.

    Your calves are probably sore from the jumping jacks/butt kick in circuit 1 of Level 1. Even though I'm in great shape, that part still makes my calves a little sore the next day.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I'm doing 30 day shred every other day. I run on my off days. I hope that will work.
  • lieselLalor
    lieselLalor Posts: 169 Member
    I just started level 3 today. I did level 1 for only 6 days because I barely broke a sweat on the last day although it kicked my butt the first 3 days, literally, my *kitten* was SOOO sore! So I did level 2 for about 11 or 12 days but I started losing motivation to do it so I figured it was time for me to move on to level 3. Today was great, I definitely needed the change. It's going to end up taking me longer than 30 days because I took some rest days and did some cross training but I can tell a difference for sure. The top of my stomache is starting to tone up just the slightest (even my stupid mom pouch has muscle underneath) but I really see the difference in my legs. The cellulite in my legs has gone down a lot and I finally feel them getting muscular. I can't "see" a difference in my arms yet but sometimes I feel them and say "is that a litttle muscle poking out there?"

    I've lost a little over 6lbs so far. I'm not following her diet but I've tried getting more protein and upped my calories from 1200 to 1350 and always eat back my excercise calories because I want to try and gain a little muscle not Just lose weight now.

    I feel like I will definitely get more results with level 3 because I was having a hard time getting through it today. After I'm done I want to do her Ripped in 30 DVD.

    I would recommend it. It's really convenient and I can feel the changes even if they are small. Good luck!

    AND about the shoes, I also do it on carpeting but I notice when I put my shoes on I'm "in the workout mode." If I stayed barefoot I probably wouldn't work as hard at it.
  • CandiaisGolden
    CandiaisGolden Posts: 23 Member
    I'm on Day 8 too! I do the videos in my room as well with carpeted floors. Shoes were too much for me but I definitely wear socks. It's only day 8 so don't get discouraged yet. see how you feel around day 15.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I didn't get up and do it this morning cause last night was my off day, so I did my running program and wow I'm really sore. I am worried about pushing to much and getting hurt. I hope this don't hurt my in my results.
  • Caligirlk22
    Caligirlk22 Posts: 8 Member
    Has anyone done the video twice in one day? Im leaving for NY for vacation before Ill finish my full 30 days and want to get the video in as much as possible! Thanks for all of your posts by the way, this is DEFINITELY helping me to stay motivated and positive :)
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    After I finished all 30 days I started doing 2 levels together:)
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