New potato & smoked haddock crush

karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
New potato & smoked haddock crush


500g new potatoes , scrubbed if muddy
6 garlic cloves , peeled, but left whole
300g undyed smoked haddock , skinned
full-fat milk
4 tbsp olive oil
small bunch chives , finely chopped


100g French beans
1 small shallot , finely sliced
8 slices of baguette , toasted or crisped in a low oven

Prep 15 mins
Cook 35 mins
Egg-free, Nut-free

1.Halve the potatoes if large. Tip into a pan of boiling salted water with the garlic, simmer for about 20 mins until they are on the brink of collapse, then drain. Meanwhile, cover the haddock with milk. Bring to a simmer, then poach the fish slowly for 5 mins until it flakes easily. Drain fish, but reserve the milk.
2.While everything is still warm, crush the potatoes and garlic with a masher. Flake and mix in the fish, add 2 tbsp of the poaching milk and 3 tbsp olive oil, then mix well - you should have a loose, rich mash. Taste for seasoning. Stir in the chives and set aside. Cook the beans in boiling water, then drain and toss with the remaining oil and the shallot. Serve a large spoonful of crush with the French bean salad and a few slices of toast.

New way with potaoes
Squashing cold, cooked new potatoes flat onto a baking tray, drizzling with oil and roasting in a hot oven until crisp.

Per serving 260 kcalories, protein 17g, carbohydrate 22g, fat 12 g, saturated fat 2g, fibre 2g, sugar 2g, salt 1.49 g
Recipe from Good Food magazine, May 2007.