Share Your 'About Me'

jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member

Hi everyone! I thought it'd be a good opportunity for everyone to share their profile's 'About Me' section to gain some friends! If you're new, just some facts will do. Feel free to add your stats as well, maybe you can find someone going through the same thing!

My Stats:
F, 22
HW: 199
CW: 183
GW: 125
Exercises: Cardio machines, Pilates (specifically Blogilates/STOTT), occasional Yoga, strength training (machines at gym)
Diet: Mostly paleo. I eat gluten/dairy occasionally, but it's not very often (it halts my weight loss).

My 'About Me':

*Please include a message with your friend request.*

My name is Jaimee, and I'm a food junkie who has converted to the Paleo lifestyle.

I joined MFP to resolve this unhealthy relationship I have with food. It's as simple as that. I've increased my exercise, decreased my portions, and learned to pay much more attention to how I should be treating my body. I will not condone an eating disorder, and I won't judge your diary. You know what's best for you, and I expect the same respect in return. I'm here to help, but I will not be an enabler anymore.

I'm 22 years old and currently residing in the midwest. Most of my free time is spent playing PC games and spending time with my boyfriend. I love having gamer friends, send me a message if you feel the same.

Strengths: I'm here to find that out.
Weaknesses: PCOS, Auto Immune Liver, and insulin resistance.

GLHF! :drinker:


  • tweak222
    M, 23
    SW: 220
    CW: 213
    GW: 165
    Exercises: P90X, Day 4 (Jan 31st)
    Diet: Just the standard MFP diet, I try to keep my nutrients balanced and I take B-Complex vitamin.

    About Me

    I'm 23 years old and have made goals to lose weight and enlist into the United States Marine Corps. I enjoy home-brewing beer and running. I love to blog. I have 2 brothers, one older and one younger. My family is wonderful and are very supportive! The goal this time is to stick to my fitness goals!

    A little extra:
    I'm looking to turn my life around to look good and feel good. That's why I'm on here. I fall into those nasty over eating patterns that really got me to where I was. I used to weigh 220 about 2 years ago and I had dropped to 165lbs but do to ITBS in my left knee I hit a slump and gained the weight back now I know how to run properly and am reinvigorating my passion for weight loss because the only person who can stop me is me!
  • vivek85
    vivek85 Posts: 25 Member
    Male, 29

    Starting Weight : 85.5 kg (188.49 lb)

    Last Weighed : 82 kg (180.7 lb) -- Have 4 more days to my next scheduled weighing date.

    Goal Weight : 60kg (132 lb)

    Exercise: Just Cardio (Elliptical trainer, 30 mins for 5 days & 60 mins on Sunday).

    Diet: 1200cal ( 99% of time it is weetbix, Tuna, Wholemeal bread, Pasta, Banana, Kiwi Fruit and some veggies). I can cook but I don't like it.

    About me:

    I am 29 from Melbourne, Australia. Born as an Indian and lived like one (like few, I don't want to end up in a controversy) with big belly, sloppy walking but quiet. One day , all of a sudden I wanted to use the Elliptical trainer I bought 2 yrs ago. After few days, I thought I should consider eating some healthy food rather than Kebab, burger & instant noodle. Fortunately went through my Itunes store, found MFP and also managed to get one good friend (Kevin). End of flashback, things are much better now. Going with the paln for past 2 months and I know I still have a long way to go, and I will go. ;)
  • findingmyfit
    5'6 tall with a chunk of weight to lose. I joined MFP on 1/09/2013 and I'm loving it. The tracker app is awesome. Customization is awesome. I'm trying out keto. The ratios I'm aiming to work towards are around 15c/50f/35p. (I haven't quite mastered it yet) But so far I'm doing well on my amazing journey!

    I've been struggling with my weight ever since I was a child, never been satisfied or comfortable with my body. Binging and then afterwards out of guilt I'd try not to eat for as long as I could. Here I am in my 20s and I think, maybe I can change this. I feel like I've got a possible solution so I'm going to try it out.

    I've tried different diets, paid for weight loss programs, diet pills, personal trainers and so far it hasn't worked for me and it's only caused me to lose and then gain even more weight. So I think I've got it this time. Especially with the tracker MFP offers I think I'm headed into a better direction.

    I like the gym. It's like my sanctuary. Love to just plug in my headphones and sweat away. I love music. I live on my own. There's so much I could post on here but it'd be better to just add me instead. I'm always looking for support since I'm doing this by myself. I don't really have any family support when it comes to this so I think this is one of the best ways for me to gain support.

    ANYWHO... I basically copied and pasted my about me haha. But always am glad to see newbies since I'm pretty much one as well. You can do it. Let's just do our friggin thang! Rock it! Feel free to add me.
  • quinncujo
    Just started MFP with a friend, my daughter and my husband.. Am loving it so far but I did go slightly over my recommended calories and all tonght because of a slice of pizza earlier in the day . :(

    Start weight- 194
    Goal weight-160

    Add me if you would like I need all the advice and support I can get.. I'm really liking this sight!