Restaurant Courtesy



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Tipping is not mandatory. We tip IF you do your job well.

    Did you know how the idea of tips started with people tipping BEFORE they were served (with whatever service they wanted, food, gas, etc)? That way, if you gave a lousy tip, you got lousy service. :wink:
    And that's how it should be, then everyone on both sides would be happy. You'd be more likely to get what you deserved both ways.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I do have a problem, though, with the fact that anyone that provides a service now expects a tip. There is a tip jar on practically every counter you lean across.
    A lot of employers pay their service people far less than minimum wage. That little tip jar keeps your $3 cup of coffee from being $8. :wink:

    I deliver pizza part time (and I'm an employment professional full time, so I see both ends very clearly). Recently the company started charging $2.00 for delivery rather than raising the price of the food -- good old marketing trickery, I guess. But guess what, that $2.00 does NOT go to your delivery driver. If you don't tip me, I LOSE money (it's my car, my gas, my oil, my tires, etc that I"m using to get to your house). I make $4 something an hour delivering pizzas before tips... I used to make minimum wage until the Fed increased it. When the min. wage went up again last July, they started paying me nearly $2.00 less an hour because they *could.* Then they do something like increase the delivery charge which of course directly decreases my tips. Why do I stay? Because I can work only Tuesday & Wednesday night 5.30-9pm and that's pretty much the only job that would allow that. And, sometimes I make a *lot* of money. Then sometimes I lose money by even going into work. Overall, I'd say it's one of the most flexible/best part time jobs I could have while working M-F full time 1st shift somewhere else.

    Luckily I've found since I lost 60 pounds and bought some pants that fit well, my tips have nearly DOUBLED. And no, I'm not exaggerating. Thanks, ridiculous men! :tongue: I don't know what you think is going to happen just because you give me a $10 tip. :laugh:
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    I do have a problem, though, with the fact that anyone that provides a service now expects a tip. There is a tip jar on practically every counter you lean across.
    A lot of employers pay their service people far less than minimum wage. That little tip jar keeps your $3 cup of coffee from being $8. :wink:

    That's why I make my own coffee.

    Nice Guy Eddie: C'mon, throw in a buck!
    Mr. Pink: Uh-uh, I don't tip.
    Nice Guy Eddie: You don't tip?
    Mr. Pink: Nah, I don't believe in it.
    Nice Guy Eddie: You don't believe in tipping?
    Mr. Blue: You know what these chicks make? They make s**t.
    Mr. Pink: Don't give me that. She don't make enough money that she can quit.
    Nice Guy Eddie: I don't even know a (censor) who'd have the (censor) to say that. Let me get this straight: you don't ever tip?
    Mr. Pink: I don't tip because society says I have to. All right, if someone deserves a tip, if they really put forth an effort, I'll give them something a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, it's for the birds. As far as I'm concerned, they're just doing their job.
    Mr. Blue: Hey, our girl was nice.
    Mr. Pink: She was okay. She wasn't anything special.

    Not that I agree with Mr. Pink, but I understand.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Wow. Mildly insulting.
    Makes me want to eat at home, however if we all did that waitresses and waiters would have more to worry about than a bad tip or rude customers. I have worked in customer service before and I know it can be hard and requires some serious patience. But if someone hates their job that much they should change professions before it's too late.
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    I hope you don't think I was trying to insult anyone. Just quoting a hilarious dialogue that was in Reservoir Dogs.

    Waitressing is a thankless underpaid job.
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    I think whoever came up with this needs to find a new job! If you dislike it THAT much, I'm sure it shows when youre working, which could be the reason for your crappy tips! I had worked in the service for quite a long time and have ran across almost zero of these costumers.
    It's not the costumers fault that you chose a profession that you dislike....don't take it out on them.
  • vixey2906
    vixey2906 Posts: 30
    I'm going to be the one to say I'm Offended. I know, people suck, and working in the service industry sucks double. This, though, is why I really hate going to restaurants.

    Tipping is not mandatory. We tip IF you do your job well. If you're cranky, if you get more than half our order wrong and are rude about it, if you don't refill our drinks, or if you disappear after bringing the entrees, I will not tip or I will tip low. There's a reason for the system Americans use, and it's to keep service in restaurants at its best. Work hard for what you get.

    I'm not one of those people who doesn't believe in tipping. In fact, recently I left a 50% tip for an incredible waiter I had. He went out of his way to make our meal, and we felt he deserved it.

    I have tipping brackets I follow:

    - Terrible service, no drink refills, wrong order with no apology or with huffiness attached, or other: 0%
    - Average service: 20-25%
    - Friendly server, mistakes made but resolved, 25-30%
    - Outstanding server, thinks of things before even I do (bringing drinks before they run out), makes dining experience incredible: 30-50%

    Wait staff need to understand that their job is to serve. Service, ya know? So if they don't really "feel like" being friendly (not just civil), don't "feel like" splitting cheques or cleaning up childrens' messes they should not be servers. Go find a job that allows you to avoid all those things.

    You should have spent one day dealing with the crap I saw as a housekeeper at a 4 star resort. And you know what? I got almost no tips that summer, working minimum wage minus board. I was happy to have a g.d. job, and grateful for the tips I got, rather than complaining on Facebook about how miserable my life was.

    Agreed. If you hate you job that much quit, stop being a whiney SOB! You have a job and an income, good times!
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177

    Agreed. If you hate you job that much quit, stop being a whiney SOB! You have a job and an income, good times!


    SNAP! A little mean spirited.
  • vixey2906
    vixey2906 Posts: 30
    Lol sorry that sounds harsher than it was intended :) Some of it was funny, but I would never tip someone with an attitude like that, though in England they are paid minimum wage or more anyways i spose.
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