Daycare mama's out there?

Hi, I'm from Minnesota and have run my own daycare for 9 years and struggle to stick to a strict meal plan cause it seems that my whole day revolves around food and daycare food. Any of you have the same issues? Just wanna have some daycare mama's to be friends with too :) Friend me if you want. I've lost 15 lbs, but have been stuck, plateaued for a couple months.


  • Nice
    Nice Posts: 84
    I've been running my own home daycare for seven years as well!! I don't have a problem with the daycare food only because I'm not a huge fan of the snack food..goldfish, cheezits, crackers..etc.. I always have the same lunch..slightly under 300 calories..the fruits are no problem because they are healthy. The kids I have in daycare right now are big eaters so they always finish their plates. I'm a mom of three boys as well..I try to choose snacks that I don't personally like..that way, I won't eat them! Feel free to ad me!

    also..the daycare is on strict schedule with food..the same time everytime..I only supply morning snack, lunch and an afternoon the daycare children are not snacking all day unless they bring snacks form home, and no one ever does.
  • Lindaspencer
    Lindaspencer Posts: 226 Member
    im a daycare mama :) in MN too :) i have done daycare for 8yrs - and i agree - it can be really challenging to not reach in the cubbard or fridge anytime you feel like it and grab something and eat it - but at the same time - i can be easier to eat healthier than working outside the home too - the thing that helped me is when my food program im on - made alot of changes to try to serve more nutritious meals - for example when i started daycare - i could serve fish sticks and it didnt matter - that was a meat - then you serve your bread and fruit and veggie with it or corn dogs etc... but now - i dont serve those things because in order for it to count as a meat - you had to serve a ridiculous amount - something like 12 fishsticks in order for it to count as 2 oz of meat or something crazy like that - so it has helped me to eat better too lol - so i try to make wholesome more nutricious foods - thats helps alot - and 2nd i try to have healthier snacks and i try to plan out my meals ahead of the time and track them on here - my problem is not being able to exercise because im so tired at the end of the day lol - :(
    you can add me if you like :) good luck