Happy Thursday!

Good Morning All,

I am pretty new to MFP so doing the introduction thing. I'm a 39 year old mother of a teenager and almost pre-teen (both boys), happily married to my best friend that makes me laugh everyday. Seems like when I hit 30 yrs old my metabolism just STOPPED all together. I swore something is wrong and had blood work done for thyroid, hormones, etc but low and behold...no findings just getting old. LOL
So here I am giving this a try. I refuse to buy anymore clothes until I can start buying a size smaller, so let's do this. All the encouragment out there is much needed.


  • Suzannemacwill
    Suzannemacwill Posts: 3 Member
    me too i can totaaly relate.
  • Elainethelucky
    Hi there please feel free to add me. Welcome aboard. Lots of positivity and support given.
  • brandymandycandy
    I'm turning 30 in 19 days :sad:

    Feel free to add me, always looking to motivate and be motivated :smile:
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    Happy Thursday! Welcome and good luck
  • tattoogal77
    tattoogal77 Posts: 72 Member
    I am completely the same way abou the clothing...I refuse to buy anything over a size 20. I also have a pre-teen boy who has more energy than I ever remember having. Need to be able to keep up with him!
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    I was very fit in my 20's then hit 30 and things changed which was when I changed too I became less active and put on weight I call it motherhood lol when I hit 39 I vowed that I wasn't going to become a fat forty yr old but a fit one and have achieved it I feel fitter now than my younger years good luck with your journey if you want to add me feel free to do so ????
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I am relatively new, but have already felt the support of others through the forums and the people that have friended me. I am 47 and at 39, was told I have type 2 diabetes. You'd think that would have motivated me to lose weight, but it didn't. NOW I AM READY! Keep working hard towards your goals. I know we can do this!