Ladies - do you log your period weight gain?



  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I do weekly weigh ins and, yes, I still weigh in that week. It's not that big a deal to me, as I know it's going to be gone by my next weekly weigh in. shrug...
  • mumreeder
    mumreeder Posts: 222 Member
    I only log my weight when it goes down. I weigh myself every week, but only log the date and weight if gone down. As I am losing about 1/4lb per week it takes ages for it to show on the scale anyway - measurements are better for me.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Nope. It's not fat I'm gaining so I do not log it.
  • NOOOOOO!!!!!! lol Sometimes it's a 5 lb difference for me. I avoid the scale at all cost that week :)
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I record my weight Sundays-up, down, or otherwise. If it's TOM or I went out with friends or anything else, whatever-I'm looking at trending over a year (same for if I was sick and it was artificially low). That's me though-I just look at all that stuff as life and it all evens out in the end. I'm not going to be so much a slave to the scale that I only record a weight if it meets certain criteria-but hey, different strokes for different folks.
  • aakokopelli7
    aakokopelli7 Posts: 196 Member
    No, That's water weight, not fat. Skip the weekly weigh in that week, it will be OK.
  • I don't log it either, I already know it will be gone as soon as the PMS is lol. No worries, do what is best or works best for you.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Nope..if I know it isn't true gain, I don't log it..if you are usually in the deficit and exercise regularly you know it isn't fat.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I've stopped logging gains period. I don't need to see that.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    If I'm certain that's the reason for the gain, I don't log it.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    No. It's not a real weight gain. It's not a gain in fat from overeating. It's not a gain muscle from developing strength. It's just water. In two days, you'll spend the day peeing constantly and it will be gone.
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    I don't log gains at all :/
  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    Nope, I don't log it....I only record weight when I lose. :)
    yup, this is good for me too :)
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    Yes, because I can also track bloating this way. Now that I'm off my oral contraceptives (Yaz followed by Beyaz), I experience somewhat extreme bloating. I can gain 8-10lbs a few days before that takes about a week to go away. I also experience bloating and edema when I have more then 1500mg of sodium/day.

    I'm also much more sensitive to sodium bloating just before my period.

    Even if it's water weight, I still consider it as weight (not fat) and I shouldn't be bloating the way that I do. If I have large fluctuations in my weight from day to day I'll know I'm not eating right. Potassium is too low and sodium is too high.
  • sahm23ladies
    sahm23ladies Posts: 91 Member
    I record my weight Sundays-up, down, or otherwise. If it's TOM or I went out with friends or anything else, whatever-I'm looking at trending over a year (same for if I was sick and it was artificially low). That's me though-I just look at all that stuff as life and it all evens out in the end. I'm not going to be so much a slave to the scale that I only record a weight if it meets certain criteria-but hey, different strokes for different folks.

    Amen Sister!
    I thought I was the only one.

    If I gain, I gain. If I lose, I lose. I post my weight weekly so my cardio cals are calculated more precisely.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I don't. My body fluctuates so much day to day that I would drive myself crazy. I weigh myself each day and only record losses. If I went of track for a while and gained actual fat and not water weight, I would add it.
    This. Plus, sometimes I don't even bother weighing myself during my period. At this point, I know there'll be some water weight, I know it isn't a real gain, I know I'll have to wait until my period is over to get a more accurate number.
  • amdahwd
    amdahwd Posts: 237 Member
    I only record losses. I weigh daily and there are days that I can go up 2-3 pounds just because I exercised extra hard the day before or had too much sodium the day before, or of course, TOM. I would go crazy if I changed my weight everytime it fluctuated like that.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    No, because I know its just very temporary, and I don't want to take credit for losing it when it drops back off...
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    I weigh myself almost every day, but only record a gain or loss when I start to see a consistent trend.
  • LynnieG85
    LynnieG85 Posts: 157 Member
    no but i log the chocolate i ate while pmsing :D

    Haha I think that's the more important issue!! :p