The little things add up

What little things do you fit into your everyday routine for exercise or whatnot? For example whenever there are stairs I need to take I do two at a time instead of one for the legs. I know someone who squats while making dinner or grocery shopping lol. What are your little things if you have any?


  • jcasebolt84
    jcasebolt84 Posts: 22 Member
    When I'm studying for class I usually try to stand most of the time or slowly pace back and forth. Keeps the blood movin a little!!!
  • i do squats while i'm blow drying my hair LOL
  • Pinupdollrawr
    Pinupdollrawr Posts: 137 Member
    That sounds like a workout itself lol
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Personally, I don't view little things as exercise. They are just part of life. If I'm taking the stairs instead of the elevator, then it's part of a healthier life. Exercise are my workouts, my runs, my rides, etc. Not stairs or moving furniture or walking the dog.

  • Pinupdollrawr
    Pinupdollrawr Posts: 137 Member
    I'm not saying it's a sole exercise . It's added things to a fitness routine like calf raises while brushing teeth etc I think I mis worded it . Oh well.
  • wigglypeaches
    wigglypeaches Posts: 146 Member
    I keep myself from getting sluggish at my desk by doing plank, push-ups and tricep dips in my cubicle, or jogging up/down the stairs. It keeps me awake and brings my heart rate up! :happy: