hot in the gym!!

So last night I went to the gym and I dont know what was going on with there A/C system but there was NO AIR circulation in the gym and I was sweating bullets..which I can handle BUT.....because it being so hot my heart rate accelerated to a whomping 195 which scared me to death and I almost left. I couldnt really work out hard on the elliptical like I normally do..Has anyone had this issue before? Any ideas?


  • Hirgy03
    Hirgy03 Posts: 332 Member
    The hotter the better if you ask me, but I'm an old wrestler, so for me, working out was always done in an extremely hot room (we used to pack snow and ice on top of the thermostat to keep it running without shutting off during our practices). It bothers me, actually, to not be sweating profusely by the midpoint of my workout. Maybe that is just me, but to me it feels like progress, and at least in my little pebble-mind, it makes me feel like I'm casting out my 'fat demons'
  • I'm all for sweating I love it!!. It was my heart rate flying to 195 that scared me. Is that a safe heart rate?
  • Hirgy03
    Hirgy03 Posts: 332 Member
    Dammit! I had a long answer drawn out for you and hit the wrong button and it erased. Anyway, here is a link to a pretty brief article I just found. I'm not vouching for accuracy, but a quick look brought me to this (which I believe is a fairly "ok" site).

    At 30 years old, it seems that you weren't too God-awful high above your "max rate", but I've always been told to keep it below 170 or so. Were you getting dizzy? Were you able to slow down and get it to drop back down in a minute or so? If you are able to control it a bit, then I'd say you just need to work up to the speed you were going at.

    Take this all with a grain of salt, as I'm by no means an expert. I just go by what I've been told, and it seems to work for me, as whenever I get about the upper 170's, it skyrockets and I "feel funny". In the 150's and 160's, I feel I'm getting a great workout, but that I'm not overdoing it.
  • Thanks alot. Yeah I usually try to stay between 160 and 170 at my max. I was able to bring it down rather quickly by just slowling down. I really think it was do to know air.
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    Max HR is different for everyone. If I got mine that high I would be having some issues. When I work out I stay between 150-160, and to really really push it, I can get to 170. My Anarobic threshold is 174 so anything above that is killer. I've never even seen a 190 number for me haha. BUT my mom who is in much better shape than I am and has a higher resting heart rate, has a max in the low 200s and that's perfectly normal for her. Sooo it depends on your cardiac health I think.
  • my heart rate always is high.. so even when it gets to that point and above i just feel like I'm getting a good workout in.. Unless I feel light headed then i might be worried.
  • Your heart rate tends to rise when you are overheated. It is called cardiac drift
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Hotter the better for me. I'd rather work out at 85-90 degrees instead of 65.

    I personally can't stand when people get the hurricane force fans going because it just circulates the -2 degree air coming in the door whenever anyone enters or leaves.

    Edit: You're in PA. It's probable the A/C isn't even turned on. If the joint was really busy, the people in motion and the machines could raise the temp in the place, unless it's a giant club.
  • OH I was for sure overheated!!! Im a hot box and i weight 260 at 5'4lb
  • Hirgy03
    Hirgy03 Posts: 332 Member
    OH I was for sure overheated!!! Im a hot box and i weight 260 at 5'4lb

    Bwahahahahah...... "hot box" ...... I'm sorry, but that phrase makes me giggle. I apologize

    I never claimed to be "gentleman-ly" ;) j/k
  • lol.....too funny!!!:laugh:
  • I prefer it to be hot as well. Like they said, the hotter the better