If you have my MOJO I want it back!!!!! please x

The last six months I have been more a less maintaining my weight loss of 70+lbs. I moved house before christmas and have basically been putiing weight on seeing myself a good 10lbs heavier in just a couple of months.

I worked so hard to lose the weight and exercised regularly drank lots of water did all the right things. At the moment I just seem to be sabbotaging all my efforts and have given up being healthy dont get me wrong not every day but most days at the moment I just dont seem to care.

Where I am at the moment is very miserable feeling sluggish and wanting to seriously get myself back to the healthy happy girl I once was. I just seem so busy with everything working full time and being a mum trying to keep my house pristine and now throwing a university degree into the mix im burned out.

First step I have took is i have made myself a room in the house to exercise in I have put a TV and Dvd player in there weights and a mat and a selection of workouts ranging from 10 mins to as long as you like. I enjoy doing dvds at home so know it wont be a problem once I get started. I just cant make time for the gym at the mo.

The good intentions are there but I give in to easy to everyone moslty myself. At work Im surrounded by cake and chocolate (I work on maternity) My friends all want to eat take aways and drink gallons of wine as do I.

If any of you fine folk have been here after a big weightloss how did you get back on track. I was only a few pounds away from my target weight.

I feel a zillion miles away from it again now. Time to get tough again.

going on a girlie holiday to Marbella in 13 weeks I want it to inspire me again. If you have my mojo please give it back :O)

Love Lu x


  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    Firstly, congratulations on your weight loss, that's huge!! Secondly, you've got alot on your plate so give yourself some slack. Perhaps just commit to 10mins a day of some type of exercise, walking, whatever. Take it one day, one meal, one moment at a time. Use that vaca as a great motivator.. put up a picture of a bikini. Temptation is everyone, so make a list of why you want this and have those reasons be bigger than the cake. You know what cake, take out and wine taste like. You can have them anytime... but getting to your goal.. that's new and YOU REALLY WANT IT. "Motivation does not last, neither does bathing that's why we recommend it daily".
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    You are so right if we could bottle motivation we would be rich. I need a motivation pill at the moment. Although at work I have motivated loads of people to start eating healthier as they have seen me shrinking week by week. Im pretty sure some of my collegues would like to see me pile the poundage back on. The same ones who hold a box of chocolates out to me at 17.00 hours after being in work 10 hours and say ''want one??'' I suppose I could always say no thanks haha.

    That is what I need to start saying... No thankyou my body is a temple :O) x
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    YOU'VE LOST 70#! that's something to celebrate. i can never seem to get past the 10# mark but i keep on truckin'!

    now, here is my.........MOJO. please enjoy this gift ;)
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Was 70 but now just in the 60s due to my constant wine guzzling and sitting on my backside feeling glum about the fact im not moving enough and eating crap lol.

    Im going to be sooooooo positive this weekend even though I am on (YUCKY NIGHTSHIFTS) Now I have your MOJO I can take on the world noooooo problemo :O) xxx