Overhead squat numb thumb?

Today I did:

5 rounds of:
400m run
15 overhead squats with 15lb bar, with constant coaching on my form.

On my 4th round of squats, my right thumb went numb. By the 5th round, the numbness spread up the inside of my forearm up to my inner elbow, along the radial nerve, I'm guessing.

Now it's 1.5 hours later, and it's still numb. Feels like my arm fell asleep and pins and needles when I press, especially at the top part of my thumb.

I'm guessing a pinched nerve from how I gripped the bar when it was overhead, or maybe because of how my elbow was positioned with the bar overhead?

Anyone ever get this? If so, how long did it last?

I also had dequervain's syndrome in both hands 3 years ago from nursing my son, but that seems to have recovered except for a totally weak grip.


  • JLOAL11
    JLOAL11 Posts: 1
    This happened to me today..
    How did yours go away?