I finally found an exercise I can do!

I started ten months ago at 262 and I'm down to 217. I have wanted to exercise but my size and age made it really difficult for me. I had been walking with a cane (which I have mostly given up!), and most forms of exercise were just too difficult for me. I could have down water aerobics but didn't have a facility nearby. Two weeks ago I bought a small mini trampoline at Walmart for $29.99. I started just bouncing on it for two minutes. The next day I did five. I then made a playlist on my Itunes account of music that had a good beat at the speed I could go. I eventually over the past two weeks have increased my time on the trampoline to 17 minutes in the morning and 8 minutes in the afternoon for a total of 25 minutes. Today I am shooting for thirty.

If any of you have arthritis, bad knees, are elderly or extremely overweight where it makes it difficult to exercise, give the mini trampoline a try. I have actually enjoyed it and even though it's not burning tons of calories it is getting me out of my chair for a little while. My friend told me, "It doesn't matter how slow you go. you're still lapping everyone sitting on the couch!"



  • farsteve
    farsteve Posts: 157 Member
    Wonderful and a great idea!
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Good for you!!
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    keep it going! the simplest exercises are the best.
  • LisaMia66
    No matter how big or small, every single bit counts! Way to go! :drinker:

    BTW, that sounds like a lot of fun! I should buy one just so I can bounce up and down. Hey, if it even burns extra calories it's a bonus, right? :wink: