SBF2: Reboot Boogaloo, week of March 22nd



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Made it through spin class brilliantly.

    Also, gave Steve Jobs all my money. When you switch from pc to mac, they practically throw you a parade. It didn't hurt that I bought two computers in under fifteen minutes. I'm grateful I was able to do that.

    Discovered that my motherboard was fried in my old desk machine...but the tech guy was able to get most (not all) of my data. I thought I had lost my grade books, but found them after about an hour of frantic searching. Phew. . .I was panicking a bit. I had most of the stuff backed up, but hadn't backed up after I recorded their last assignment. That would have sucked.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    I'm up early due to pre last class of the school year excitement.

    Today, I have my "personal fitness assessment" scheduled at the gym. A bit nervous to be weighed, but they have a pretty high-tech looking scale that measures hydration and body fat percentage, etc. I'm also going to ask the trainer about metabolic testing. I'm about to start calling around to hospitals to investigate I can't seem to figure out how to drop the extra fat. Or I should get over myself and be happy here...but, well, you know...

    Last day of teaching (well until summer semester, which I won't know if I'm teaching until a day or two before it begins) boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Glad all is going well.

    Yeah, to get up for an 8:30 ride? 5:30am, so I can eat, shower, drink my coffee, etc. That's just crazy. Should be a nice day tomorrow though - a little drizzle in the morning, but a high of 80. I just hope the winds are reasonably calm. 40 miles are going to hurt!

    Dinner yesterday ended with a dessert that was like 6 scoops of ice cream on top of a brick of brownie - shared between three people, but really? We didn't ask for it - he brought it since it was my sister's birthday, but still charged us for it!:huh:

    So today is just teach yoga and run errands - oh, and eat lots tonight.

    Rest day, boogaloo.
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Oh my gosh! I did not realize I was a whole week behind with checking in! I only got in two spin classes this week. I made an appointment today with my doctor to ask her about being tired. I do about everthing pretty good, so I'm not sure why I am so tired all of the time. Husband says we are just getting older. Maybe so, but I'm going to have blood work done to make sure nothing's out of whack. Glad it is the weekend. 17th Anniversary tomorrow. Spring break for the boys next week. Going to spend some time with them.

    Checking in, boogaloo!

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    The trainer who was going to do my assessment was sick today, so I had to reschedule that for Sunday. Just as well, as I was running late and forgot to pack my lunch.

    Oh, and today I got another bursary (again, unexpected) making my new computers totally paid for. :noway: :bigsmile: I'm still trying to get stuff off of the old computer, but it's unbelievable that I made a scary purchase that ended up not scared at all. (Well, believable but very very cool.)

    I was wondering where you went, intervenes, huh? Sounds like you're doing well. MM, I'm so glad you caught the rat! I hope there is never ever another one. You already have enough stress/excitement without vermin!:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Morning, it is.

    The weather people wanted me to ride today. Yesterday, the forecast was 5-10 mph winds, today, the forecasts is 15-20 mph with gusts up to 25 mph. I'm hoping that doesn't really pick up until late this afternoon, or we will be riding right into it at the end. I should just tell my dad that we are following the yellow markers (20 mile) rather than the blue (40).

    I love Google - they just added bike routes on their maps (at least in Austin). I was checking to see where the ride started and I noticed you could get directions by bike. That is incredibly awesome. (I looked up Toronto, no luck, V - Rochester and DFW are in there though).

    Windy :frown: , boogaloo
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Happy anniversary , Bobbie!
    Glad everyone else is doing well!
    Getting a walk in this morning. I was going to go alone which is a rare treat but DH woke up grouchy so I said exercise would be good for him. So we are all going! Don't really have plans for the rest of the day. More grant paper work. My fingerprints were rejected again so I have to go on Monday and try again. This isn't fun anymore (fingerprinting that is).
    That's it for me!
    Have a great weekend. Hope your ride goes well Mary!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, it is.

    The weather people wanted me to ride today. Yesterday, the forecast was 5-10 mph winds, today, the forecasts is 15-20 mph with gusts up to 25 mph. I'm hoping that doesn't really pick up until late this afternoon, or we will be riding right into it at the end. I should just tell my dad that we are following the yellow markers (20 mile) rather than the blue (40).

    I love Google - they just added bike routes on their maps (at least in Austin). I was checking to see where the ride started and I noticed you could get directions by bike. That is incredibly awesome. (I looked up Toronto, no luck, V - Rochester and DFW are in there though).

    Windy :frown: , boogaloo

    We have a few sites that will map a cycle route. I'm just scared of car doors. I think google maps is going beta with bike routes here. I wish they'd get on public transport. The TTC has a beta trip planner, but it's really bad. Sort of directs you 30 blocks east by way of Osaka, Japan.:laugh:

    Also, I'm scared (a bit) to go back to the yoga/pilates class this morning, but I'll go.

    Lots of stuff off of my old computer is messed up with a capital F. (sorry...couldn't resist the NSFW) I tried to dump it onto an external drive, but it went weirdly. So, I've just saving my old laptop and getting them as needed. (truthfully, it's mostly clutter...and I still believe in printing major things out and keeping them in a binder...and they all need to be re-worked.) If I had to have a computer do the big firework, it really was the perfect time for it, as all my projects are in the percolating, notebook and pen stage.

    Mary, are you still thinking T.O. this summer? Or did Vancouver win? Confusion, I have it. We stayed at a pretty nice hotel downtown that was in a primo location. I think you can use the same points system as Westin there. Anyways, may the wind be at your back.:wink:

    Sunshine, hooray, sunshine boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I finally got some decent exercise in. 3.5 mile walk run, mostly walking but I did run some too.

    V, we found more rat droppings the next morning after catching the fat one. I think we have one more left...I hope that's all. A friend brought over some electronic sound thingies that bother the rats and keeps them away. We'll try that too.

    Just had to post that I did some actual exercise!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Well, that was depressing.

    First of all, no matter how much you believe in full disclosure, don't tell the trainer doing your assessment that you already have a trainer (and they can't expect to sell anything to you).

    Also, be strong of will and self esteem on the day that you go.. According to the very official looking printout, I'm supposed to lose 18 pounds to be ideal. (although I am in the "normal" range of weight...I'm still least I know I don't have body, progress?) The good news is 60 pounds of me is muscle. The bad news is, 47 pounds of me is fat. Seriously? I mean, I know I'm a thick girl, but 47? Dang. The other 47 pounds is stuff of an indeterminate nature...water, blood, lattes, that sort of thing...

    My next line of attack is to consult a nutritionist. Or order five pizzas. But, probably a nutritionist. As far as "doing everything right and nothing is moving"...well, I'm there. Pretty cranky about it just at present.

    Sorry about the rat having a friend, MM.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Way to go on exercising, MM! Sorry about the other rat, though. Mary, I hope you have a fabulous ride and not too much headwind. Bobbie, happy anniversary! V, yay about the computer and bonuses! Boo about the trainer and their assessment. Try not to take it too seriously - I got all depressed and cranky the last time I had one, too. But just think of all that your body can do for you. What kind of assessment did you get that actually tells you muscle vs. fat? And how are your muppet feet?

    I already posted on FB, but I have to share here - I RAN TEN MILES TODAY!!!!! :bigsmile: I couldn't believe it when I went back to MapMyRun and saw over 10 miles, so we went out in the car and measured with the odometer - wooooo-hoooooo! I wanted at least 8, and was hoping for 9.3 (i.e. 15K, which I considered running in a race tomorrow but decided I didn't want the pressure) - but for some reason I never even considered that I might make it to 10. I'm just so dang proud of myself, I hope you don't mind me sharing. :blushing:

    Then I went right out afterwards and got a massage. Double yay! Now it's time to get off the computer so my muscles can RELAX. :glasses:

    Double digits, boogaloo! :love:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I have the same about of body fat, V. 48 lbs, or 30-2% or so for me. Which is... normal. I think the rest of me is lattes. I know how you feel though. I would like it to be around 25%.

    Congrats, CP, MM, and Bobbie!

    Finished the ride, barely. Husband wanted to go for a walk after lunch, so I did that too. I think it was a good thing to do.

    Time to refill the body with lattes, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I pouted for the rest of the day yesterday. I ordered (one) pizza and ate four pieces. Then I collapsed into some weird refined carb coma and slept for two hours. Then, after a shower, I watched movies and did laundry.

    Today, however, I'm going to take my freakydeaky shoes to the elliptical and get some movement in. Either the fat goes or it stays, but I still want to feel my body working out. So there.

    I realized upon further reflection that I was philosophically clashing with the assessment lady. The goal immediately encouraged was a number on the scale. (eww.) The love I've been working on with my body was maligned. ("ideally, you should be here." she said. My brain immediately thought..."nope. Ideally, I need to be where I am right now, and then later, if I'm somewhere else, that will be ideal, too.) and, she challenged my shoes (my pumas, not freakydeakies...she's not ready for freakydeakies). She also claimed to know what fibromyalgia was, but asked weird questions about it as if she didn't. Also, she had missed "arthritis" on my little survey form, and chastised me for not doing more weight bearing stuff...(um...Zumba is high impact, and my boxing workout contains a lot of plyometrics, so that's kind of covered.) So, blergh to her, from a place of love.:wink:

    To thine own self be true, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Ah, bad trainers. Like all, shall we say, inexperienced people, they follow a formula. You must: do this much cardio, this much weight training, etc. I was ticked when I went to the University for my body fat test, and she told me I needed to lift weights. Yoga 6x a week, hello? She just couldn't believe yoga was strength training enough.

    So, I'm not sore. I plan on getting some gardening in this morning, then maybe a 3 hour yoga session this afternoon. I forgot to mention yesterday - I forgot to wear my HR monitor. It took less than 4 hours (it was 4 hours with all the stops). No idea how many calories I burned, but you know what? I just ate what I wanted - and no more. Revolutionary really.

    Back to yoga, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Update: a half hour of elliptical + half hour of arc trainer, followed by stretching on this weird vibrating machine the gym has (a vibrating platform and lots of covered cables, so you can lean into supported/assisted stretching). I'm having some neck issues due to sinus issues. Wore my vibrams outside on the walk to and from the gym. Liberating. Sort of a combo between "whee...I feel six. And not caring that anybody thought my feet looked weird."

    I've been thinking of that whole "ideal body fat/weight" crap. Here's the deal, during the winter olympics, I saw a lot of world class athletes with bodies that looked a lot like mine. So, it seems to me that people should be a bit more "every body is different...let's see where yours ends up." Also, how about a fitness goal rather than a dress size goal suggestion...I mean, really, what are we in high school? Shallowness, not a fan.
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member

    ok, if there any fellow geeks, while looking up how to spell Branagh, I saw that there was a Hamlet with David Tennant and Patrick Stewart - while I'd rather see those two in a comedy, oh my, Dr. Who and Captain Picard? Speaking of, if you're a fan of Stewart, see "Jeffrey" so funny.

    Movies, boogaloo.

    I saw "Jeffrey" Captain Picard is such a versatile actor! :laugh:
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, everyone! Got back in from our anniversary over nighter. Had a fabulous dinner last night and a lot of champagne. It was fun. I've enjoyed catching up on your posts. V, I'm glad you know how to take and leave what others have to tell us about our "conditions". It sounds like you are doing just fine. You are definitely right about the athletes. We are all different and can be perfectly fine in different bodies.

    Hoping to get to spin in the morning. Am hoping to burn off last night's dinner before it attaches to my hips! :blushing:

    Spring Break, Boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Oh, and Vancouver won out. We are thinking Toronto for next year.