The scale won't budge!

I started eating better and working out again a few weeks ago. I lost 5lbs right away, but for the last two weeks I can't make the scale move! How can I fix this?


  • My scale went up 5lbs the first week and hasn't budged since. I'm so frustrated.
  • Ashleyambermfp
    Ashleyambermfp Posts: 15 Member
    Are you eating enough?
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    How tall are you?

    How much do you weigh now?

    What are your calorie goals?

    How much exercise are you getting?
  • jtoma686
    jtoma686 Posts: 2 Member
    this exact thing is happening to me and it's so frustrating!
  • woahitsangie
    woahitsangie Posts: 139 Member
    It happens to all of us. Ive been at a standstill now for a while too, and actually slightly gaining. Im trying to up my calories and be more consistent with my workouts. Day 3 and no change yet,but I wont give up.
  • ebonyb202
    ebonyb202 Posts: 42 Member
    are you drinking the appropiate amount of water for your weight? the scale would not move for me for almost 2 weeks......Its down 9lbs since then which was like almost 2 weeks ago (lol). Try it! I wasnt expecting it to work but it can be really frustrating when you're killing yourself working out and countin calories

    edit: even if its just water weight I lost I like to see a lower number on the scale every week!
  • Ive been working out for 4 weeks now and have only lost 5-6lbs. I work out monday through friday and do atleast 30mins of cardio each day and lift weights. I have been doing light weights and a lot of reps. Not try to get bulky. I am eating well per MFP. Occasionally I will go over on my sodium or suger. A drink a ton of water, basically the only thing i do drink! Any tips on how to cut some more weight??

    Height 6'3''
    Weight 233
    Goal Weight 210-215
  • I'm working out 4-6 times per week 45-60 minutes on the elliptical. I eat 1200-1400 calories a day (MFP says 1200 goal, but sometimes I eat into my exercise calories). I drink two 32 oz bottles of water a day. Not sure why I'm gaining and not losing, but it certainly is frustrating. It is more encouraging and motivating when you see the scale move. I have tried to tell my doctors for years I feel like something is wrong with me and they tested my thyroid etc, but everything seems to be okay. I fill up more than half my plate with salad for dinner and eat salad for lunch too -- egg whites for breakfast and smaller portions on the dinner I make for the family. Even if I snack on something like cheezits I put them in a small bowl so it is one serving versus eating out of the bag.
  • i know your eating enough
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Sometimes the scale will not show weight loss, but you could be building muscle. I would suggest ckecking your measurements and check every few weeks. Another indicator might be your clothes. Also, how much are you trying to lose? If you are closer to your goal weight it gets more difficult to lose.

    After checking your profile, it looks like you are close to your goal weight. It will take time... The closer I get to my goal weight the harder it is for me to lose...but I have another 30lbs+ to lose...
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    The answer to this is always MORE TIME. 3 weeks isn't enough time to give your efforts before declaring they aren't working. I've only tried to lose weight twice in my life and both times it was 6 MONTHS before I dropped a pound. And then it started to come off regularly and quickly. Do the right things for a long enough time and your body WILL start to move in the direction you want.
  • Most people say that a radical change in your diet and exercise routine for a couple of days helps to break a plateau. I suggest eating more and exercising more, or some people swear to eating less and doing no exercise but I wouldn't suggest that.
  • jakedner
    jakedner Posts: 186 Member
    I am in the same boat. My scale has been steady for the last 6 weeks. AT least I'm not gaining....

    Things are finally slowing down at work so that I can fit in a few trips to the gym and not rely only on my 3 mile lunch hour walks. I am also increasing my calorie target so I have more fuel to workout.

    In the past, I have had to use body fat testing and measurements to track my progress.

    Maybe you need to tweak your diet or exercise a little.

    Hang in there and keep up the great work and you will be rewarded for it!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You say you started eating better and exercising...that can make some difference, but really the question is, are you at a caloric deficit? Are you logging everything? Are you weighing and measuring your food to come to the right serving sizes? When I first started out on my little journey all I did was started to eat better and cut out sodas and stuff like that...I dropped a few pounds just because my caloric intake had decreased...but I was still much closer to a maintenance level of calories than a true deficit.
  • lowpro1983
    lowpro1983 Posts: 305 Member
    Be patient - and also make sure that you are logging accurately. Log everything you eat, good or bad. Exercise. Drink water. Don't give up - keep going!
  • Sandahlxx
    Sandahlxx Posts: 28 Member
    Weight: 147
    Calorie intake: 1200-1400
    Exercise: turbofire six time a week
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Weight: 147
    Calorie intake: 1200-1400
    Exercise: turbofire six time a week

    You may be eating under your BMR, do you know what it is? Is that net calories?
  • barebon
    barebon Posts: 80 Member
    I just bought the fit bit and it integrates into this app. It pushes me to walk more in a day and warns me when i am getting close to my calorie limit.I haven't been doing it for long, but it helps you to set reasonable goals while still eating what you like but more in proportions. Just stick with healthy alternatives and that helps out a lot as well. I have also been watching the biggest loser reruns on Hulu and the trainers are constantly giving really good tips as well! I've got tons more meal options from simply watching that show.
  • barebon
    barebon Posts: 80 Member
    I just had the same problem for a week! I was under eating. The last couple days I ate terrible and went back to the routine and dropped 1.4 pounds! Try it! :)
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I had this exact same problem for about a month and I realised it was because I had begun a 1200 calorie diet, I had stopped exercising as much because prior to that I had just exercised and lost weight.
    So I began exercising again, giving myself a net calorie intake of 1200 instead of flat out 1200, logging my walking, etc. and I have begun to lose again. Sometimes, you just need to adjust what you are doing or take it up a notch :)