So Hungry All Day!

I have changed my routine to doing my workout in the morning instead of evening so that I don't miss out on my family time at night anymore. I'm now finding that I feel so hungry all day and I am having a hard time staying under or at my calorie goal.
Any tips?


  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    What's your calorie goal? are you eating enough?
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    What's your calorie goal? are you eating enough?

    This was my first question.

    Are you eating your exercise calories, too?
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I am with them. Without knowing what and how much you are eating, we can't really help.
  • gabegrammy
    gabegrammy Posts: 147 Member
    I heard this on the Today Show. it's the apple test, If you are truely hungry you will eat a apple. If you just want to eat something, then you aren't hungry. I eat an apple everyday around 7 pm. cause I work till 10ish pm (at an Italian restaurant ) and Sometimes I can't wait to get home and eat dinner. And I will eat the wrong food at work.
    Hope this helps,
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    Make sure youre eating enough and drinking enough water. :)
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Make sure you're eating enough, and healthy calories. You shouldn't have to be so hungry!
  • whitbendel
    lean protein always helps me stay fuller longer. I have the same problem so I workout after work but I would reccomend greek yogurt, eggs and turkey sausage. Something that will keep you fuller...longer.
  • hmomomo
    hmomomo Posts: 15 Member
    I know what that feels like!!! A few tips I like to use to keep hunger at bay when it strikes at unusual times:

    - drink lots of water. Have a glass when you're hungry, then have a snack
    - snack on fruit, rather than crackers/cheese etc (which is what I was doing!!) and you can eat loads of it without worrying too much about overdoing it on your calories
    - foods like porridge (or oatmeal) can really help, as they release energy slowly throughout the day

    A lot of it though is finding a balance and a rhythm that works for you. Don't be too hard on yourself. Once you've eaten healthily for a few days, the cravings for chocolatey, stodgy food tends to subside, and you'll find yourself automatically going for the healthier, lower calorie option, without even thinking about it!!

    good luck, and I hope this helps
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    I had this happen when I switched to mornings too. I am eating enough (and eating back my exercise calorie) but I'm still struggling. I find that if I drink more water or throw some gum in my mouth the feeling of "hunger" usually goes away.
  • Linda916
    Linda916 Posts: 124 Member
    If you choose vegetables and fruits to snack on thru the day then you should be okay. Try cutting up assorted veggies and put them in a ziploc so you can grab a handful at a time. Or a piece of fruit, like the apple in the other comment. I try to drink some tea or water with some fruit\mint in it when I am hungry between meals. Sometimes a string cheese and a fiber cracker do it for me.

    (dont get me wrong- sometimes i just want to run to Taco Bell and screw the whole thing! but those splurges can't come until I get down to my goal weight. Even then, I will still have to remember to make healthy choices and count my calories.)

    Personally, I find that I am completely ravenous for about 3-4 days every month (if you know what I mean!). During that time, it can be a real struggle and very uncomfortable! My internal monologue is my brain arguing with my stomach. In fact, it's happening right now! lol!

    Don't be too hard on yourself. Just make healthy choices and you will be just fine!
  • PinkLinda
    PinkLinda Posts: 16 Member
    if hungry.... ADD more lean proteins. I found that as I gave up bread/pasta/pizza/beer for a month -- no cheating -- I was hungry w/o the filler i had. so I added more lean proteins. The person who told you have an apple at 7pm....sorry but you can't have sugar that late in the day. what is better in evening is have hot tea.....or make a protein snack that you keep in freezer that you can have one piece. i might on occasion have plain airpopped popcorn with my plain green tea with lemon.

    more lean proteins has helped. plus lots of water. watch the sugars as well - and don't add the fake sugars.

    i prefer to excercise first thing in 5am I am up ... quick 1/2 banana or i make a small veggie drink water.

    are you eating enough.

    sometimes meeting with a nutrition person (not someone who sells the supplement crap) they can help you with what you need to eat nutritionally
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    The person who told you have an apple at 7pm....sorry but you can't have sugar that late in the day.

    I challenge this. Apples are also an excellent source of fiber to keep you full. Add some PB and there are healthy fats and protein ( I had an apple with PB2 just last night after my dinner of egg whites and broccoli left me feeling unsatisfied).

    Natural sugars are better and different than refined sugars. If you're up against an apple or a brownie, apple is a healthier choice.
  • ForMyAngelBaby
    ForMyAngelBaby Posts: 123 Member
    lean protein always helps me stay fuller longer. I have the same problem so I workout after work but I would reccomend greek yogurt, eggs and turkey sausage. Something that will keep you fuller...longer.

    I've found that lean proteins are essential to my success in weight loss, especially after a morning work out. Try to incorporate these proteins into each meal as much as you can. You may also want to try smaller meals with light snacks in between so you are constantly fueling your body without over-eating.

    I also wonder if you are hungry or if you think you are hungry? When I switched from eating all the time to not eating - I felt like I was always hungry, even after eating a meal! I realized that it was my mind thinking I was hungry because it was so used to me eating. Over time that goes away, but you have to tell yourself - I can't be hungry and soon your mind will follow.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    The person who told you have an apple at 7pm....sorry but you can't have sugar that late in the day.

    I challenge this. Apples are also an excellent source of fiber to keep you full. Add some PB and there are healthy fats and protein ( I had an apple with PB2 just last night after my dinner of egg whites and broccoli left me feeling unsatisfied).

    Natural sugars are better and different than refined sugars. If you're up against an apple or a brownie, apple is a healthier choice.

    Not to mention, for that poster, they still had three hours until the end of their shift and dinner!
  • dwood1976
    dwood1976 Posts: 12 Member
    My calorie goal is 1380. I try to exercise daily and yes, I eat my calories back.
    I try to eat healthy snacks such as cucumber, apples, kiwis, yogurt, bananas. Sometimes I will eat stuff I shouldn't, but not often.
    I just find that no matter how much I eat, I feel hungry. It wasn't like this when I was working out in the evening.
    Should I cut out bread? I only eat 2 pieces a day on my sandwich at lunch time.
    I am currently doing the Jillian Michaels Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout
  • dwood1976
    dwood1976 Posts: 12 Member
    I never used to eat all the time, except when I was pregnant, lol.
    It actually kind of reminds me of when I was pregnant, lol. I'm definitely NOT!
  • dwood1976
    dwood1976 Posts: 12 Member
    Some examples of lean protein snacks and meals please?
  • dwood1976
    dwood1976 Posts: 12 Member
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I've been following this plan, more or less. There are some good ideas for high protein, low carb snacks as well as great recipes.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    If you're eating 1380 calories, you may want to consider eating more. Especially if you are exercising daily. You don't have a whole lot of weight to lose, so if you are aiming for a 2 pound loss each week, you might end up hungry and frustrated.

    You can figure out what numbers work for you, I don't want to start a eat more/eat less debate on your thread.

    Carbs aren't evil, sugar isn't evil.

    Get some protein or fibre in with each meal and snack. Some good ones:
    Carrots and hummus
    Apple and peanut butter
    Cottage cheese