Sick and tired of being SICK!!

So I had a cold about 2 weeks ago just a slight cough and nasal conjestion I took some Mucinex and felt fine all last week. Then on Friday after I was done exercising I felt that my cold started to return I had nasal conjestion and then some what of a dry and wet cough. So I called my doctor on Monday and he gave me a z-pack., I havn't worked out at all this week, because I thought it might be a good idea to rest. NOT THAT I AM feeling that bad but who wants to go to the gym with a cough and runny nose. So I am feeling rather bummed and I hope to continue on Monday with my workout. But I havn't really felt that much refleif with the Z-PACK i feel like its getting all the mucus out but I still have some nasal congestion and a little bit of a wet cough. This is my fourth day on antibotics and tomorrow will be my last day so hopefully they will kick in. I just really want to go to the gym and I am tired of being sick.