Anyone else have this problem?

amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I feel bad about this and could never tell my fiance because it would hurt his feelings. But as I have lost weight, he has unfortunately gained weight. I think he is at his heaviest right now. I've tried to get him to work out with me but he doesn't want to. I cook fairly healthy but it's his lunch and snacks that do him in. I know nothing will work for him until HE really wants it to.

But my problem is discomfort when sleeping next to him. He has been laid off this winter so he goes to bed much later than me. Last night we went to bed at the same time for the first time in a while, and I was SO aware of how much his weight jacks up my side of the mattress. Its makes it really firm and I kind of feel like I am sleeping on a hill. Getting a new mattress is out of the question since we just bought this last year. I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem since the gap between your weight and your significant other's weight has widened?


  • jpmoore57
    jpmoore57 Posts: 3 Member
    I don't have that problem but I can say that If I were he, I would want to know that this is making you uncomfortable.
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    I can relate to how you feel and what you're going through. My husband is really, really heavy right now and when I'm already in bed and he gets in, the whole bed shifts. I try to cook healthy since I'm still trying to lose a few more pounds, but like you said, it's his lunches and whatever else he eats at work that are not good. We recently bought a treadmill which we keep in our garage, and I try to remind him that he should be using it, but he always seems to have an excuse. I know that only HE can make the decision to lose and exercise, so I do what I can to cook healthy meals and have healthy snacks in the house. His weight is also affecting our physical relationship and making things a little difficult (sorry if that's too personal to post). I don't know if you've come across that problem yet. So as you can see, I can totally relate to what you're going through right now.
  • Shuutnstar
    Shuutnstar Posts: 46 Member
    I am with you! My FI is getting heavier and heavier and nothing I do is helping him. He has to make the choice on his own... But I think you should address it... Ask him if he can get into bed before you or something because when he gets in it is bumping you around alot...

    In a related story... my mother and my step father had such a weight discrepancy (he kept getting fatter and she lost so much weight because of cancer) that he actually bounced her out of bed one night because he hopped on the water bed so hard it threw her off the bed! So... maybe use that as a shock tactic and tell him that you are concerned for his health and you want to help him get healthier and happier!

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