A bad six days

Hi everyone,

I just had to come on here and explain my last six days because maybe it will make me feel more accountable, but the past six days I have just blown it and I need some motivation to get back at it today with my eating right and excersize. Why is it always so hard to get back on the saddle? Since last tuesday, I have not been counting my calories, Ive been eating and drinking (St. Patricks Day) in excess and of course not excersizing at all- unless you count sleeping on the couch. So my question is what kinds of things do you do to get going again???? I could really use some encouragement as to how to feel better. I know its my fault for gorging myself this past week, but I cannot change that now. I am scared of getting on the scale b.c I was having such nice progress but now feel like I blew it. What can I do to get over this guilty hump and self loathing??? To top it off the house is a disaster and I need to work all day. Thanks for letting me vent!!!! :):):):flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :smile:


  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I know all about self loathing and feeling sorry for myself and feeling discouraged--I have been struggling for over 9 years, but bottom line you just have to shake it off and move forward.

    If you continue to think about how bad you're feeling you will stay disgusted. Just keeping saying to yourself, "Today is a new day, yesterday is gone...I will make the right choice right now!"

    Go ahead you can do it!

    The intensity of your desire to get healthy and fit has has to become greater than your desire to make unhealthy choices.
  • thenebean9
    thenebean9 Posts: 216
    what's done is done - don't let it get you down. everyone has bad days! just let that motivate you to work harder this week to make up for it! If you have friends to go for a walk with, or who wanna hit the gym with you - it definitely helps! don't think about what happened last week, think about all the great things you'll do this week!

    good luck! :)
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    I think all of us have a bad week where we don't track calories and don't exercise. I usually exercise first thing in the morning, but last week I did not get up early (I try to blame it on Daylight savings time change but that is just my excuse). I also had a corned beef and cabbage dinner twice last week.

    Just put it behind you since today is a new day and this week is a new week. Focus on your goals and just take one day at a time.
  • Tamiash
    Tamiash Posts: 106 Member
    I think becaue YOU recoginze it. that is indeed the beginning. YOU know you messed up so now it's up to YOU to get back on. To help modivate yourself, look out the next few weeks and see YOURSELF what you will look like. Being in your skinny jeans, having more energy, feeling good about yourself would be enough to hop back on. I'd prob go ahead and weigh myself tho. I would know what happens when I go off track. I would see it!!! That might help you get back on board. I always try to tell myself that eating off base makes me have to exercise/run that much MORE to burn the calories. That makes me at times not eat it!!!! Good luck to you, i know you can do it... You already know you messed up so that is the beginning to making a second choice!!!! Have a great day! One day at a time!
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Can u possibly go and get a protein drink for some extra energy? I swear, about an hour after I drink a protein drink with yogurt, protein powder, milk and some fruit, I feel a bunch of energy so I can do some walking.

    Try it.

    And congratulations for admitting your mistake and trying to get back on track. Thats just awesome imo.
  • Lady_C_the_1st
    I hate days like that when you just cannot motivate yourself to do anything, I find that the less I think about how little I want to go to the more likely I am to go. If you sit and think about how much you don't want to go and be active then that mindset will be much easier to get into and stick with. If you just get up and go, you will hopefully find that you feel loads better for having been active.

    Put the last 6 days behind you but try and learn from it. Maybe skip the weigh in for a couple of days if you think that it will not help motivate you and try and eat right over the week, hopefully the scales will have moved by then.

    Try and think about what you want to achieve in the long term and mentally listing ways that you will do that. It is not by eating too much and moving too little.

    Good luck. xxx
  • cheermom614
    Hey we all need to vent sometimes and we all have those times when we lock our healthy lifestyle in the closet and let loose. I had one of those times this past weekend! You have acknowledged that you had a few bad food days. Now don't let it take over and give up. A few bad days isn't going to ruin a lifetime of heatlhy eating and exercise. Take a walk, do a video, just get up and workout. You'll feel so much better once you do and it will carry you the rest of the day. Make good food choices too!
  • MrBinkerton
    MrBinkerton Posts: 109
    Thank you all very much for your words. They have really helped pick me up- Your all right in saying today is a new day and I can start fresh and make good choices. I will eat healthy today and work out after work. I will also try to stop being so hard on myself. Thanks again everyone and I hope you have a good day!!!