The Howard Stern Show



  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    he's different now than he was on terrestial radio. Personally, I think he became a MUCH better interviewer on satteltite. He gets people to really open up on the air in a way i have never seen any other interviewer do. Only time he bores me is when he goes on about AGT for too long. but ive been listening forever and am a HUGE fan!
  • he's different now than he was on terrestial radio. Personally, I think he became a MUCH better interviewer on satteltite. He gets people to really open up on the air in a way i have never seen any other interviewer do. Only time he bores me is when he goes on about AGT for too long. but ive been listening forever and am a HUGE fan!

    Me too.

    I have always thought that I could beat someone in show trivia.
    I seem to know too much about the show.

    hello hello.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    I am torn here because I think if most people got satellite they would love it. I pay less than $100 a year for it in my car and online, which includes the app for my phone, and I love it.

    There is so much content beyond Howard that I can't even listen to regular radio anymore it just drives me nuts. The constant commercials and the yuck yucks.

    He has had his own problems with the company though and my hope is that he considers charging for just a monthly fee or something with access to the show. Something where maybe even we would be able to download.

    i pretty much just podcast everything..from radio shows that i like to actual podcasts.

    i do miss his interviews though. the rest of his show? not so much.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Was a huge fan years ago, listened on a daily basis.....then it became a few times a week then the satellite radio switch and I stopped listening altogether.
    I used to watch the original Howard Stern show, not the radio show...the one from the early 90's. That was some funny chit.
  • satch45
    satch45 Posts: 126 Member
    "O-Qua Tangin Wann"

    This is the coming of Tan ....aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh, and things of this nature!

    -Riley Martin
  • "O-Qua Tangin Wann"

    This is the coming of Tan ....aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh, and things of this nature!

    -Riley Martin

    this made me laugh.
  • davidpearly
    davidpearly Posts: 177 Member
    sorry buddy I'm an O&A fan
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    "Shut up, sit down!" Love hearing old audio from his dad when he was a child.
  • "Shut up, sit down!" Love hearing old audio from his dad when he was a child.

    "I told you not to be stupid you moron!".

  • satch45
    satch45 Posts: 126 Member
    "Proper Modulation"
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    "Shut up, sit down!" Love hearing old audio from his dad when he was a child.

    "I told you not to be stupid you moron!".


    Hahaa... "D--chebag says what??"
  • What I love is when Fred just knows the exact moment to play the exact clip that will make you laugh your a## off.

    Most would think that is very easy to do, but I would bet it is pretty hard.

    ACK! ACK!
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    Fred is a genious... I love "Win Fred's Money".
  • Fred is a genious... I love "Win Fred's Money".

    And beat the booey!

    One of my favorite clips of all though, not sure if you will be able to tell when I describe this, is Robin being interviewed by Barabra Walters and some other guy, and she tells them that who she is on the radio is just a character and an act.
    You can tell that they play it to piss her off and its hilarious.
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    I like howard...but i prefer the opie and anthony show
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