Starting to get off track... HELP! :( :(

epond Posts: 30
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey Everyone

Okay... so here I am... starting to get off track and trying my hardest not to let it get the better of me. :noway:

My journey started in January 2010. I began working with a personal trainer once a week and I work out 5 times on my own (combo of cardio and strength). I have lost 11 lbs so far and although I am enjoying the changes I am starting to get off track. I am not holding my self as accountable asI should be. My calorie in take is 1300 - and I am starting to not be "honest"..cheating.. ugh!!!!!!!!!! This weekend was a COMPLETE write off! huge BBQ, and ice cream..yeah, did I say ice cream??? (my weakness!!!!)

I have hit this roadblock in previous years and REALLY do not want to fail. Why am I like this all of the sudden? it's like I have lost motivation or something. :sad:

Anyways, just wondering if anyone else has felt this way before? any words of wisdom?


Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • I am the same way! The second I start enjoying my accomplishments, i start to fall off the wagon a bit.... I have to come to realize that i have to stay the course ALL THE TIME because my body needs that umph to keep losing more weight! I do cheat now and then, and I totally have my moments of weakness, but I have to keep kicking it up a notch to keep seeing progress! Hang in there. RE-evaluate your goals, and set your sight on the prize!!! You can do it!!
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Oh ice cream is my weakness also. Hagen Dazs, strawberry. My husband bought me a pint of it for my birthday yesterday, but the funny thing is he also bought me a treadmill!! What does this mean?

    I was thinking about eating the ice cream while I walked on the treadmill, but I'm not that coordinated and I'd probably fall on my butt.
    Or, I could tie the ice cream on a string just in front of the treadmill and keep walking towards!

    But seriously DONT GIVE UP!
    So what if you had a "lost weekend"!
    It happens to the best. Just hop back on track and start the week fresh.
    You can do this.
    Good luck to you.
  • tdh302
    tdh302 Posts: 57 Member
    I know what helps me stay motivated and "on track" is not getting into a food rut. Every few weeks I re-assess the foods that I eat most often. If there are foods that I consistently eat, then I purposely cut down on them and substitute new items. For example, if I find that I eat steamed broccoli daily or even 4 times a week, I put it aside and switch to carrot/cauliflower medley or summer squash. If I'm eating chicken 4 or 5 times a week, I switch to fish. I also look at breakfasts - too many days of fruit and yogurt, then I'll have oatmeal and egg whites.
    Even trying new salad dressings and "snacks" really help me begin the week with a new approach. I also don't deprive myself of one day a week where I eat a meal that I really enjoy even if it exceeds my calories goal for the day. Some call it a cheat meal, I don't call it anything - it just keeps me from craving certain meals and desserts, I lost 14 pounds three years ago and have maintained that loss with out any trouble at all- I just feel better at my current weight and that keeps me motivated. Best wishes to you!
  • IT'S OK!!!!!! really!! but if you know you are the type of person (like me) who cant just have one bad day and start over...try not to have that bad day. and if you do, maybe you can just allow yourself to have that bad!! once a week maybe you can eat "crap". if you want ice cream ok!! but how about just a cone from mcdonalds?? those arent SUPER high in cals and are good, that will help your ice cream fix....things like that. this past weekend i binged!!! but i logged it and was like WOW, i used to eat like this ALL THE TIME????? whoa!!

    for me, when i WANT to eat fast food, i'm just going to stick with a kids meal NOT a super sized adult mean haha. that way i get that food i crave but in a better way. no its not healthy but eating a little helps me stay on track then its ok in my eyes. and i know i'm going to eat that once in a while (more at first) so its ok...i then dont feel like i cheated and i know i snow ball into the dark side !!
  • txcwgirl
    txcwgirl Posts: 127 Member
    Wow you sound like I have been feeling this last week.

    I had to sit down and ask myself do I want to continue to wear clothes that are huge, shop in the "big" sections. I decided no I didn't I want back into those size 8 pants int he back of my closet.

    So I am back to tracking EVERYTHING, this makes me eat less in the long run and choose heatlhier foods to fill me up.

    Good luck and remember that no matter how bad you did today you can correct it. Just jump back up on that wagon and keep at it.
  • mrayniak
    mrayniak Posts: 38
    Just think about how hard you have worked to get to were you are and how hard it would be if you had to start back at the begining. But don't feel too bad - you have to let yourself have some yummy treats or you'll just feel deprived all the time - just watch portion sizes.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    A lot of times a change in season will trigger you to go to what you're accustomed to during that season. So, if in the spring you're used to having BBQ and ice cream, you will naturally want to go to that. Stay focused through the season change, or any "period" changes that usually trigger different food habits for you. Once you can get through an entire year of changing your habits through all seasons and special events, it becomes a lot easier...
  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member
    Good morning.

    I know all too well what you mean and this was exactly my problem until very recently.

    I'm not an expert at that one but please consider the following. You need to look at your relationship with food. One thing that has worked for me is to ask myself when I really think I want something "Is it really worth it ?" as I know very well it's going to prevent weight loss that week. If the answer is yes, then I go for it with moderation and then I go back to being careful the meal after. If the answer is "no", then I made my choice and i'm usually happy after that. Also if you like ice cream, have you considered the version with less fat if you think no will be too hard ?

    What I have been doing for me is to allow myself my favorite food once a week and in a very raisonable and specific portion and not more than that. This way I had the feeling that I was still able to get it, but it wasn't enough to jeopardize my weight loss.

    Good luck and I know you can do it. You've recognized the problem already which is half of the battle and you are willing to do something about it :) All the best
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Just remember that each day is another day to start again. so, if you have been slipping and don't want to...change it tomorrow, or your next meal. You can do this. Just remind yourself how you look and feel when your not taking care of yourself.
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