Need support!

So my family suggested I get into this site because I'm getting desperate. I'm super unhealthy and am experiencing health issues that one should not experience when they're 21. My short term goal is to start losing weight while getting in shape and eating healthier. My long term goal is to lose about 105 pounds because I am THAT overweight. I've been counting calories and trying to be more active and I've been at it only for a month but I'm starting to get discouraged because I'm still gaining weight! Anyone have any suggestions to start things off slowly to get the process going? Also some friends to help support and motivate me would be great! :wink:


  • Hi, mcgregka08! Good for you for deciding to get healthy! It's not easy, but you are on your way. Some basics to keep in mind: You have a goal: To lose 105 lbs! Thats great. You're developing a plan. That's awesome, because a goal WITHOUT a plan is just a wish. Part of your plan includes logging EVERY THING YOU EAT OR DRINK on Even sugar free gum has calories. Here are some healthy guidelines you may want to consider: Drink 6 - 8 glasses of water every day. Every day. One glass before each meal helps curb appitite. Have at least 5 servings of fruits or vegetables each day, every day. Don't drink your calories (i.e. an orange, not orange juice; yogurt, not milk, etc.). Plan every day's meals the night before. Write it down, prepare it. Prepare for what your next day will bring. For example: Going out to lunch tomorrow? Eat a healthy meal BEFORE you go. It will stop the craving for something unhealthy, and you can have a baked potato or a salad with fat free dressing instead. Has this helped? I hope so. Many blessings to you on your journey!
  • I'm new and looking for some motivational friends as well. I am sending a friend request ASAP!
  • Feel free to add me, I am always there with a kind word and a helping hand when needed.
  • xXWhisperaXx
    xXWhisperaXx Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the feedback. Since I started tracking calories I've been much more aware of what I eat. I used to not eat many fruits and veggies but I'm working hard to incorporate more into my diet. Furthermore, the thing I notice the most is that I consistently go over on my sodium. I'm trying so hard to prepare things that are low in sodium- I never add salt when I cook or when I eat.
  • I always go over in my sodium too and I never add salt to my food or eat many processed foods.
    Just keep at it...load up on veggies and fruit and lean proteins. And drink lots of water!
  • I sent you a friend request :flowerforyou: Best of luck on your journey!
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    Lots of excellent support on here! Feel free to add me!
  • The best way to control your sodium intake is to prepare all meals yourself. Packaged food's are loaded with sodium. When at the grocery store I shop mostly on the outskirt's where the fresh food's are. Watch your portion's and limit or cut out white food's ( ex. white bread, white rice, things with bleached flour etc.etc.)Read the nutrition label's even if something claim's to be lower in sodium (like ham or canned soup) one or two serving's can put you over your daily recommended intake. Incorporate a little exercise in to your day and the pounds will start falling off. Good luck to you in your journey.
  • freenaa
    freenaa Posts: 9 Member
    Congrats on your decision to get healthy! One thing I've started recently is to allow my friends to see my diary. They can see when I had a bad day (like when i ate three packs of 100-calorie snacks) :noway: It helps with accountability and they can give me motivation along the way. Good luck and I'll send you a friend request also.
  • Sent a request, anyone else feel free to add me, been at this a month and the more the merrier :)
  • Just Sent you a friend request, congrats on your decision. Try to drink more water, or if your like me and hate water, crystal Lite, and move a little more, you can do this!!!!!
  • rjk1503
    rjk1503 Posts: 19 Member
    Start a small goal... 105 is a long ways off.. unfortunately!
    Tell yourself you'll treat yourself to a manicure or new makeup or something when you've reached 5 pounds.
    What's one thing you can cut out this week? is it a bed time snack or a mid-afternoon snack?
    What's one thing you can replace throughout the day with grapes or an orange instead?
    take small, baby steps to avoid overwhelming yourself.
    You can do this! Good Luck!
    add me if you like :)
  • Good for you! You are taking steps to make changes and that is where it has to start. My advice is that your measuring spoon and measuring cups are your best friends. It is so so easy to go over by just eye-balling vs. measuring, or from using heaping measurements .. for ex, if you think you measured out a cup of a food, but really what you used was 2 heaping (vs level) 1/2 cup measures then in reality you are way over a cup. Good luck .. I'm new too and there is a learning curve for sure, but you will get lots of great advice and support here.
  • . My road seems so long, but I'm off to a good start.I am a "people-person" and would be happy to help and encourage anyone who needs it I have been going to the Y every day since Jan.21st. When I started I had to MAKE myself go, but now I WANT to go. I have learned it's good to sweat (lol not a prob for me) and the difference between ache and hurt. I do 30 minutes of cycle and 30 of stairs, and then alternate days of upper body strength training and lower body. I was a sofa jockey until the 21st. I have about 85 pounds to lose, and that number sounds overwhelming! Trying to cut back on portions and eliminate sugar totally. Married, just my husband and me now, and he is thin and fit and can eat a ton. I love to cook for him but love to eat too, so food is a battle. I need reinforcements!! LOL HELP! :flowerforyou:
  • You ARE going to DO this...start by working on the mind-set. You are going to get healthy, feel great, and look slimmer (not skinny)...because you want this. You want it so badly. More than anything else in this world. You want to look in the mirror and see this beautiful face of yours attached to a slimmer and healthy,fit body. And my sweet new friend, say this every day and night to yourself. You can set little rewards for yourself if you need to (not food rewards but pampering things...bubble bath, get your nails done, a neck and shoulder massage by your mom...whatever) every time during your first week that you overcome a hurdle. For ME it was going to work out. I DREADED this...I was so self-concious, and dreaded feeling sweaty and achey. Ridiculous, huh? But I downloaded my favorit music from Will I Am to Lady Antebellum, all with a great beat, and a few motivational ones (I Got ItFrom My Mama by Will I Am is a great one) and I started MOVING...and SWEATING...and i kept it up for 20 minutes on the stairs and 20 minutes on the bike. I had to MAKE myself...and now this week I am up to 30 and 30 and I look FORWARD to it! Go figure. Please know we are all here for you. We have felt the same feelings you are feeling. And we all will be SO glad to cheer you thru this. So go get your "ba donk-ba donk" on and record every sustained exercise on here...every day. YOU CAN DO THIS! :bigsmile:
  • Move...go do Move for the next 20 minutes without sitting down...You CAN do this... If I can you can. My muscles are somewhere in between wet noodles and a twizzler. I will do it with you right now. I am fixing dinner but I will turn on my ipod and do it! Come onnnnn....
  • StellaHarmon
    StellaHarmon Posts: 34 Member
    welcome :happy: Would love to be your friend and support you on your journey. This site is great! You can do it!!
  • missmadejavu
    missmadejavu Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 23, and need to lose weight for similar reasons. I am about 130 over what I should weigh, my short term goal is to lose 10lbs by the end of March, I haven't started working out yet but I am logging my food and I am eating healthy. My health issues are the reason I need to lose weight because they are causing my quality of life to be poor. I'll be sending you a friend request, good luck in your journey.
  • Kauaiartist
    Kauaiartist Posts: 86 Member
    Always glad to be a friend! Sounds like you are off to a good start - just signing on to is great - the little hurrays from others on the sight are so helpful to keep motivation up - as are checking in with others who are dealing with same issues - it's a journey that takes time - but my best advice is be accountable by tracking your food/calories each and every day - don't miss - it really makes a difference for me - and for sure add some exercise in to your week - even if you start out slow - water is your friend - drink lots - try mineral water in a pretty glass - if you follow your plan - the weight will come off - please feel free to add me as a friend! Aloha from the Garden Island of Kauai :flowerforyou: