shouldnt i be hungrier?

i am on the 1200 cal plan. for some reason, i am never hungry. i was the first 2 days but havent felt a hunger pang since. according to the calorie totals i am at or below the mark, but i just cant believe i am never hungry. i feel like i must not be maximizing my weight loss when i feel normal all the time. any one else feel like that?


  • made2wonder
    made2wonder Posts: 69 Member
    If you're eating good food without a lot of simple carbs, sugars, or fat, it's not unusual to not be hungry. Of course, that may change in time, so enjoy it now.
  • Tetonia
    Tetonia Posts: 79 Member
    Your body just gets used to the new food routine, that is why you don't feel hungry any more. If you increased your calories for a while and then went back down, you would likely feel hungry for a few days again while you readjust. Another thing that may trigger hunger is if you work out hard and burn a lot of calories in the day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    In conjunction with eating at a deficit, I also changed a lot about the way I eat. I eat a lot more whole foods, veg, fruit...and tons of protein and healthy fats these days. When I was eating at a deficit and eating junk, I was always hungry...eating the way I am now, I am rarely hungry. Really, it shouldn't need to be painful with hunger pangs and the like.

    Alternatively, if your deficit is too big, you metabolism will slow and your body will also increase leptin levels sending signals to your brain that you are full. this is why many malnourished individuals never complain about being hungry. If you're netting to 1,200 regularly and eating a nutritious diet, you're probably ok...if you're routinely going under 1,200, your metabolism may be slowing and your leptin levels rising.