Earned calories from exercise

aepdx Posts: 218 Member
I have a 1290 calorie daily allowance. I find it hard to get that many calories in because I get so worried about going over, so I always end up under… and I am usually pretty hungry all day. Anyway, when I exercise it says that I earn, for instance, 300 extra calories for the day. Is this true? Can I really eat 300 extra calories or is that being glutinous and I should stick with my 1290? I would really like to lose weight! Thanks for your advice.


  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Eat them. 1600 cal doesn't even register on the gluttony scale. Mfp builds a deficit already in that 1290-you don't need to be at a bigger deficit. Eat until it says 0 calories remaining and you're good.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Your profile mentions depression - it is especially important that you get enough calories by eating back your exercise. Going under can lead to listlessness and other symptoms that mimic depression.

    Are you eating nuts or other healthy fats? People tend to try to cut out fat, then wonder why they aren't getting enough calories.
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    Thank you! :)
  • I am at 1200 and work out on a regular basis, usually end up under 1200 due to the exercise but I am not hungry, I guess I'll have to force feed myself to eat back up to at least 1200.

    I just wonder how accurate the calories burned per exercise are according to MFP. Do you go by MFP or whatever the machine (if you are using a machine) says you burned?
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    You want to make sure you eat enough to fuel your body. I don't eat all my exercise calories but I do try to consume my base calorie amount. Your diary isn't open but if you are hungry all day it could be what you are eating. I find the protien keeps me from getting hungry. I try to have protien every time I eat.
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    I go by what the machine tells me usually, if that is an option. When I do Yoga, Nia, or any other exercise that isn’t on a machine, I go by what MFP says. I am sure there are discrepancies either way.
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    Don't go hungry. You'll slow your metabolism. I lost 26 lbs on 1200 calories and usually ate back all my exercise calories. I now eat 1350 and add exercise calories.
  • I go by what the machine tells me usually, if that is an option. When I do Yoga, Nia, or any other exercise that isn’t on a machine, I go by what MFP says. I am sure there are discrepancies either way.

    Same here, i was just curious. Thanks.
  • amberlynnsinspired
    amberlynnsinspired Posts: 438 Member
    I don't eat them, ever! It just is not worth it. If I worked out, burnt 500 calories and then went and ate 500 calories worth of food, I would think I would have just spent an hour working out for no reason. You will lose weight if you ate them, yeah but you will lose faster if you don't.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Eat them, and if you consistently have a hard time reaching your calorie goal, plan your day ahead of time so you can add a little bit here and there instead of trying to add a huge amount at the end of the day. Or log your exercise for the next day. Personally, I'm often hungrier the day after a large calorie burn than I am the day of.
    I just wonder how accurate the calories burned per exercise are according to MFP. Do you go by MFP or whatever the machine (if you are using a machine) says you burned?

    It depends on the exercise. The more specific it is, the more likely it is to be at least fairly accurate. The more vague it is, it's going to be as accurate as a broken clock. :laugh: So... something like "Running 6mph (10 minute mile)" will be pretty good. Something like "Elliptical" won't be. How fast? What resistance? I've seen some people go on the elliptical like their *kitten* was on fire, and some that just looked like they were slowly shifting their weight from one foot to the other.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Absolutely eat them, especially if you are already feeling hungry. You might want to consider upping your daily calorie allowance a little bit so you don't feel too deprived!
  • amberlynnsinspired
    amberlynnsinspired Posts: 438 Member
    But if you're hungry, eat them. Never starve yourself. Don't just eat them because they're there though. That would be my problem. That's why I do not log my exercise.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Definitely eat them back and if you have extra calories at the end of the day, fill it up with some mixed nuts or peanut butter. A tiny little handful of nuts has 170 calories. Even if you aren't hungry, you can get your calories in.
  • Definitely eat them back and if you have extra calories at the end of the day, fill it up with some mixed nuts or peanut butter. A tiny little handful of nuts has 170 calories. Even if you aren't hungry, you can get your calories in.

    I am a peanut butter junkie!! Thanks for the tip.
  • Eat them, and if you consistently have a hard time reaching your calorie goal, plan your day ahead of time so you can add a little bit here and there instead of trying to add a huge amount at the end of the day. Or log your exercise for the next day. Personally, I'm often hungrier the day after a large calorie burn than I am the day of.
    I just wonder how accurate the calories burned per exercise are according to MFP. Do you go by MFP or whatever the machine (if you are using a machine) says you burned?

    It depends on the exercise. The more specific it is, the more likely it is to be at least fairly accurate. The more vague it is, it's going to be as accurate as a broken clock. :laugh: So... something like "Running 6mph (10 minute mile)" will be pretty good. Something like "Elliptical" won't be. How fast? What resistance? I've seen some people go on the elliptical like their *kitten* was on fire, and some that just looked like they were slowly shifting their weight from one foot to the other.

    hahah! like their *kitten* is on fire, that's good! I tend to be competitive and if there is a person working hard next to me I'll try to keep up. I wish I could be a runner like some of my girlfriends, it's just boring for me and I get shin splints so I stick to other forms of cardio. I usually take a lot of body sculpting classes or bootcamp type things. Lately I have been doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and logging it as "Circuit Training, General" as suggested by other MFP users.