NIght shift

Does anyone else work night shift and find it hard to do calories. I usually stay under on days I don't work. I do three twelves a week. But on days I work its so hard to not be hungry and to not go over.


  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I work 2nd.
    Does that count or not what you're looking for?
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I don't work night shift, but maybe you could try what some people call zig zagging your calories where you have some high days and some lower days and it averages out. Say your calorie goal is 1600 you could eat 1800 on your night shift days and 1400 on the other days.
  • Purplemom1
    I have always been told it is what you eat in a 24 hour period. Not everyone has an 8 hour job and then goes to the house. Plan your day out......adjust to 3 meals and 2 to 3 snacks in a 24 hour period. Shift work is hard, but it can been done regarding healthy eating and weight loss. You will just have to find what works best for you. Good Luck.
  • sherryn84
    I work 3rd and some nights i just want to eat. I work in a group home so food is always around (most of it is junk food) i have now started bringing 2 24oz bottles of water with me to work and i have my snack bag which is got 1-Atkins snack bar 1- bag of fruit 1- bag of peanuts and some drink mix packets. I make it so that if i want to eat i have no reason to choose something other than what i brought. you can do it! add me as a friend if you want support!
  • TS14fan
    TS14fan Posts: 4 Member
    I work night shift(10pm-6am).I have dinner then a snack(usually some yogurt and fruit) before I go to work.I pack myself a tuna sandwich which I usually eat around 1am or so.I then have some fruit around 4am.I get home around 7am.I then have some breakfast(scrambled eggs or toast and peanut butter).I dont have lunch because I am asleep.I drink alot of water at night and have my gum handy in case I get hungry.I have developed very strong willpower as I work at fast food place so I am not even tempted anymore to eat there.I also find it very easy to stick to my calories and eat them if I pre- log my food for the day so I know where I am for the day.Just my routine now.
  • ctyler150
    ctyler150 Posts: 47 Member
    I think thats a great idea. Thats what I'm working on too! Thanks!
  • hc83
    hc83 Posts: 23
    Dr Joel Fuhrman has amazing soups you can freeze and take to work with you or whatever.. good luck!
  • elatrice89
    elatrice89 Posts: 5 Member
    I work nights (7p-7a), and what I found works best is to actually flip your day around. It took months for me to do this, where I eat "breakfast" right before work, "lunch" around midnight-2a, and then have a snack around 4 or 5. That way, when I get home, I am not sleeping on food I just ate. I'm a nurse, so sometimes it's not that easy, but I also keep a jug of water nearby as often as possible to avoid temptations of food when I'm really just bored. Hope this helps!